Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 785: Father and son

Washington, Potomac River.

Many people know that Washington DC is the capital of the United States, but not many people know that Washington DC can reach the Atlantic Ocean through the Potomac River.

The drought in the nuclear winter drastically reduced the runoff on the Potomac River. Large-capacity freighters were unable to enter, and only 100-ton boats could be docked. On the shore, Harris and his son were lying in a withered wood, holding a telescope to observe a bridge across the Potomac River.

There are more than a dozen electric-powered medium trucks on the bridge. These trucks have been working in downtown Washington for more than a month. These trucks are driven by horrible zombies and accompanied by a large number of terrible mutants.

These mutants ransacked like locusts. About a thousand meters away from Harris and his son is the Pentagon in the United States. Thousands of mutants and zombies have been in the building for four or five days, and the good stuff is almost evacuated.

Various office equipment, industrial machinery, heavy vehicles, production consumables, and daily supplies were constantly removed. The mutants used a crane to move the supplies to a speedboat docked on the Potomac River, and then the speedboat transported it to the open sea, then lifted it to a freighter parked offshore, and finally transported it away.

"Who do these mutants belong to?" Harris and his son have been squatting in the woods for several days. They belong to the New Jersey Brotherhood of Steel. The current task is to find out the background of the mutants. And strength.

Such a large-scale transportation and emptying work must have a strong logistical support and management plan. In the mind of a human being, they cannot think of such complicated things at all.

The Brotherhood of Steel of New Jersey once sent tanks and armored vehicles to try to drive out the mutants occupying Washington. As a result, it went to 3,000 people and fled back less than a thousand. The brave mutants taught the Brotherhood leaders of New Jersey a profound lesson.

"Look, that charging battery car is here again." Harris, a teenager, shouted through a telescope.

Old Harris hurriedly stopped his son not to be too loud. Their mission was extremely dangerous, because the rumors that mutants would eat people were notorious. As long as they have seen their tall and weird looks, everyone will have a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

Various search vehicles are indispensable for searching. In the absence of fuel, it is more convenient to use electricity. But electricity did not come out of thin air. Harris and his sons speculated that the mutants should have mastered a certain mobile nuclear power plant.

Mobile nuclear power plants are expensive and high-tech equipment. They are generally used to respond to disasters or unexpected accidents, or to provide military power in the wild. This thing can be carried by a heavy truck, which is very convenient. With Washington as the capital, such high-end goods are a must.

Harris and his son waited for this mobile nuclear power plant commonly known as a 'battery car'. After the target was determined, Old Harris quickly activated his own radio. He would direct his armed helicopter to launch a surprise attack and take away this valuable vehicle.

But just before the old Harris was about to start calling, suddenly there was a clicking noise in the woods behind them. There was a chill in the hearts of the father and the son. The distance of this sound was about tens of meters away. If they were mutants, they could rush up with one breath.

The sound of clicking and clicking became clearer, and the heavy footsteps peculiar to the mutant had been confirmed. Thinking about the mutant's scent as sensitive as a dog, Old Harris immediately shouted, "Son, run away!"

Little Harris immediately jumped out of his camouflage point, dragged a cross-country motorcycle around to start immediately, quickly hurried up and evacuated. The motorcycle only ran a distance of ten meters, and he heard gunfire and the roar of his father in the wood where he had just been hiding.

Old Harris wanted to use his life to create as many escape opportunities for his son as possible. This situation caused little tears to burst on the spot. He had seen more scenes of parting between life and death, and now it was his turn.

Turning around suddenly, little Harris saw two monster-like mutants pinching his father's neck, standing beside the woods and grinning at him. And his father was still struggling and shouting, ‘Run, kid, run away, leave me alone’.

Unable to run away, little Harris saw a mutant holding a machine gun. He had seen the mutant's abnormal shooting stability with his own eyes, and now he can't escape the bullet at a distance of dozens of meters.

"No ... don't kill my father, eat me if you want to." Little Harris stopped desperately. He didn't know what to do, but shouted subconsciously.

Two mutant warriors came up with a mocking smirk. One of them threw Old Harris in front of Little Harris and said with disdain, "You are lucky, we are full today."

Harris and his son were taken to an electric commuter car and bumped back into Washington. They saw a variety of mutant humans along the way, and basically no two were the same. The scene of this hundred ghosts travelling really is to scare away the scared fart, and the soul has no body.

When the commuter bus arrived at the White House, it was the first time the father and son had entered this building that symbolized the highest power in the United States. They easily walked into the president's round table office, and a working 'zombie' met them both.

"My name is Bill. If you saw me two months ago, you would definitely become a corpse. But now I can give you a way to live." The leader's "zombie" sounds sharp and sometimes hoarse, like a ghost shouting Like.

The father and the son were already pale, and their teeth were chaotic. When they heard that there was a way of life, they nodded like garlic, hoping to kneel down to show obedience.

"Zombie" Bill shouted, and a mutant took a heavy vat from outside the office, and when it landed on the floor, the helm of Eagle Sauce was smashed into a pit.

"This is the" Extreme "brand protein powder, the latest high-quality goods, we want to sell this thing externally." Bill said, "try it."

protein powder? the arrival? Sales?

The mutant on the side opened the iron bucket and motioned to Old Harris to taste it. Old Harris reached out and grabbed a handful of food into his mouth, feeling ..., to be honest it was not delicious.

But ... this is clearly a turnaround. The old Harris swallowed several times and tried to calm himself down. He realized at this moment that he might not really need to die ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you want us to help sell things? "

"Your mission is simple. Your son stays. You take the sample to contact the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel in New Jersey. I hope you will bring the real messenger to me in three days."

‘Zombie’ Bill waved, and the escorted mutant gave another small can of protein powder to Harris, and then pushed him out of the office.

Seeing which office representing power was about to close, Old Harris shouted heartbreakingly: "Son, I will come back, I will definitely come back."

Old Harris was shoved out of the White House and his son's off-road motorcycle was returned to him. A mutant warrior Shen Sheng said, "I have filled the gas tank of the motorcycle. I hope you can come back within three days, otherwise your son will be dead."

After the motorcycle was returned, no one took care of Old Harris. Looking at the various mutant humans coming and going around, and thinking about the still trapped son, instead of having any fear in his heart, he yelled and hurriedly mounted the motorcycle and hugged the iron can in his arms. Leave.

"I'm coming back, I'm coming back, I'm going to report the news up and back." (To be continued.)

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