Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 765: Urgent need for reform

Imagine that Zhou Qingfeng's Caotai team started in Manhattan, New York, and the process was several ups and downs. Every time people gather, they quickly collapse due to some kind of storm. When there were the largest number of people, there were thousands of people, and only about 500 could be left on the Aurora.

A series of lessons told Zhou Qingfeng that more people may not be a good thing. If one's heart is truly powerful, but if one has a lot of thought, the dissolution of a group is only a matter of time. In conducting a revolutionary cause, the most important thing is to unify our thinking. Thinking is not unified, but also a fart!

Zhou Qingfeng has been dealing with the external threats faced by the Legion, and the management of internal affairs has been handed over to Lena Fox. The two cooperated very well, and the development of the legion was extremely fast. But now there is obviously some confusion in the legion that Zhou Qingfeng needs to come forward to solve it.

After listening to Miss Fox's account, Zhou Qingfeng did not go directly to Federow. He first issued an order to a secret camp on the Greater Abaco Island, and then took the light car to the streets alone. He wanted to see for himself what the territory was under his control?

With her goggles, wearing leather clothes, and riding a tricycle, Zhou Qingfeng walked through the streets of Havana. Today, the sun is dimly hanging in the sky, the temperature ratio is indeed much higher than a month ago, and everything in the city is exposed.

The urban construction in Cuba is still at the level of the 1950s and 1960s, and many buildings can be traced back to a century ago. Although the 'Aurora Corps' rebuilt a large part of the urban area after the nuclear bomb attack, the style of the entire city has not changed.

Pedestrians on the road mostly have smiles on their faces and calm pace. Although they are still wrapped in thick cotton coats, they can already appreciate the taste of tropical residents from their expressions. After all, all those who can survive now are lucky, and their lives will only get better and better in the future. Everyone is confident about this.

Free, romantic, free and easy, walking on the stone road that has been 100 years old, watching the streets with different shapes and colorful houses, even Zhou Qingfeng, who is accustomed to the tense spirit, will feel a sense of comfort.

Cuba's industry is poor, relying on the sugar and mining industries, as well as tourism and remittances as the main sources of income. Zhou Qingfeng remembered Lena's tone of Cuba, he didn't understand what kind of country it was, but now he has real feelings.

I plainly say this is a lazy place with petty bosom feelings. Think of Cuban revolutionary leaders such as Che Guevara as a sign of literary youth, and you know that this country is unlikely to have a **** figure like Bismarck.

Hey mother-in-law, Lao Tzu opened the mine in the wrong place!

Imagine that the entire Caribbean and South America are such tropical countries, it is worse to go elsewhere. Cuba has experienced revolutionary baptism. The people here are already hardworking and willing to work, and other countries are more troublesome.

Howling, whine ... Why should I be in America? It's too strong here, too dregs, it's better than Africa, which only knows nothing to hang. If I had to go to the other side of the earth to rule the king long ago, why was it so wronged?

I can only make an appointment ... No! Pick your own place and continue to work anyway!

Zhou Qingfeng rode his motorcycle to leave the city, and then he went to the greenhouse farm in the suburbs. In order to supply hundreds of thousands of people in the city, the Legion expended great manpower and financial resources to build more than 10,000 greenhouses in one breath.

In the densely packed greenhouse, what Zhou Qingfeng saw made him immediately want to kill!

The greenhouses were cold and dark, one by one, and the vegetables planted inside were frozen to death regardless of their growth. The fiery portable boiler that should have been burned was left unattended at all. When I touched the cold hearth, it was stuffed with ash and it seemed that it had never been cleaned.

"The mother-in-law, I worked hard to save more people, and these people just returned me like this?" Zhou Qingfeng walked several rows of greenhouses, and finally found a greenhouse with a fire and a smoke, and as a result When I went in, I found a dozen workers sleeping inside.

These **** * are all over 10 am, the sun is basking, these **** are actually sleeping, and they don't wake up one by one.

The temperature in the greenhouse is very warm. Originally, one light boiler should be installed. Three are installed here. The fire was flourishing, mung beans were still being cooked in a pot, and a light porridge scent was floating in the air. A few workers were talking while they slept.

Laozi worked hard to make mung bean seed!

Lao Tzu wants to kill all of your waste!

This is by no means a day or two, it is not a problem overnight.

Zhou Qingfeng's face was as dark as a layer of pot ash. He stepped out of the greenhouse and continued to look at the agricultural area that supplied the city's needs. He has to figure out how serious this situation is and how extensive it is.

With more than 10,000 greenhouses, one fifth of the cold stoves and cold stoves, the remaining one third of the planting effect is not good, only about half of the greenhouses work well. And this half of the greenhouse has a characteristic, workers have either been engaged in agriculture before, or have a strong sense of crisis.

For those hard-working workers, Zhou Qingfeng can't help but ask a few more questions. After revealing his identity, he immediately caused a small sensation, and many people were willing to express his thoughts to him.

"There are too few people who understand management. Many people don't even know what they should do?"

"Lazy people are everywhere, and some people feel that their lives are supported by the Legion, and they are unwilling to work, or just do a few."

"Good and bad are the same. Naturally, some people are unwilling to do well ~ www.readwn.com ~ Actually, it ’s not just our farm. The situation in the factory is more serious. Now the quality of factory products is declining. Many people It's a mess. "

"There are still people who use their power to secretly make profits. A little bit of production in a greenhouse can't be seen at all, and many people rely on various loopholes in agricultural areas to make a fortune."

Zhou Zhoufeng talked with the workers in the agricultural area for an afternoon and kept sighing. This bucket of Mi En, Sheng Mi Qiu, Diao Min in the world is everywhere.

Many people want more when they stabilize, not only Hispanics, but even Chinese who are related to Zhou Qingfeng. The various regulations set up by the Legion became an obstacle to their fortune, and they immediately sought ways to counter it.

These maggots will not consider if the Legion is finished because of this, the most unfortunate is that they are the bottom of society, they will only satisfy themselves before they say. Let's say they are stupid. They think of all kinds of tricks that are detrimental to their personal gain.

"This is forcing me to come up with the big killer of" contract work to households, joint production contracting! "Zhou Qingfeng understands that we must deal with the current weak governance system, lack of management staff, and low production levels. No, it must have a management method that is adapted to the current productivity.

Since I can't control it, Uncle simply doesn't care!

Laozi converted these greenhouses into investments and contracted them out.

"Those who have paid enough for the legion, leave enough for the collective, and the rest are all their own. If you can't do it, starve yourself." (To be continued.)

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