Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 773: No business

The whistle of the whistle came out of the port several kilometers away, and the bird of paradise sailed into the pier of Staten Island in New York after a long sea route. There are hundreds of welcome teams on the pier.

As Rachel walked down the ramp of the cargo ship, a cheerful figure rushed up and called in a crying voice: "Mom, I miss you so much."

For a year, Angelina Lawrence, who had a green taste, suddenly matured a lot, not only her mind, but her figure began to move closer to her mother. But the girl who had just grown up was crying now, hugging her mother and not willing to give up.

"Rachel, I'm really glad you were able to come back safely." David Lawrence also followed and hugged his wife gently. "Since you went to Cuba, Angie has been worried, and now everything is finally over. . "

The family of three got together again, and even Rachel felt that she had been away for more than half a month, and saw her husband again, but she had separated a lot. Looking at David Lawrence's tall and muscular body, she couldn't help raising her pride again-her husband was not bad, though ...

"Mom, is Victor really as powerful as you said in the letter? He really has led hundreds of thousands of people and has become a powerful commander of the army? He really won the love of countless people in a single speech, just a few words Suppressing senior officers in charge of thousands of troops? "

Holding her mother's heart to each other's heart, after a little bit of love, Angie began to question Rachel about the details of her trip to Cuba. Among them, Victor Hugo, whose heroic image has been heroic, is naturally indispensable.

"Of course it is true, Victor did a miracle, there is no doubt about it. He also asked me to give you a gift." Rachel brought a cage with a young man who was just full term. Dog, furry looks extremely cute.

"Wow, ah ... it's awesome!" Anji saw the puppy's eyes excited and jumped immediately, his eyes were smiling like a crescent moon, "I like it, I really like it!"

The dogs in New York were either eaten by freezing or killed, and the birds and beasts in the entire city were extinct and no flowers or plants were found. Now only Zhou Qingfeng can give such a puppy. Sixteen-year-old Anji has no resistance to cute animals, hugs the puppy happily and runs away.

Without Anji acting as a moderator, the atmosphere between the couple was a little awkward again. In particular, Rachel also saw that there was a personal assistant of David Lawrence among the welcoming crowd, and it was even more frosty.

"My dear, I think we can return to the happy days we had before." David Lawrence wanted to get closer, but he just wanted to grab his wife's waist.

But Rachel refused without hesitation: "No, let's talk about the business. I have talked to Victor about the conditions for exchanging mutants, and by the way the first batch of goods traded between the two sides came by the way .

There are tens of thousands of cargoes on the 'Bird of Paradise', among which is the fresh vegetables and fruits we urgently need, which can greatly improve the diet structure of our ruling population. "

Rachel briefly said a few words, simply left her husband and ordered the dock workers to unload. The crane at the dock first unloaded a dozen wooden boxes, which contained fast-growing vegetables such as tomatoes, which were resistant to storage.

With the arrival of this batch of vegetables, more than two million people across the Staten Island completely sensation.

Yes, the word 'sensation' must be used!

After a long and cold nuclear winter, a boat of distant vegetables suddenly appeared in front of people. It was like the pigeons gave an olive branch to the survivors in Noah's ark after the flood receded.

For the vast majority of people in New York, this is the first time they have clearly learned that the world is not completely destroyed. There are people outside the United States who are planting, producing, and trading, and human beings are still being rescued.

Because of the latitude, the temperature in Havana has risen, but New York is still cold. The bird of paradise is just like a fire that suddenly appeared in the long cold night, adding a little warmth to people's hearts, and more hope and confidence to live.

After spending nearly a year in the disaster, many people are willing to spend a lot of money just to taste a tomato. A bite in his mouth is full of sourness and sweetness, and the whole person is suddenly full of spirits, and his heart is greatly satisfied, which is enough to invigorate for several days. Human beings are, after all, self-conscious higher creatures.

This almost fanatic situation even Rachel and David Lawrence did not expect, for them to cultivate some vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse can still satisfy the high-level brotherhood, but the bottom residents can only endure.

Now, once this patience is lifted, the demand for living materials is almost irresistible like a volcanic eruption. People want to eat and drink and enjoy, and the memory of life before the cataclysm has not disappeared, and all the tomatoes are taken out.

In particular, there has been no interruption in the civilian radio connection. The residents at the bottom have always tried to find a way to survive, and they have not let go of any news.

In the past, news about the "Aurora Corps" from the Caribbean has always existed, but people were amazed and doubtful, and the long journey prevented many people from yearning for Havana.

But now the arrival of the bird of paradise has suddenly dispelled people's last worry. It turns out that the legendary Garden of Eden really exists, it is in Cuba thousands of kilometers away. In the past, Cubans cried and yelled to go to the United States. Now it is the Americans who have forgotten their lives to pursue the light ~ www.readwn.com ~ This form completely exceeds David Lawrence's control of the people at the bottom, even his men Management has shaken. Everyone is talking about Cuba, the Aurora Corps, Victor Hugo.

Uncle Zhou's various deeds have been revealed, and everything is a miracle. In particular, he has recently carried out rectification campaigns, greatly enhanced the cohesion of the Legion, and a series of moves to lift the restrictions on civilian production and life, giving a lively education to the masses of New York.

In order to comply with the public opinion of the NPC discussions, the New York's "Apocalyptic News" even managed to get Zhou Qingfeng's speech at the rectification conference. The magnificent, fearless momentum in the speech was just a bright light in the darkness, which illuminated people's direction.

It turns out that some people in this world are really fighting for the revival of all mankind. In contrast, the leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel will only fight internally. Really stand up and stand up!

Eating vegetables from Havana, using a lighter from Havana, washing soap from Havana, taking medicines from Havana, listening to the radio from Havana, and finally looking at the freighters from Havana at the port. Commercial activities led Thoughts rolled.

This is very similar to the reform and opening up of flower gardeners in the 1980s. A bottle of Coca-Cola can make people feel the superiority of capitalism. When people's eyes are dazzled by the influx of imported goods, the thoughts in their heads naturally change.

Now that the 'Aurora Corps' has opened up merchandise trade to New York, the impact of this may not be comparable to the reform and opening up, but for many New York residents, they have one more way of life. So all kinds of private smuggling and smuggling began inevitably.

In response to this situation, Zhou Qingfeng said: Do you want to eat dog food for people's democracy? Here, what good is we talking about acquisition.

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