Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 922: sneak into

An hour later, Zhou Qingfeng's sharp knife class was all dispatched. He is not acting alone, and there is support from the same platoon behind him. But compared to his comrades ambush in the woods, he and his men looked quite different.

Zhou Qingfeng is wearing a straw blanket, which is a camouflage suit made of weeds. It is simple and effective. The yellow color can provide a high degree of concealment in the mountains. Behind him, people in the same class are similarly dressed up, all of them seem weird.

"Don't say it, it's very convenient to wear this thing. It's not easy to see across a dozen meters." ‘Old Machine Gun’ is responsible for short-range fire support, with his deputy shooter behind Zhou Qingfeng.

Zhou Qingfeng had no weapons except a bayonet, and at most was carrying a bundle of hemp rope behind him. He led the way in front of him, carefully crossing the snow-covered mountains, moving quickly and steadily, like an alert raccoon cat, "I say run and run, I stop and stop, don't hesitate."

The ten people in the class spent about an hour walking through the open area of ​​about two hundred meters, and came under a mountain nest with the help of various terrain and landforms. When the party arrived here, they had to stop. The enemy's machine gun position was on a cliff more than 20 meters high.

"Squad, what shall we do?" A recruit who had just replenished asked for a while. The deputy monitor behind him immediately stepped forward to cover his mouth, and stared at him with stern eyes.

Zhou Qingfeng also narrowed his face coldly, and Sen Leng's gaze made the rookie startled. After making sure the class was quiet, he climbed up the cliff with his bare hands.

The cliff walls are gravel, very soft, and covered with slippery moss. The squad members squatting underneath are extremely worried. One by one, they squinted a cold sweat for their squad leader. If they fell, it would not only be a matter of alarming the enemy, but they would also fall to death.

As the platoon leader imagined, Zhou Qingfeng was not a master of peace and security. He wasn't going to find a way around the enemy machine gun positions, but he ran straight to the machine gun positions.

Today is October 31st. Nanshan and the U.S. Army in Yunshan have noticed that the Volunteers are approaching them, but their estimates of troop strength are seriously insufficient. At 17 o'clock tomorrow, the Battle of Yunshan will begin. Why bother detouring? Unplug this machine gun position today!

The reason why Zhou Qingfeng dared to be so bold was because he knew that the Nanba troops were staying on the outer positions of Yunshan. He has always been confident in dealing with these amateur soldiers who have not received much training. If you wait until tomorrow, haha ​​... tomorrow will be different.

Zhou Qingfeng's fingers were as powerful as a mountaineering pick, and he directly inserted into the solid seam of the cliff and hung his body upwards. With the falling debris, his figure disappeared on the cliff a minute later.

The next cliff was quiet for about five minutes. For the comrades in the sharp knife class, these five minutes were as long as five years. They all looked up at the cliff, hoping to see a rope dangle from it, so that they could follow the squad leader to kill them.

Just wait so eagerly ... wait for a muffled sound from the cliff, followed by a murmur. But no one knows what happened on the cliff?

After waiting for a twine to fall off the cliff, the sharp knife class found that a twine M1917A1 water-cooled heavy machine gun was tied to the twine, and the gun rack was equipped with ammunition.

"Old machine gun" suddenly exulted, came forward and unloaded the heavy machine gun from the twine. He just wanted to tie the twine to himself, but the twine quickly pulled back.

Within two minutes, the twine dropped again, this time **** with seven or eight rifles, including M1903 'Springfield' and M1 'Garland'. This is almost the equipment of a machine gun squad.

Two hundred meters away, the platoon leader who had just set up the task was holding a telescope and carrying a full row of personnel to push Zhou Qingfeng out. Seeing 'Zhou Da Men' heading for the enemy machine gun position, he knew what this brave kid was going to do.

The original platoon leader was also annoyed that Zhou Qingfeng was bold and arrogant, thinking that if the boy could come back alive, he had to teach him a meal. But where did it take me a few minutes, things were different from what he thought. It was too conspicuous to attach a heavy machine gun to the long dangling twine.

I go to ..., what does this mean? This is the big move of Zhou Da to move Nanbang.

"Three shifts, come on! Support one shift and obey the command of the first shift leader." As soon as there was cheap to occupy, the platoon leader immediately dispatched the free staff in it.

When the third class got up, they saw something new hanging from the twine--a soldier, a Nangan soldier, and a Nangan soldier trapped in his limbs and mouth.

Watching this prisoner slowly hanging down like a sheaf of pigs, the first and third fighters looked at each other. And the unlucky Nangan prisoner kept twisting his neck and widening his eyes in horror. He didn't understand why he was suddenly in a state of being watched.

This week, Qingfeng finally emerged from the top of the cliff and whispered ‘Change clothes, come up personally’.

Change clothes? What clothes to change?

"Stupid ..., do it! The squad leader said change the clothes and change the clothes of the captives. I'll come first." A deputy squad leader whispered and hurried forward to untie the captives from the rope and stripped them away The clothes were changed on their own, and the captives were left naked to the three squads.

Next, several dozen prisoners were hung down from the cliff one after another ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ten men in a group of sharp knives changed their clothes and hung up in turn. Leaving three silly classes to watch dozens of Nanbang captives who were almost bare, the scene was too weird.

Looking at the fact that there were even dozens of prisoners, the platoon leader behind him couldn't sit still. He left the deputy platoon leader to report to the company, personally ran up and wondered what ‘Chou Dawei’ wanted to do?

The platoon leader was still in a throbbing mood, but at a glance, he was tangled inside. He just asked Zhou Qingfeng to explore the way, but the kiddies easily wiped out the enemy's machine gun position.

If it is caused by an early exchange of fire, Zhou Qingfeng must not be punished severely. But now there is nothing to say, the enemy's machine gun squad is completely finished. What should I do?

"Does Zhou say what he wants to do?" The platoon leader who came up asked the third monitor.

The third squad leader was also aggressive, saying silly: "The first squad leader said that the enemies on other hills around were still staring. It was inconvenient to get up to too many people. Let us take the captives and seize first. They slipped around and picked up. Come back cheap. "

Hey ... it's pretty annoying!

The platoon leader thought: I asked the boy to explore the road, but he picked the enemy's position and said that he had to walk around. This really sent him to death.

Just looking at the equipment of the entire machine gun squad placed on the ground, plus a full machine gun squadron of the enemy, it is impossible for the platoon leader to give up this credit and benefit. It seems that this black pot really has to carry on.

"Good boy, you're a week old. Let me loose your constraints a little bit, and you're going to run wild?"

The platoon leader was really helpless under the cliff. The last bite of his teeth was to take away the captives and equipment. He ordered: "Leave the two here to guard, I'll see what kind of tricks the dude is going to make. Come?"

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