Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 799: Life Winner 2

"A lot of dangerous thoughts appear in the Legion. Some people think that they are already a privileged class and can discriminate against the bottom with a downward attitude. Some people think that they are a minority and want special protection. Some people think they just want to be safe and secure. Life, unwilling to accept military conscription.

I can tell people with these ideas that you all think wrong. This world has completely entered the cruel jungle era, the weak and strong eat, and the fittest survive. This is a dynamic world. I don't pay attention to political correctness and will not allow any rigid class to exist.

Power does not come out of thin air, and anyone can strive to have their own power. Power is never lost once it is acquired, and superiors will not always enjoy privileges.

淘汰 Eliminate the minorities who can't adapt, don't talk to me about any race, race, religion, etc. Those who do not obey my rules will either roll or die!

People who just want to live a good life can also wake up from their daydreams. The Legion has spent huge manpower and material resources to protect you, but you are not willing to sacrifice to defend the Legion. Such people also die! "

Victor Hugo's speech was being broadcast on a large-screen TV in a newly opened restaurant on the street, winning the crowds of cheers with the idea of ​​giving priority to the legion's interests. Behind the crowd were little Harris, John, Schultz, and Bebeney. A few teenagers who had just arrived in Havana.

"I really hope that I can get such great prestige one day. As long as I wave my hand and say a few words, it will make people excited. Beautiful young girls will come to present flowers to me." Dreaming teenagers will never lack dreams. Beni is one of them.

"You look at his expression. I really like his serious look. This is a symbol of power. And his waving gesture gives a strong and powerful character." John pulled at Harris, "You look at me How did you learn? This is the gesture of waving a hand. "

Looking at his friend like a fool who kept gesticulating his hands, Harris hurled his mouth and said, "Give up, John. You look like you are having an epilepsy without the strength of your waving hand."

"Look, look!" Schultz repeatedly drew his companion, shouting hurriedly: "A girl offering flowers, a beautiful girl, a mysterious girl."

As soon as Victor Hugo finished his speech, an extremely beautiful girl appeared on the stage. She was young, and she was the same age as the young Harris and others, holding a bunch of greenhouse-grown flowers to the stage. They not only presented flowers but also kissed them, and the two directly embraced and kissed each other.

The young girl leaned back, was pinched by the regiment's waist, was supported by her left leg, her right leg was tilted back, her eyes were closed slightly, and she looked happy and intoxicated.

"Oh ... it's so jealous, my heart is broken." Bebeni looked like a dead dad. "Why? Why can he be so successful? He is obviously not much older than us, but he Already powerful figures, we are insignificant pawns. "

A few teenagers showed an intoxicated expression, but they didn't pay much attention to the speech of the chief of the army at all. They slipped out of school and actually offered flowers only to see beautiful girls.

The young girl was also a member of the school. But there is no doubt that the identity of the girl is extremely special. Her good looks and elegant manners show that she is an authentic high-class socialite. Everybody goes to school by shuttle bus every day.

只要 As long as the bear child in the school sees this girl is in a state of hormonal flooding, countless people want to know her name, her identity, who is she? But due to limited information, everyone can only call her ‘Her Royal Highness’.

The appearance of His Royal Highness Princess was short-lived. After a glance, Jinghong stepped down and left. The teenagers sighed and were deeply dissatisfied.

After the speech by the army chief, the TV show changed and it turned out to be a concert. Havana has gathered talents from various parties, and there are several world-renowned singers.

最 The most dazzling nature of this is Sarah Upton, a beautiful woman in her thirties who was active in the world of music before the cataclysm.

She has won Grammy's best female singer and best record many times, and was once voted as the sexiest woman in the world. Even if she still has the same style after marriage, the style will become richer. Now she often appears on television in Havana, and even hosts various small concerts in the city.

Such a world-famous queen star is actually in a small Havana and also holds a weekly concert, which has never happened before and is unimaginable. But these constantly appearing entertainment programs can be said to greatly enrich the entertainment life of urban residents.

However, it is the relatively rich material and spiritual life that makes the residents of Havana less complained under strict and even severe paramilitary management, but the cohesion continues to increase. It is hoped that more and more people will come to Havana, but it will be more and more difficult.

The concert is a video broadcast, and the performance of the superstar-level performances of the Houhou is wonderful. Several teenagers were intoxicated again. They have been struggling in North America for a year. They ca n’t eat enough, do n’t wear warm clothes, and think about how to live everyday. Where can there be entertainment?

Now I'm fascinated by Sarah Upton's singing, and soon there will be several young and beautiful women playing together to sing a song together. According to Tianhou's own commentary, this is her family.

"Ah ... it's Sarah Upton and her four daughters, oh my god! The media has never reported in the past. And each of them is so beautiful, so rare!"

"Her eldest daughter is still holding a baby, oh my god! The queen in her thirties already has a granddaughter. A lactating woman is really plump and really wants to bite."

"My God, my God, is n’t the Queen ’s little daughter our Highness Princess? Look at the subtitles, she ’s Shuna, and her name is Shuna. Oh ... my moon goddess."

"Bei Beni, you are disgusting, as long as a beautiful woman is your goddess."

"Don't you think so? Don't you like them? If you dare to say that you don't like them, you can only prove that you are hypocritical."

Several half-year-olds drank together ~ www.readwn.com ~ Passers-by watching TV kept issuing admiration. The five women standing together are simply dazzling, and each one is impeccable. They are unquestionable idols.

"I don't know what kind of men can be with them? I think God will be jealous."

"Do you think anyone can have them all at the same time?"

"How is this possible? This is a family of five. This ..., this ..., this is too bizarre ..."

"I mean maybe, can't you imagine it?"

"I think this may not be possible."

Several teenagers started a fierce discussion on this issue, but after a few minutes they all stopped talking and looked stupidly at a corner near the street, where a seemingly ordinary car was parked, standing in the shadow beside the car Five women with different looks and outstanding looks.

I was first recognized by Her Royal Highness Shuna, followed by Tianhou and several other daughters. Lastly ... naturally, it was the Legion leader who bought snacks nearby. From their intimate manner ...

This is a group night entertainment.

女人 This family woman still has a master.

There is only one master.

God ... why don't you get thunder?

Several frustrated and dazed teenagers came up with a sentence in their hearts at the same time-this **** life winner! (To be continued.)

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