Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 798: Life Winner 1

Being kissed by two beautiful and statusful girls in public, this special treatment made Little Harris fluttering. He didn't think of how special he was, especially because everyone had a visa level, and he seemed to be just an individual. Qualitative existence.

However, the captain of the ship noticed little Harris, and after confirming that his father did make a lot of contributions, he took the initiative to raise his living treatment—one more egg per day.

Little Harris also eased the relationship between the two beautiful girls and other children. According to the explanations of 'Lolita' and 'Doll', they are daughters adopted by an important person and can legally perform certain h acts. Kind of, this is specially approved by the Hugo Army Commander.

For such things, two beautiful girls don't matter. They said it was the best result. As long as their 'father' is willing to be loyal to the legion leader, it will not be a problem to be a daughter to Maddie Bull or even to marry him eventually.

It is said that Mr. Bull, who is in the s-class, is doing the final thought struggle, and seems to be thinking of Havana to look at the situation before making the final consideration. In fact, this is just a shy-like excuse. In Havana, he can't run away?

Little Harris was very jealous of this. Two girls younger than him had to marry a man older than his father in the name of their daughter-it was simply moral loss, retrogression of civilization, and social imbalance. ..., envy!

It's okay if the daughter is ugly, but now the two little girls are very beautiful. Little Harris wanted to say ‘you are less than fourteen years old, but you are married to more than fifty old men, and you will definitely regret it later.’

But ..., think about all this nonsense, forget it!

Damn life winner!

The boring journey continued for several days, and the passenger and freighter finally arrived in Havana. Although the young Harris and others did not come as refugees, they must go through quarantine and quarantine. Poor sanitary conditions now make it difficult to prevent quarantine in case of infectious diseases.

Harris and others had to live in a quarantine camp for five days, and he soon discovered that Havana had a more jealous life winner than McGrady.

嗨 "Hey ... guys, take off your clothes." A very beautiful, mature woman far more than 'Lolita' and 'Doll' came to the quarantine camp. She brought a medical team to provide medical services to the families of the B-level personnel who joined the army.

十几 A dozen and a half children in the room got out of their eyes, staring at the pretty woman leading the team. They already know how to judge a person's status by face, clothes, and temperament.

Just as the young Harris saw Foreign Minister Clooney, the other person's big belly was synonymous with obesity and unhealthy in the past, but it is a status symbol in the last days.

Although ‘Lolita’ and ‘Doll’ are pretty, long hours of hunger will inevitably make them smile, their hair is yellow, and it ’s nice to wear warm clothes.

The woman in front of her face was ruddy, her hair was soft, her skin was delicate and she could not see any signs of suffering. Looking at her clothing was high-end goods, warm and light. And she sprayed a touch of perfume.

For a world where you ca n’t eat enough, cosmetics and perfumes are absolute luxury for women. Not top ladies and ladies, it is absolutely impossible to enjoy.

When the pretty woman walked in front of herself for an examination, each of the light-hearted farts had to take a deep breath. It is too embarrassing to have to cover your lower body with your hands to avoid profaning the noble ladies of high society.

Twenty-five-year-old Harris also tried to restrain himself, but he couldn't help smelling the perfume on the beautiful woman, and said blurtily, "Chanel's 邂逅 series, elegant."

The pretty woman was a little surprised, and Harris said flatteringly, "My mother has used it before, so I'm familiar with it. Madam, this fragrance is very suitable for your temperament."

The pretty woman smiled slightly. "Thank you, my man likes it too."

I heard that the pretty woman actually had a husband, and a group of bear children who had just grown up for a few years immediately made a frustrated sound, and seemed quite sorry. The talkative Bebeni bravely asked, "Beautiful lady, can we know your name?"

"My name is Nancy, Nancy Stephanie." The pretty woman smiled with a smile, said her name generously, and left after leaving the inspection, leaving only the faint perfume in the room.

"Oh ... oh my! I think I'm in love with her," John shouted.

"She is my goddess, and I will sleep hard for her all night." Bebeney was also in a daze.

"She is super **** and super gentle, how I wish she could be my girlfriend." Schultz began daydreaming.

But then these bear kids were immediately hit. A fierce-looking, instructor-like man came into the medical examination room and shouted, "You must have been very cool right now? Ms. Stephanie said she would give you a little punishment. Tonight I will begin to recite the Legion Code, and I will not be allowed to sleep if I cannot recite it. "

Sounds serious, but there are still bear children who are not afraid of death, asking, "What is the identity of the lady just now? Is she a s-class high society character?"

The instructor chuckled, but understood the questions of the bear children, "Ms. Stephanie is the woman of our Hugo regiment. Due to the strict hierarchy in the regiment, you must be polite when you meet her in the future, and talk about her with respect language."

Alas, it's a woman who is the ruler here. No wonder it's so beautiful ~ www.readwn.com ~ and it's excellent in temperament. A group of bear children are jealous of this.

However, this group of little farts quickly realized that they were not only jealous. After the end of the five-day quarantine period, little Harris and others were thrown into the middle school run by the Legion because of their age.

On the first day of school, more than a dozen children saw a beautiful female headmaster wearing rimless glasses, a small black suit and a hip skirt in the principal's office.

Elegant and gentle temperament, thoughtful and severe words, especially the perfect body with unevenness, are more mature and seductive than I saw Ms. Stephanie before.

Little Harris again smelled the type of perfume used by the other party, and took a picture of the horse **** to praise the other party as gentle as his mother.

Then a bunch of bear children called 嚷 said that this is their own goddess, deeply in love with each other and so on. Anxious Bebeney even decisively wrote a love letter and stuffed it into the principal's office in the middle of the night.

Beberney was dragged into the conversation the next morning by the school instructor, and when he returned, he said in tears, "I actually wrote a love letter to Ms. Jenny Braun, and I am dead."

A bunch of friends quickly asked who Jenny Braun was?

我们 "Our gentle, beautiful, and extremely sexually sensitive headmistress is also the woman of the Hugo Army Commander." Bebeni wailed, "I already predicted that I would be killed by my father."

Damn, for Mao, this is also the head of the legion?

A group of bear children vomited ... (To be continued.)

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