Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 810: Long live long live!

Twelve Super-11s approached aggressively from the open sea. According to the gyro navigation, they approached forty kilometers from Staten Island, and then lowered their flying height to thirty meters for low-altitude penetration.

挑选 When choosing the leading commander of the first wave of fleets, Zhou Qingfeng did not choose the Americans. This was, after all, the attack on New York. Although the blockade by David Lawrence irritated the Aurora Corps, he selected a Cuban pilot to run it smoothly.

Major General Casaris, 25, is a retired member of the Cuban Air Force. The middle-aged pilot was extremely enthusiastic about this attack on the United States. He vowed to throw the bomb to New York, even at the expense of his life.

As a former colony, Cuba's feelings for the United States are complex. At that time, the rulers of Cuba also tried to take refuge in the United States. After unsuccessful, they mingled with the Soviet Union. As a result, they were blocked by the United States for decades as anti-American outposts. The bitterness of these decades is not clear in a few words.

The envy, jealousy, hatred, yearning, and mixed emotions resulted in millions of Cubans running to Florida after the cataclysm. Now, when Major Casaris learned that he was going to attack New York by air, the resilience of Gao Shuaifu's counterattack suddenly broke out.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going to be the first one. Your Excellency, I will swear allegiance to you, please give me this supreme glory, and I promise to complete the task." When Mo was trained, he clamored for the first one to play.

In the end, Casaris was excited and almost unable to control himself. Although he was a bit older, as a pilot flying over a jet, flying a propeller fighter was extremely easy. And when he came across the sea to see the New York City skyline, he shouted on the radio immediately.

"Brothers, we are making history. This is history! It is a rare opportunity in life to build such achievements. We must create shocking results for the world. Even after a century and a thousand, we will be remembered by future generations. Now follow I'm on, target-Newark Airport. "

Newark Airport is the three largest airports in New York, but in fact it is not in New York, but inland in Newark, New Jersey.

As a result, Kennedy Airport in New York was destroyed by Zhou Qingfeng with a nuclear bomb. LaGuardia Airport in Queens was too far away. Newark Airport became the air base of David Lawrence. This airport is rather run down, and the planes on the airport are special.

劳 David Lawrence also set up his own air power, and he also used jet fighters that did not take off a few tons of oil at a time. However, compared to Zhou Qingfeng, he could only pick up the tatters. He directly used the T-28 propeller trainer of the US military.

This is a very good junior trainer. It can be modified to carry machine guns and bombs for combat. The French used to import such planes to suppress riots in Africa. They were cheap and easy to use.

What Kasalis had to do was to destroy the enemy's air force on the runway and hangar at the airport, and to gain air dominance for subsequent attack waves. Because Newark Airport is not a specialized military airport, dozens of aircraft are either parked in the open air or placed in simple hangars.

When the first wave of attack aircraft launched a low-altitude attack, the shaking iron wings whizzed past the buildings, and their swift posture caused curious questions from many residents on the ground. No one in New York would have thought that somebody was driving an aircraft carrier, and the takeoff carrier attacked them.

没有 There are no reconnaissance aircraft, no early-warning aircraft, and even no aircraft with radar in the sky. When Casaris's fleet arrived, only two T-28s were on the sky to perform an apparent alert task.

The airport's radar did not even find the attackers coming from a low altitude. The vigilant t-28 saw the twelve attackers, but did not understand what the aircraft was for. They watched the first wave of Super Ra-11 arrive over the airport.

This is a perfect sneak attack, perfect to believe it!

卡 When Casaris saw the densely parked aircraft on the runway, he couldn't believe his eyes. Although the special service team who had arrived in advance said that the enemy was not alert, when this scene really appeared, it was really exciting.

"The great Victor Hugo, please allow me to offer you my first victory." The radio silence is no longer necessary. Casaris shouted directly on the radio, "Cheer, history will remember this moment, Newark airport is crying under our sire."

This shouted on the radio public channel, and in the current clean radio environment, high-power radio stations spread this sentence across the globe.

From the Kennedy off the coast of New York to Havana, the nest of the Aurora Corps, from the icy and snowy Alaska, to the African continent across the ocean, from human settlements all over the world, to the leaders of the dominant power, as long as the frequency The monitoring stations accepted it.

Countless people in the last days heard this shout, astonished, puzzled, shocked, incredible, all kinds of emotions emerged. But without exception, everyone started to pay attention to this sound, this sound like a sudden outbreak of silent night.

What happened? What the **** happened? Victor Hugo? Deliver the results? Newark Airport? Something must have happened!

"Inkley" monitors hurriedly report to their superiors ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chief, sir, something happened, something big, war, this must be a war! The signal came from New York, from the Brotherhood of Steel. "

The commanders of other areas of the Brotherhood were also called to the radio in an emergency. "David Lawrence is in trouble. This guy must have been attacked. Someone directly attacked his New York nest. You can imagine this arrogant man is going to suffer. A ruthless one. "

Commander Simon, who had been standing in front of the radio, cheered loudly, "It's off, these two guys are fighting! Let the two lions and dragons fight fast, and only they will fight, we will be safe."

Clooney, who was also in front of the radio, also called in his diplomats, opened a bottle of brandy, raised his glass and shouted, "Come, cheer! A glass of respect for the commander of the army, a glass of respect for the pilots in front of you, and all for your hard work. One person, this is the glory of all of us. "

Miss Fox, Hummie and others also stood in front of the radio station. After hearing this voice, she always tore off the short skirt that disturbed her, stepped on the table in front of her, raised her arms and cheered loudly: "Victor Long live Hugo! "

The radio was placed in the square in front of the Havana Capitol. A dozen loud speakers amplified the sound, and tens of thousands of people surrounded by the square were also excited by the excitement of this shout, shouting in unison: "Victor. Long live Hugo! Long live the 'Aurora Legion'! "

The thunderous shout shook the clouds, fanatical passion hit the earth, long live ..., long live ..., long live ......... (to be continued.)

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