Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 836: Same to you!

duang ..., a solid wall was opened with a big hole, and a panic came from behind the wall. ? Major Varina outside the wall unhurriedly pulled a high explosive grenade out of the insurance, and threw it into the hole briskly.

Boom ... The hustle and bustle in the wall disappeared immediately after the explosion. After a few Is gangsters yelled and surrendered, raised their hands and walked out of the building bunker. "Don't shoot, we surrender, we surrender."

Dirty beards, tattered combat uniforms, panic-stricken eyes, these once fierce thugs now restore their weak **** nature. When seeing the T-45a in front of them through the flashes of the sky that light up from time to time, they all want to cry-God did not tell us that this situation will be encountered?

"Where is the 'Nusla'?" A T-45a asked in Arabic.

"At the train station," said a trembling Is gangster.

"Kill them," Major Varina ordered coldly, and one of the members behind her immediately stepped forward, without having to waste a bullet, kicking one directly, all strangled to death.

After breaking into Raqqa, the 'Thunder' squad led by Valena did not stop attacking. A city with a complex environment has greatly facilitated T-45a operations.

You can't beat it, you can't run it, you can't beat it, you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and you can't run it. Even if someone committed a suicide attack, the black light could not find it. A few who have the opportunity to attack also cannot penetrate its armor.

In the past, street fighting required sweeping from house to house and street to street, but the 'Thunder' squad equipped with T-45a rushed into Raka City like a sharp knife. With it leading the team to break the line of defense, the follow-up Syrian government forces can stand firm.

However, the pig teammates felt that it was enough to occupy the perimeter front overnight. They actually said that it was too dark to fight, and refused to follow up.

Valena didn't want to be dragged by the weak dregs of the government forces, so she acted on her own. Her target was the 'Nusla' mercenary regiment that had attacked the Russian field hospital not long ago. This was personally ordered by the boss Mao Xiongpu to be killed.

At the moment at the railway station in Raqqa, York, who led the mercenary group, was reporting the current tensions to his superiors on the radio and demanded to withdraw from Raqqa. It will be much earlier than we expected. "

But a new order from the Niu Family's MI5 was sent over the radio-to understand the performance of this new weapon, it would be best to capture one.

"You're kidding me!" York cursed loudly at the radio. "That kind of equipment is not afraid of small and medium-caliber bullets. I saw a grenade explode next to them, but they shake nothing but nothing. I There are few things in his hand that can threaten it.

Do you masters in the office think we are on vacation in Syria? This place has long been a flesh and blood mill. The companions who came with me have sacrificed a third. Do you want us all dead? "

But the bureaucrat on the radio side still asked York to execute the order. "We have learned information about the new Russian weapons from other sources, but we still need the real thing. Now is a rare opportunity."

"Damn good chance." York smashed the table heavily, looking back at the dozen or so companions left behind, and said helplessly: "The gang of officials asked us to make a new Russian toy. Allow us to evacuate. "

The sas as a mercenary is emotionally stable, after all, everyone comes to Syria to live a life with a knife and blood. However, the American in charge of high-altitude surveillance sent a warning message, "Wanderer, I am Eyeball 2, the mechanical unit is moving closer to your train station."

Using the image uploaded by the data link, York clearly saw a dozen striking mechanical monsters on his battlefield pad. He placed vigilants around the train station to warn, "Captain, someone is approaching our defensive circle from the west."

The voice just fell.

Boom ... A blast suddenly appeared at the top of the building in the lobby of the Laka Railway Station. York looked at the suddenly opened ceiling with shocked eyes, and the sentry he arranged high up was solved by a shell.

"Let the London order go to hell, let's evacuate here." York realized he had been spotted, and maybe the other drone was flying in the sky. He should not stay in this doomed mud pit.

It was only to leave but not to leave. York and his dozens of members drove several armored vehicles in order to evacuate, but had just appeared to be attacked. He didn't even know that this time the bears and rabbits joined forces to seek revenge on him.

A 'Cornet' anti-tank missile flew from two kilometers away, and a bear soldier controlling the missile locked a guided laser beam on an armored vehicle leading the way. The missile's rocket motive drew a gorgeous smoke glow in the night sky, and the Juneng Penetration Armored Warhead pierced the side of the armored vehicle.

Boom ... It was another violent explosion.

The high-explosive warhead exploded the lead armored car into a lingering fumes and twisted parts, and York's own car plunged into the smoke and eventually hit the wreckage of the armored car ahead.

The impact of the hot smoke caused people's nose to be burned. York screamed, hugged his head and face toward the car, but immediately shouted on the radio: "Evacuation, scattered evacuation, can't stop. We don't have firepower, we can't fight it."

But it was really difficult to evacuate at this moment. Major Valena didn't know where to get a pickup truck, and chased after driving it. The bear in the driver's seat shoved it in for himself, and even violently removed the seat and window.

"Kuma!" The drowning bear yelled loudly on the radio, the vehicle added the fastest, and rushed along the road aggressively.

The sas member on the opposite side was not vegetarian. When he saw a vehicle approaching, a 'Javelin' missile flew over. The orange motive flame also proclaims its great power.

However, driving a bear bear was not afraid ~ www.readwn.com ~ The moment the missile hit, he laughed and twisted the steering wheel, and when the truck twisted, he hit the dirt wall of a house on the side of the road and hid in another street. .

Obstructed by the house, the 'Javelin' missile loses its target and can only be bombed on empty houses. The driving bear quickly twisted the steering wheel again, and the pickup creaked with crooked metal twists and a roar of motivation. He swayed the car body, running over the ruins after the explosion, and proceeding, "Hahaha ... kuma!"

In the carriage, Major Varenna personally operated a Zpu-2 anti-aircraft machine gun with a 14.5 mm caliber. The violent fire was violently sprayed, and a light chain was beaten over a thousand meters away.

The sas team member who just shot 'Javelin' rolled away to escape, but the wall collapsed under the light chain, as if the sky was falling apart, everything was irresistible. The two players had apparently avoided it for the first time, but the following large-caliber bullets penetrated their chosen bunker.

Covered shooting, the target area was hit by more than one hundred and forty-fourteen-five-millimeter-caliber bullets, and the ground was cut off by a violent fire, and the people hiding in it were almost smashed.

"Asshole!" Captain York hated to watch as his teammates died. But the firepower of the two sides is completely not equal. Even if the mercenary regiment carries some anti-tank missiles, there are not many of them. Where can they shoot endlessly like the other side.

Under the guidance of drones, the 'Thunder' team deliberately smashed the heavy equipment they carried, heavy artillery, anti-tank missiles, large-caliber machine guns, and full firepower. Complete a perfect firepower show from far away.

Hundreds of kilometers away in Iraq, the U.S. Army ‘Eyeball No. 2’ group operating an unmanned reconnaissance plane watched its allies killed. It was a brutal scene, but they couldn't help it.

kuma! !! !! 8

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