Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 809: Advent

Offshore New York, 300 kilometers away. The aircraft carrier turned and faced the wind.

架 A super pull-11 was lifted from the hangar to the deck by a lift, and the tractor on the deck pulled the fighter to the take-off area. The pilot stepped on the brakes to maximize engine power, and two huge booster rockets were already hanging under the wings.

When the pilot signaled that he was ready, the ground crew wearing a yellow vest ensured that the take-off deck was unobstructed, so he turned around, crouched down, and pointed his arms forward.

I walk you!

The booster rocket was started, the brakes were released, and the orange flames pushed a few tons of Super Pull-11. Full-load fighters rushed forward, reaching a speed of two to three hundred kilometers per hour within a second or two, and a takeoff deck of more than 100 meters quickly flew over.

The body roared out of the sea, boosted the rocket to fall off automatically after burning out, but the fighter continued to climb, climb, climb!

攻击 An attack group of twelve aircraft, circled the formation and flew northwest at an altitude of 100 meters. At the interval of ten minutes, the second wave, the third wave of attack aircraft also roared and took off, flying aggressively towards the target.

Ironwing is near the air, the air is shaking, the war has begun!

In the war room of the USS Kennedy, the display of phased array radar clearly shows the three attack aircraft groups that have just left.

Staff members reported to Zhou Qingfeng loudly: "Sir, with the current cruise flight speed of the attacking fleet, the battle will begin in about forty minutes. David Lawrence will definitely be attacked by our attack.

的 The code name for this raid plan is ‘day condemnation’.

"Hahaha ..." Zhou Qingfeng nodded and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work, I am convinced of this result."

New York, Staten Island.

Twenty-five days ago, Richard, the firing commander of the Aurora Corps, led a task force into the island. He was now driving an ordinary van across the Gossels Bridge across the River Ruiwe, across the Bayway Refinery in New Jersey.

This is a large refinery with a daily processing capacity of 240,000 barrels of crude oil. It survived the miracle of the nuclear bomb washing disaster. The equipment is intact, the personnel loss is minimal, and the work resumes very quickly.

The Leibewei refinery can process 15 million tons of crude oil each year and has a catalytic cracking equipment with an annual output of 6 million tons. In addition to various refined oils, many industrial raw materials such as ethylene and propylene can be produced here. It is the most powerful capital in the hands of David Lawrence.

As long as there is sufficient supply of crude oil, this refinery alone will be enough for David Lawrence to rule the king in the last days. It was the richest asset he had inherited from the catastrophic American corpse, and it was more important than any weapon.

察 Li Cha, as usual, drove past the factory area, but he could only be driven away by the heavily guarded by a few glances. However, after focusing on several air defense positions outside the factory, he turned away from the steering wheel.

Look at the watch, half an hour before the scheduled evacuation time. Richard reached out and knocked on the carriage, shouting Shen: "The telegraph, the weather over the red target is clear, the visibility is good, and the defense is as usual. The task force's last close-range investigation was over and everyone was evacuated."

The radio wave reached the 'Kennedy' across several hundred kilometers. After receiving the information, Zhou Qingfeng thought for only a few seconds, and immediately ordered: "Organize the fourth wave of attack aircraft, repeatedly attack the red target, and ensure that it is completely destroyed."

When the 'Kennedy' revealed itself between the sea and the air, David Lawrence had just finished the morning run and walked into his luxurious bathroom with a little sweat, enjoying the intimate service of two female assistants.

丰 Unlike Feng Qing's casual Zhou Qingfeng, David Lawrence's life has completely stepped into the noble style of high society, thereby showing his identity and powerful forces. He likes to invite some allies to eat together, use the most luxurious enjoyment to reflect his power, and bring closer the friendship between the two sides.

The bathroom has a large one-way floor-to-ceiling window. Standing on a dozen-story window, you can see more than half of Stanton Island, and even across the bay can see Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Manhattan used to be the most concentrated area of ​​wealth in the United States, but now high-rise buildings have collapsed severely, and Wall Street has turned into a pile of ruins. After the cataclysm, a large number of black people in Brooklyn flooded into the city and wreak havoc. Whenever he saw the destroyed city, David Lawrence was stunned.

Hot water sprayed from the shower, two **** baby dolls were sandwiching David Lawrence from front to back, rubbing away on the man with his plump body. The cold-eyed man, holding the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window with both hands, looked at the city opposite.

I once ... He killed Desperately from Queens to Brooklyn, looking for wives and daughters without a trace. He drove a Harley-Davidson galloping the streets, red-eyed to kill all the mobs, and the gang members who ran rampant were stabbed at the muzzle one by one, without fear.

But where did the Harley that carried his shock fight? It seems that because of the potholes, the tattered dumps were thrown into a warehouse and fell to ash. That thing is no longer worthy of his current identity.

Once ..., he joined Victor Hugo's team and occupied the Manhattan neighborhood against gangsters from Mexico. In order to obtain the capital to survive, he fought endlessly with several other partners. The whistling of bullets and the scream of dying were his most common accompaniments.

But where are those companions who struggled with him? Those guys left one by one across the sea, and no one wanted to stay with him, even Catalina left.

I once ... he joined the Brotherhood of Steel in order to rescue his wife, against Fernando from South America. He was discouraged and found that his opponent was too strong. He could not help but watch his wife be forced to marry. Except ..., bomb with a nuclear bomb!

Crazy Victor ~ www.readwn.com ~ This idea is only the Chinese kid can think of.

"I hate that kid. He hit my Rachel from the beginning. I always thought he was approaching our house because he liked Angie, but he secretly took Rachel's private photo in the back. And I still have Ever forgive him, "David Lawrence whispered.

If the private photos of Zhou Qingfeng's house were Anji's, David Lawrence would not be so worried, young men and women can do anything. But 'god' left a big pit for Zhou Qingfeng. The photo was taken by Rachel.

The two female assistants rubbing each other's eyes and looked at each other, and continued to work as if they could not hear anything. They knew David Lawrence's habit, and somehow whispered something inexplicably every day.

At first, the female assistant didn't know who was being scolded? But they soon realized that their boss was scolding the same person. Although David Lawrence has never mentioned the name Victor Hugo, this mysterious man must be extremely powerful in the mind of the female assistant.

With David Lawrence's must-have character, he can kill the other party early, and he won't be scolded for almost a year and has been scolding.

"I have to let the guy bow his head this time and let him know that it is a huge mistake to fight against me. I won't let him die, yes, I can't let him finish easily. He should be submissive and be my subordinate My life is in my shadow. "David Lawrence cursed hatefully.

At this moment, more than a dozen black dots flew across the sky ..., heaven condemnation came. (To be continued.)

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