Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 811: The eggs are shrunk

As the head of the fleet commander, Casaris flew over the runway from Newark Airport for the first time. He drove the Super Pull-11 with two 100 kg cluster bombs and two rocket nests under full load.

The first to be dropped were two cluster bombs, which were stock items recommended by the Chinese military workers. Each bomb contained more than a hundred small bombs. This is specifically designed to combat unarmored and unprotected targets.

Because this bomb is too shady, the international community has put in place a "Convention Against Cluster Bombs" to eliminate it. Unfortunately, few countries have signed it. A large number of such bombs were built in China and turned out to be useless. This time, they had no choice but to land on American airports.

After the two cluster bombs fell, the projectile explosion first occurred, and more than one hundred small bombs inside the bomb were blown up and flew to a distance of 100 meters. When the small bombs flew away and exploded again, each one again made hundreds of tiny fragments to sweep everything.

When the roar of the explosion shook the ground, the air traffic controllers on the tower of Newark Airport seemed to be fixed, and looked at the thousands of bombs thrown in front of them foolishly.

The bombs instantly covered a large area on one side of the airport runway, and dozens of aircraft parked there were immediately plunged into a sea of ​​smoke and fire.

What happened?

Someone attacked us.

How to do?

I watched Casaris lead the way, as planes and planes whistled across the airport, and people on the tower seemed to fall into a nightmare. But they are actually urged to respond, such as calling for support.

"Contact the air defense positions and let them fight back, fight back!"

"Take off fighter, we want to take off."

"Pilot, where is our pilot?"

Distraught, dizzy, sweating, people on the tower panic like headless flies. The scene in front of them was a one-sided slaughter. Twelve Super Ra-11 carried twenty-four cluster bombs and bombed the entire airport.

飞机 All planes parked in the open air were destroyed by random shrapnel. The fire was soaring and exploded. And this was just a through-field flight attack. After losing the cluster bomb, Casaris led the team back again, and there were two 90-mm rocket nests under his wing.

带着 Each rocket nest carried a dozen high-explosive rockets, and Casaris turned his nose and stared at the tower at the corner of the airport. The people inside the tower were panicking and saw the attackers rushing towards themselves, no other way than to scream.

The stunned rockets flew over and immediately smashed the tower into a smoking torch. The concrete debris of the tower was blown up, and a large hole was opened on the bombed side. The air traffic controller inside the tower died immediately.

不 And this is not the end, the air defense positions of the airport, the oil depot, the hangar, and even the attached pilot quarters have become the key targets of attack. The constant firing of rockets turned the entire airport into a purgatory.

"Asshole!" The two T-28s that had been on alert in the air did so. These guys flying from the sea launched a despicable sneak attack. They bombed the airport in their own eyes.

This is the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel who dominates the north. All of you sneak attackers should go to hell!

I watched the completely paralyzed airport, two t-28 pilots were surged by the tragic blood, and a squeezing nose came down with a sharp whistling noise. They would just want revenge for their comrades in death.

I just played against each other. Twelve Super Pull-11s that lost their bombs immediately showed their fighter qualities. Although it is an old aircraft of World War II in the bones, it is modified by the equipment of the 1970s and 80s and the concept of the 21st century. This magically modified propeller aircraft has demonstrated good air combat capabilities.

Compared to the T-28, which has a maximum speed of only 500 kilometers, the Super Pull-11 can blast a high speed of 700 kilometers. When the two sides collided, the firepower gained an overwhelming advantage.

Twelve to two.

Twenty-three millimeter machine guns point to fifty machine guns.

Not at all an opponent!

After a sudden noise in the sky, the two T-28s immediately paid for their recklessness. One was blown up by the air, one was wounded and fled, and smoky to find a place and forced to land.

"Aha ... we cleared the runway!"

"All targets beside the runway were destroyed."

"The oil depot exploded. We blew up the airport depot."

"Kill the air defense positions in the northeast. Where are the machine guns firing in the air?"

"I was hit, I was hit."

The radio was full of shouts from the first wave of attack aircraft. These guys deliberately want to spread the situation to the whole world, all shouting their results on the radio without encryption.

The result is that as long as the people who are watching the attacker's channel all over the world are listening to their live broadcasts, from the loud shouts and wild roars, you can feel the real strong combat atmosphere on the scene.

In just ten minutes, the attack on Newark Airport was successfully completed, and the entire airport was wrapped in fire and smoke. Unprepared ground personnel were beaten by the dead soul, and countless deaths and injuries contributed to the achievements of 12 people including Casaris.

The only loss of the first wave of attack aircraft came from a single "Stinger" single-armed air defense missile. A super pull-11 was hit by cold while attacking the air defense position. .

But the armored cockpit attached during the conversion saved the pilot's life. He reluctantly controlled the fighter to leave the battlefield and flew inland for several kilometers before parachuting. The Army Intelligence Agency Special Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rangers who had previously sneaked into New York would naturally find ways to rescue him.

After gaining a successful result, Casaris commanded a rapid climb. Because the fuel was still very abundant, they did not leave immediately, but as a mobile force to monitor the battlefield, they were ready to help the next few waves of attack aircraft.

When the first wave raged at Newark Airport, the next two attack waves followed after it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although the three wave attack aircraft took off at different times, in order to obtain the maximum surprise They actually arrived at the same time over New York in little time.

The second wave of attacking fleets is going to hit the Bayway Refinery. Fighting the airport will only make David Lawrence thunder, and the destruction of this vital factory is related to whether David Lawrence realizes that the Aurora Corps is not easy to mess with.

卡 Just when Casaris dropped a cluster bomb in Newark, the twelve Super Pull-11s here also dropped more cluster bombs on the refinery's catalytic refinery production line. The fierce attack of the second attack wave immediately turned this place producing flammable and explosive fuel into a sea of ​​fire.

劳 David Lawrence attaches great importance to the defense work of this refinery. This is his lifeblood and his greatest capital. But he didn't expect anyone to be bold enough to launch an air attack on him, and the direction of the attack was from the sea.

When the fire broke into the sky, the army responsible for defending the place was forced to leave the position by the thick smoke and high temperature. The commander of the second wave of attack aircraft is relatively low-key. He only said one thing on the radio from beginning to end: "Dear Lord Legion, the red target has been destroyed, and the enemy will never want to squander extravagant fuel!"

At this time, David Lawrence was still taking a bath. The warm hot water could not bring the slightest warmth. He held his hands in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bathroom, saw the fleet of aircraft flying over the city, saw the airport covered by the explosion and fire, and saw the smoke column of the refinery directly to the sky. I'm cold.

The eggs have shrunk! (To be continued.)

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