Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 764: Lion opening

"Keeping a mutant is almost equivalent to raising ten ordinary people, and 50,000 tons of food is enough for 500,000 people to eat for two or three months."

"The mutants have strong personal combat capabilities, but their brains are a bit problematic. Small troops are okay, but once the battle scale is higher, it is a disaster for the commander."

"If you accept a large number of mutants, I feel that it will have a great impact on our current social system. Those big guys will only fight, or they will do some hard work, and nothing else can be done."

The Butcher, Katerina, Lena and others all expressed doubts about continuing to control more than 30,000 mutant humans. In fact, the liaison team stationed in Washington has been complaining that it is quite difficult to communicate with the mutants.

Listening to the complaints of his peers, Zhou Qingfeng asked back, "How is the search work in Washington?"

"It took less than half a month, and it took half a month even for the most basic cleanup." Lena was very clear about the progress of searching Washington. "But the gains are not small, just the various data of various government agencies. Archives and superhosts are invaluable. "

"So what can we change with these more than 30,000 mutant humans?" Zhou Qingfeng asked again.

"First of all, the population, especially workers with technical skills. The quality of the population in the Caribbean is really bad. The local population in Cuba is pretty good. The migrants in other places really don't understand anything. The most terrible thing is laziness. There is no way to train. "

Li Lina is in charge of the Ministry of the Interior, and often has to go to the grass-roots level to investigate, many situations are annoying. Life is a little better now, and many Latin Americans feel that the disaster has passed.

The Latin American countries did not have a better life before the cataclysm. The people here were originally poor. Now they are paid by the Legion, but they feel that their lives are much better than before. Then ... the lazyness in the bones came out unconsciously.

"Although we have implemented a very harsh and high-pressure policy, some indigenous workers now work poorly or passively. The number of people in this group is quite large, and the situation is spreading very fast like infectious diseases, even with some management. People are also affected.

Many people even feel that as long as they are verbally loyal to the leader of the army, the army will take care of them for a lifetime. "Lina said she was even resentful.

Hard-working, hard-working, resentful, and disciplined and organized workers. This is not something that can be achieved without decades of training. This even reflects social culture, and not everyone in the place is as idle as the Chinese.

Don't look at the population now controlled by the Legion has reached 500,000, but if it can be used like an arm, it will be about 50,000, of which 15,000 are still the compatriots rescued by Zhou Qingfeng.

"We don't necessarily have a highly educated population. We also need a large number of ordinary people who have basic education. But a large number of Hispanics in the Legion cannot meet this minimum standard.

大概 About half of the population controlled by the Legion now belongs to inefficient waste. Latin American countries have always been rotten. This is not without reason. "

I was probably upset about the population problem, and Lina said a lot in one breath. Zhou Qingfeng also agreed to ask the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel for a group of high-quality population, but it will only be known whether they will give it.

As for the large amount of waste now ....

"We feel that we should rank the people in the territory. Different people have different statuses and treatments. They are determined through examinations and work performance." Zhou Qingfeng also felt that people under his hands should be a little motivated and plan a plan as soon as possible. Reasonable ascent channel.

Lina Fox nodded in agreement on behalf of the Home Office.

"What else should we need besides personnel?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"We still urgently need a lot of gasoline and diesel. The capacity of the Havana refinery has reached its limit, but I guess the Brotherhood of Steel itself is lacking."

"The police and the army want drones, a large number of drones, even civilian ones. Although we lost the satellite navigation system, remotely controlled drones can still greatly expand the combat effectiveness of violent * agencies. But this thing The same is everywhere. "

"To be honest, our communications continue to lack security, and it is not convenient at all to rely on radio. We need a complete communications solution that covers the entire city. But I think the world is now suffering from communications problems."

"I don't know if the Brotherhood of Steel is in short supply of grain? If we can, we need 100,000 tons of grain, which can greatly alleviate our current food shortage. But transporting this kind of food is not easy."

"Gold, David Lawrence is definitely not short of gold. We need a hundred tons of gold and two thousand tons of silver. Our currency is going smoothly. Our currency is used throughout the Caribbean and South America, but the mint is short of raw materials. . "

"We are not short of weapons. But we are extremely short of qualified officers and non-commissioned officers. The Chief of Staff of the Legion has complained many times that without qualified officers, the army cannot fight at all. But the Brotherhood of Steel is afraid and will not easily Our officers sent us. "

Cuba is an island country with fairly backward infrastructure. When it comes to this, it is also lacking, it is also lacking, and the gap is too large compared with developed North America. Some things can be obtained by Zhou Qingfeng from the real world, and some are restricted because they cannot be obtained.

The result was that Zhou Qingfeng and others discussed and listed a lot of things that were urgently needed by their side. It was a posture of a lion's big opening. It really killed David Lawrence as a fat sheep. Rachel laughed when she received the exchange list submitted by Zhou Qingfeng the next day.

"Victor Hugo, what do you think we are?" The wife and mother asked in earnest.

Kaizi who was killed!

Zhou Qingfeng looked at a long list of needs listed by others, and he felt embarrassed by touching his nose. "This is what we need, but considering your affordability ~ www.readwn.com ~ we also Provide some goods for normal transactions. "

The items that can be traded by the 'Aurora Corps' are very special. The first thing that catches the eye is medicines, a large number of stockpile medicines obtained from the hands, and some of them were destroyed by Zhou Qingfeng at a very cheap price.

Rachel is very interested in medicine, but she is also interested in another product-the five planes. Zhou Qingfeng felt that he could resell this light transport aircraft to strengthen trade with the Brotherhood of Steel.

There are many amateur pilots in the United States, and they also have many civil aircraft, but there is no market for light transport aircraft because they are not needed at all. But now large passenger and cargo planes are basically unable to fly, and small transports have become very advantageous.

蕾 Even Rachel feels that a light aircraft like Yunwu is very suitable for the current environment of waste soil. In the end, she said that she would submit the list given by Zhou Qingfeng to David Lawrence, and the two sides will inevitably make a mess for this. In a short period of time, this is definitely not the case.

And Zhou Qingfeng is also preparing to rectify the army. "Lina, you mentioned that the situation of negative slack in the army is very serious. The situation that can make you so angry but can't handle it is definitely not ordinary. Who is taking the lead in destroying my establishment? Legion? "

Elina took a deep breath and spit out a name, "Fedro."

"Mirta's husband, the captain of the Cuban brigade Federow?"


The situation is indeed a bit serious. (To be continued.)

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