Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 837: Irritability

I wanted to hunt down bin Laden in the eagle sauce, and the intelligence work took a long time. Finally, the SEAL team took a helicopter to sneak in at night to get their goals. The furry bears are a bit rough, only armored vehicles can transport people to the front line, and then shake off the weak dregs of the pig teammates to get their own goals.

Limited by the political environment of the Syrian battlefield, Mao Xiong and Ying Jie are mainly air support, and the ground forces are quite limited, but the appearance of the T-45A was a shocking effect on the world.

The "Thunder" team retreated with a single blow, leaving a lot of doubts and full deterrence to the opponents. Eagle sauce always thought that its special combat power was the best in the world, but now it is better than the frontline personnel. They are definitely going to be thrown away.

When the ground-monitored video of "Eyeball II" was returned to Washington, the executives of Eagle Sauce fell into a dead state again. The CIA chief Brennan who provoked the Syrian civil war had just received a briefing. Mao Xiong tore Raka ’s front line and killed a mercenary group where he was located.

The mercenary regiment, code-named "Wanderer," not only had SAS members from the cattle family, but also retired seals from the Eagle Sauce. As a result, when they were discovered, they were violent and completely destroyed in three minutes. From the video shot by the drone, the opponent has an overwhelming firepower advantage and the ability to control the battlefield.

"We later found a Huaxia unmanned reconnaissance aircraft providing target instructions for this squad."

"According to the survey of the survivors, it can be determined that this is a heavy armored individual equipment that can carry high-load battlefield maneuvers and has strong external perception capabilities."

"It's a bit similar to our power armor program, but technically it has reached the actual combat requirements."

"The Russians are demonstrating to us. This strange mechanical team disappeared after completing its mission. Unfortunately, we did not get more information. The only thing that is clear is this picture."

At an emergency hearing in Congress, Commissioner Brennan had to be questioned. The photo he submitted caused a commotion, which was found on the body of Captain York, the rambler, and was one of several photographs that York had taken before the battle began.

Seeing the photos, a group of big eagle sauce felt very uncomfortable. Under the dazzling flares, against the backdrop of the crater-filled battlefield in Syria, the T-45A's mechanical casing and mantis helmet look abrupt and weird.

Two large, bulging glass eyecups on the helmet protect the optical and electrical equipment inside, and to the outsiders, these two transparent eyecups carry a deep mystery-what the **** is this thing?

Director Brennan asked the screen to change another picture. This time, Zhou Qingfeng wore a 'mechanical exoskeleton' when the 'Pandora' was destroyed a few months ago. He pointed to a recovery map and said, "We think these are two products of similar technology, one light without armor and one with heavy armor."

"No matter what it is, it is a major threat to the United States." Ryan, the president of the National Assembly, hurriedly asked, "Do you say we have similar projects, can we restrain Russian equipment?"

"I'm afraid it's not working, there is a certain gap." Director Brennan first suppressed and then raised, "I suggest that Congress approve a special budget to speed up the progress of our research on power armor. Otherwise our soldiers will face such terrible equipment in the future. "

Pull it down, and you know that you want to withdraw money, it hurts feelings to raise money this year!

There was a burst of shattering discussion, and the members of the parliament began to chat. The greatest ability of Congress is to budget, to put it plainly is to spend money. But the landlord ’s family has no food left now. Do n’t look at the hundreds of billions of dollars in military expenses of Eagle Sauce each year, but the costs in various places are also high!

"Wait ... I have a question." A member of the parliament raised his hand and said puzzledly, "The Russians have had a bad economy these past few years. Just look at their aircraft carriers and you will know that a broken ship will be destroyed. Send out to fight.

But we just laughed at the poorness of this polar bear and the backwardness of its various technologies. How did they make this revolutionary equipment in a blink of an eye? "

Yeah, revolutionary equipment!

Although Lvjiao's combat effectiveness has always been weak, a team of fifteen people has killed the IS's nest, killing and injuring two or three hundred people before and after. If it weren't for the Syrian government ’s military, it ’s probably too bad.

And this team broke through the defense line without saying, but also a mercenary in the city. This western mercenary was not a weak slag, but was burned out in three minutes. At that time, the British sent Mark 1 to the Somme battlefield, and they were not so happy!

Eagle sauce has the richest experience in dealing with the Green Religion. In these years, I have never engaged in the risk of sending a squad into the enemy's nest, because it is no different from sending death. But now Xiong Xiong has done that, and he has succeeded.

Now that the rumors of 'Mechanical Monsters' have spread, IS armed people in Raqqa are heartbroken. In the past, they pressed the Syrian government forces, but now the Syrian government forces are fighting them like blood. Everyone feels that in case of trouble, the Russian mechanical soldiers will come to help.

Even the Western fighters who are in trouble in Syria have converged a lot. The reputation of the 'walker' mercenaries is not small ~ www.readwn.com ~ The combat capability is top notch. But when such an elite was stared at, it was suddenly put down by a bear, and others had to think about their own lives.

This passive situation was never thought of by Director Brennan. Regarding the issue of the parliamentarian, he could only whisper: "This equipment is mainly equipped with considerable armor, can carry heavy weapons, and has good mobility. It allows a soldier to exert the combat effectiveness of more than ten soldiers, ... "

"No, no, no ..., I'm not asking this." The member who asked the question repeated: "I mean how can a Russian have this equipment? Even if I'm not an expert, but I know that such a thing involves intelligent control , Photoelectric technology, miniature power, sensors, etc ... "

To put it bluntly, I still feel that Mao Xiong is not sure about this thing. After all, Mao Xiong's electronic technology has always been weak, and it is 30 to 40 years behind the world's top level.

This was another thing that annoyed Director Brennan. He sighed unconsciously, "We think this may be equipment produced by Huaxia and then provided to the Russians for actual inspection."

Damn it, the rabbit and the bear are together again. One who is rich and stingy, the one who is bold and dare to do it, is really a headache. There is no good way for Eagle Sauce to get this good base friend who meets grudges.

"We should submit a ceasefire proposal at the United Nations to stabilize the battle in Raqqa."

"We should increase sanctions on Russians and control their use of this new equipment."

"We should create public opinion internationally, accusing the Russians of civilian casualties made in Raqqa."

A lot of discussions among members of Parliament are old methods that have been seen in the past. Director Brennan looked at the messy meeting place, and he was also anxious-in the face of the emerging individual equipment, these methods are useless!

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