Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 588: Full Skill Car

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Night battles in the wild test the psychological endurance of commanders, especially the lack of high-tech equipment, and the fierce fighting of infantry within a few hundred meters, it is a deadly fight. It can be said that no one on both sides of the war had expected that they had encountered hard bones.

When the shell of the large-caliber heavy mortar dropped from the sky, Zhou Qingfeng who stayed in the bank had a little regret. The residential area he occupied and the positions he built were too small, and the enemy's shells landed properly on his head: "Don't worry, we all have repair skills. Give us a few minutes to repair them."

"But I don't have time to accompany you for a few minutes!" Zhang Hong was so guilty that he stood still on the battlefield where the war was rife, and his sense of security was immediately negative.

"Rest assured, I have a keen battlefield intuition, and I know it's safe now." Old Julio, the old god, was here, and all of his crew members were busy and busy.

"I must be crazy." Zhang Hong didn't leave immediately. He also knew that the action team had two assault guns as the pillars of firepower. One less was a big trouble. He could only order his ‘Pan Hard’ to disperse the alert.

But before they completely dispersed, I don't know where a mortar shell came down, and Zhang Hong's car was overturned on the spot.

‘Pan Hard’ is a bit old, and the automatic fire extinguishing device in the car did n’t work. Watching the fire suddenly burst out, Zhang Hong, who was bombarded and stunned, called to death on the spot.

But within a few seconds, the sizzling sound of the fire extinguisher sounded around Zhang Hong, and "Pan Hard", which was about to burst, was okay. Zhang Hong and his crew members were still frightened after being rescued, but Julio proudly said, "The crew members I trained are also proficient in fire fighting."

His own car loss, Zhang Hong's car group can only spread out into other tanks. Zhang Hong himself followed "Big Brother" Julio, watching the other team members really complete the tire change in a few minutes and re-launched the assault gun.

Before being pulled into the car, Zhang Hong asked blankly, "Your car has been hit by several shells, and one of the wheels has been knocked out. Can it still drive after a repair?"

Julio patted his chest and said proudly, "What's so great about this? I'm a tank expert, and I know how to deal with it."

As soon as the captain spoke, the entire crew began to enter bragging mode. The driver said that he would maintain the engine, strengthen the driving, and was very knowledgeable about impact. The gunner said directly that he was a master of artillery, as long as he was targeted, he could give the enemy a fatal blow. The loader said that he could reload, and the more critical it was, the more effective it was.

Finally, the entire car team said in unison: "We are all brothers, and we can play a stronger fighting force together. We are not a rookie like you, we are a full-skilled car team!"

Julio finally waved with a big hand, "Go! Engine, reload the shells, and give a deep lesson to those **** mutants." (To be continued.)

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