Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 786: Indifferent

The eschatological world is not very peaceful. It's been a day and a half since the old Harris rode on an off-road motorcycle to reach Philadelphia more than 200 kilometers away.

Philadelphia is the fifth-largest city in the United States, and it is now occupied by a New Jersey steel brotherhood called Simon. The population under his control is less than 500,000, not even Zhou Qingfeng.

The Brotherhood of Iron and Steel was founded at the beginning with a multi-party alliance of powerful figures, with each leader occupying the site, abiding by the most basic covenant, and mutually beneficial. But has it been a long time, there are always people who have bigger fists and want more land and benefits.

Philadelphia is just a few hundred kilometers southwest of New York, and the leader of Simon always feels threatened by David Lawrence. In particular, the latter has far more power than the former. It is really a big deal for the soldiers, and it may be finished at any time.

Simon Boss wanted to move south, occupy Baltimore and enter Washington, but now the situation is that Baltimore has been ransacked, and Washington has also been entangled by a group of powerful mutants.

Boss Simon launched a tentative attack and was defeated. The military confrontation between the two sides has been going on for almost two months, and the mutants suddenly said-no more fighting, let's do business!

This picture changes too fast!

But in fact, not only the old Harris was contacted by the mutants. Now in the Philadelphia City Hall, the boss of Simon is facing more than a dozen cans of protein powder being sent. He was surrounded by No. 7 and No. 8 trustees and team managers, who were all baffled by the situation.

Bangbangbang ... After a knock on the door, the guard held a jar of protein powder on the boss's desk and said: "This is from a guy named Harris. He lay outside Ken walked away and said that if a negotiator could not be sent within three days, the mutant would eat his son as a hostage. "

Alas ... Simon was so anxious that he punched the table angrily and said, "What do you mean? What are these mutants trying to do? Are they intimidating me?"

"Maybe this is a trap."

"But food inspections indicate that these protein powders are safe."

"The mutants are terrible. I think we still don't want to get in touch with those guys."

"Just because the other party is terrible, we should relax our relationship with each other."

"We should send a messenger to ask the situation."

"Are you going to be the messenger?"

Listening to the messy quarrel of people around him, the boss of Simon once again scolded the table and yelled: "Can you be quiet? Our situation is bad enough now.

David Lawrence in the north always threatens us, and the general commanders in the west do not care about our lives. We lack everything right now, and the only way out now is to head south. I hope you guys can give us some useful suggestions! "

In the last days, heroes are combined, and there are many heroes, but not everyone can organize a high-level team. Zhou Qingfeng started early, and the five hundred people he took with him when he left New York were selected elites. David Lawrence is famous and many people are willing to join him.

And how far a person like Simon can rise, it depends on luck. At least it seems that the talent around this boss is really not good. He looked at the pile of protein powder on the table with a frown, and after tangling for a while he called the guard, "The one named Harris, let him in."

Old Harris spent a day and night rushing back to Philadelphia. After seeing the boss of his power, he knelt down and begged, hoping to send someone to talk to the mutants in Washington to save his son.

"You say that the mutants have taken over the White House? Tell me about the situation." Simon Boss was very generous when he faced Old Harris.

"There are a lot of mutants. The leader is a 'zombie'. They look very energetic and well equipped."

"The mutants have almost evacuated the entire Washington area in the past two months, and I saw that the Pentagon had been demolished by a corner, and they had removed a lot of equipment from the building's underground."

"They don't lack food, ..."

Old Harris said a lot, but the only thing that can remember Simon Boss is the last sentence, "They are not short of food." How could these mutants not be short of food?

Humans have been dealing with mutant creatures for more than half a year, and the deepest impression is the violent mutants. Those guys are all good, but they are afraid of being hungry. Hungry mutants will red-eye and attack anything they feel can eat, even their own.

Starving mutants are extremely scary, but starved mutants are also common. After Simon ’s failure to attack Washington, he had an ostrich mentality—wait for the mutants to starve to death before cleaning up the mess.

If one knows that Zhou Qingfeng feeds more than 30,000 mutants, I am afraid that all the people in North America who have tasted powerful mutants will jump up and swear-bastard, do we think we have not suffered enough?

The old Harris explained everything he knew upside down, but seeing the indifferent expressions of the big men in front of him, he immediately became cold-just look at the hesitation of these guys, and certainly will not send people to contact the mutant Yes, his son must be ...

These people in power don't care about the life and death of the bottom layer. They just want to keep themselves. They are most likely not to react at all.

Looking at more than ten cans of protein powder stacked on the desk, and thinking of his son being eaten alive tomorrow, old Harrison couldn't sit still. There was an instant thought in his mind, he was not the first person to be sent to report, but the end of those people before ...

"The leaders of the mutants also said that they could not stand our procrastination, and if we did not agree to their demands, they would attack us."

"Yes, I suddenly thought that the mutants were really impatient. They were all grumpy demons, their patience had all disappeared, and they could not get what they wanted, and they would definitely erupt."

"I see a lot of large ships on the Potomac River. I think the mutants have probably run out of supplies. If they can't get food through trade, they will definitely attack us."

Words after words of threats from old Harris frightened Simon's horror, and everything he said was very authentic.

You know, the New Jersey Brotherhood forces are defending the northern strongman David Lawrence. If the mutants in the south come over ..., it will be at least two or three days from a distance of more than two hundred kilometers ~ www.readwn.com ~ Originally thinking that the mutants without brains would starve themselves to death and kill them all. Well now, people are organized to ask for food.

"We really should send an messenger to talk to the mutants." Simon looked around at his men, and everyone avoided his eyes. At last he looked at the old Harris who had been staring at him, "Uh ... what's your name here?"


"Ok, Harris, you are now our special messenger for the New Jersey Brotherhood of Steel. I will assign you a radio station and a few attendants. You can go to Washington again."

"I'm a messenger?" Old Harris looked miserable.

Just now a bunch of big men in the office were still silent, and now they nodded again and again and approved the decision.

The matter seemed to be resolved satisfactorily, but when old Harris walked out of the Philadelphia City Hall, he despaired and sorrowed in his heart: these bastards, they didn't care about the lives of our little ones. Let me talk casually, I might as well go to the mutant! (To be continued.)

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