Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 772: Not rich without work

Molotov lined up in a long line in dirty work clothes. His hair was sloppy, his hair was messy with a smell of oil, his eyes were sunken, and he looked very emaciated.

The team went all the way to the Finance Department of the Ministry of the Interior. It is said that this department will soon become an independent Ministry of Finance, but it is not known who will be the Minister. Molotov came to the Finance Department this time to apply for a loan.

"Name," the clerk of the Finance Division asked.

"Molotov, Russian, thirty-five years old. I previously traveled to South America and fled to Havana after the cataclysm. I have been working in the Corps' factory for three months. My skill level is Grade A and I meet the loan requirements. I want to loan two hundred coins. "

When Molotov was nervous, he talked a lot. When someone asked him, he said everything he had brewed in his heart, and at the same time he handed in his loan application.

The clerk glanced coldly at the application and glanced at Molotov again, asking, "What do you want to do with the loan?"

After the chaos of the last days, Molotov seemed extremely careful about everything. He rushed out several crumpled design drawings from his pocket, and then had a sample-a kerosene lighter.

"The Corps is still producing matches, but I think we should upgrade to producing lighters. I have a good hands-on ability. I used to collect all kinds of old-fashioned lighters. I can use the simplest tools and materials to make them. This thing.

The lighters we used in the past required plastic, electronic lighters, and liquefied petroleum gas, but these things are now gone. Matches are still too much trouble, and I think kerosene lighters are definitely marketable.

I set up a factory myself, and I have gathered a few companions, and everyone's technology is reliable. We can hire dozens of people and start working as long as half a month of training. There is no difficulty in making this thing. But we have no funds, so I want to take a loan. "

The clerk grabbed the sample lighter and fiddled with it a few times. The lighter was very smooth. It worked quite well, and it was indeed much stronger than a match. So he grabbed a seal at hand and covered it on the application form, "Your preliminary examination has passed, go to the second floor, where there will be more professional staff review."

Wow ... Molotov was sweating nervously, and this loan could be related to his future life. But such an important loan has no collateral at all. It depends entirely on whether the people in the Legion Finance Department are optimistic about him.

The first review was easy, but the review was more troublesome. The Legion sent someone to know Molotov's team specifically, and watched them build some kerosene lighters by hand and test their performance.

In the end ..., the factory had not yet been built, and the corps had placed an order for 10,000 kerosene lighters. In the last days, small portable ignition devices are very necessary.

Molotov simply started a career with a team of people, and now Havana has very cheap labor. Basically, you can recruit a large number of people just by eating.

Havana's steel mills provide the simplest tinplate. Grinding wheels and flint are the basic minerals and they are easy to acquire.

Kerosene can be purchased from the Havana refinery, and the supply of kerosene is much looser than tight gasoline and diesel. Production tools only need some pliers and clamps.

Molotov initially recruited fifty workers and took only three or five days to complete simple training. In the case of division of labor and cooperation, fifty people produced more than 1,000 lighters on the first day. Molotov personally served as the quality inspection, and took the partners to check the quality of the lighters one by one.

"The yield is not enough. More than half need to be reworked." Molotov laughed happily after saying this. "But as long as the production last week, I am confident that the yield will be improved to more than 95%. Hahaha ... hey, brothers, we are getting rich. "

In the entire production process of lighters, it is the most difficult to train employees. During this period, insults and even beatings were necessary. Molotov was even furious with his employees, "I taught you only yesterday, and I forgot about it when I slept."

Technically, in order to support Molotov's lighter factory, the Army even invited professional chemical personnel to help deploy high-quality low-volatile electric oil.

To make a fortune in the last days, it is difficult to say, and it is easy to say. On the same day, Molotov bought a bucket of ‘Extreme’ vodka, and shouted cheerfully with his partner: “I wish the leader of the Hugo Army health, we have come to the right place, and finally we can live a stable life.”

It took Molotov a full week to deliver 10,000 kerosene lighter orders from the Legion to ensure that each lighter had excellent quality. After confirming that his factory could operate normally, the Legion even placed him another 100,000 orders.

"The cost of a lighter is less than two silver coins. We sell five copper coins at a premium, and we can repay all the loans in less than a month. The rest is gross profit. I didn't expect that I would rely on it one day. Selling lighters to make a fortune ~ www.readwn.com ~ Molotov, who has no worries, directly expanded production. His number of employees soon reached more than 500 people. The daily output soared to 20,000, and the yield was even faster. It is stable at more than 99%, but the production quantity is still in short supply.

The production of lighters is very simple, similar products came out quickly, but no matter how good quality and price, no one can match Molotov. Havana's industrial production is getting richer and richer, and the supply of raw materials is getting cheaper, and stable law and order has made production very stable.

In the last days, soothing products like cigarettes have always been very popular. Havana's "Extreme" brand cigarettes have always been very good sellers. People who used to smoke had to carry a pack of matches in their pockets. Nowadays, people are more willing to use lighters.

The sale of lighters even in turn drove the kerosene sales of the Havana refinery, and the special lighter oil sold very well. The legion made a lot of profits and taxes from it.

"Since we have opened the labor market and personal commercial loans have been made in the Legion, similar small-scale light industrial enterprises have begun to appear on a large scale. The variety of goods on the market has suddenly increased by more than ten times, and the market vitality has exploded.

At the briefing meeting within the Legion, the personnel of the Ministry of the Interior slammed Zhou Qingfeng's policy of opening up self-employment after the rectification campaign, and the exaggerated head of his legion was blushing.

"We were originally worried that a large number of idle labor would create social unrest, but these privately-owned companies have absorbed these people very well, and the labor efficiency is higher than some factories we have set up ourselves.

The development of industry has caused an enrichment effect. As commodities are flowing out, more and more people are gathering in our Havana. The Ministry of the Interior estimates that in one year our population will exceed 1.2 million. And the wealth we create will be ten times more than before. "

This is really not rich!

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