Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 923: Makeover

Why should Zhou Qingfeng change the goal of action disobediently, and turn the simple task of pathfinding into an adventure task of touching the ground? It was because the Battle of Yunshan was about to begin, and he had no time to wait any longer.

After returning the copy, Zhou Qingfeng always asked to carry out reconnaissance missions. He really wanted to catch a few captives back. Unfortunately, he was never allowed. Moreover, with the 'GOD' constraint, he could not act independently of the army, so he could only try his best to toss.

This was done for a reason, because before the Battle of Yunshan was launched, the Volunteer Command ordered the 39th Army to hit Yunshan City. At that time, everyone from the top to the bottom of the Volunteer Army thought that the Nanshan First Division was stationed around Yunshan City.

However, this situation changed drastically before the start of the battle. The Nandi First Division suddenly packed up and ran away. At that time, the 39th Army believed that the enemy was fleeing when they realized that the situation was not right, so they launched an attack three hours in advance.

However, the actual situation is that the volunteer army lacked the technical reconnaissance ability and did not realize that this was the first division of the US Cavalry Corps to change defense with the first division of Nanba. Division, suddenly became an iron armored American division.

Do not think that the first military confrontation between China and the United States on the Korean battlefield is a very romantic thing. In fact, the U.S. military suffered a big blow, and the soil was a big loss. The Volunteer Army is a light infantry division. It is a joke to fight a fully mechanized heavy armored division!

Zhou Qingfeng was desperately trying to catch a few U.S. prisoners to alert the senior volunteers and tell them that the enemy's situation has changed and they should be prepared to fight a tank and fight a hard battle. As for the consequences of disobedience ... who will fight another day, who can take care of it?

Because the goal was to capture US captives, Zhou Qingfeng was about to cross the defense line of the Nanbat Division. He sneaked into the enemy's machine gun position with a light posture, and as a result, saw the enemy's machine gun squad playing cards in the position.

There are overgrown weeds on the cliffs and many fallen leaves. Nangan ’s machine gun positions were dug irregularly, a shallow ring fortification, and two trenches that could not be hidden.

Now it's freezing cold, and the Korean winter of 50 years is extremely cold. Digging trenches is an extremely hard job. Americans generally use explosives to blast, and earthworms are desperately digging by hand. Why do n’t you stick to it?

In order to avoid the cold, Nangan ’s machine gun squads were contracted in sloppy fortifications. After Zhou Qingfeng, who quietly came up, killed the two sentries, he let the other party completely blind, and the entire class was cleaned up silently.

After Zhou Qingfeng pulled the staff of his sharp knife team up again, he put on the Nanba uniform uniformly. He was going to go deep into the enemy's defense line to see the situation. but…….

"The mother-in-law's, I just don't have clothes that I can wear." Zhou Qingfeng's one-eight-eight-foot figure wasn't particularly high in decades, but it is definitely a standout among the current Southern Base soldiers.

The sharp-knife squad changed into a Nanbat uniform and looked at Zhou Qingfeng, the deputy squad leader asked: "Squad, what do you want to do?"

"I want to get a big ticket. I heard that there are Americans here, and I want to capture a few." Zhou Qingfeng was worried about the clothes and frowned.

Captive Americans? This idea is exciting! The members of the sharp knife class were excited and shy at the same time. Although no one had the confidence to catch the American captives, they wanted to try it. After all, the squad leader looked quite reliable.

"Squad leader, do you want to mix in the enemy?"


"But we don't speak Korean."

"I can say a few words, and I still have a captive. Anything to tell him. I just tried it, and the enemy's situation on this mountain's line of defense is basically clear. If you encounter a large enemy, you can hide. Just mix it, and get rid of it if you don't get over it. "

In the shallow pit of the ring position, there was a squad leader of the Nangan Machine Gun Squad who was tied to the ground with various flowers. He leaned against the shallow pit and was surrounded by seven or eight volunteer soldiers. He had reached the point where he had tears in his eyes and his urine was flowing.

After a minute of distressing about his clothes, Zhou Qingfeng simply took off his cotton hat, then broke a few holes in his military uniform, and finally rolled on the ground, making his face dirty.

"Squad, what are you doing?"

"Now I'm a captive captured by Nangan soldiers. Come and help me tie my hands." Zhou Qingfeng tied the Nanban squad leader back and pushed to the front. He seemed to be holding his hands and feet behind him, and finally Combatants in the sharp knife class wearing southern club uniforms.

The whole class lined up and acted consciously. And Zhou Qingfeng pushed behind the ears of the Nanban squad leader and said darkly: "Look up your chest and have a smile on your face. You are now the hero who captured the captives of the CCP. Listen to me, you can survive, otherwise Makes you heroic. "

The situation changed too drastically, the head of Nanban's squad was confused, and the skin of his lips was straight. He was afraid to cry, and walked with the same hands and feet almost to fall. However, there was a wicked man such as Zhou Qingfeng staring in the back, and he could only force a smile and walk towards the front of the front.

The sharp-knife class was surprised at first, but soon became arrogant. The deputy squad leader even approached Zhou Qingfeng and asked, "Squad leader, this is a good idea. Do you want me to kick you in the back? This seems more realistic."

Good idea ... Zhou Qingfeng turned back depressed, but only nodded slightly in agreement, and even taught the other party how to use Korean as a curse, which was more realistic.

After some preparation, this strange team came down from the machine gun position on the cliff. Zhou Qingfeng lowered his head and rubbed his back, but was always alert to the actions of the Nanban squad leader, while observing the surroundings with the light from the corner of his eyes.

The early defeat of the Nanba Army was not without reason. It was not a qualified army at all. Www.readwn.com ~ Most of the officers in charge of it were converted from the soldiers of the original Japanese Korean and Manchurian divisions. However, there are many bad problems.

The first division of Nanbao is the trump card of ‘Capital Division’. Do you know who his division is? It is a Brigadier General surnamed Bai. He was originally a captain under the Japanese. He was only 28 years old when he was a division commander—what is his ability ... It can only be said that he has been beaten hard and never surpassed.

At this level, the division commander can imagine the combat effectiveness of the division.

Zhou Qingfeng and others entered the position of the 15th Regiment of the Nanbat First Division. When they saw this group of people, Nanbat soldiers on the position first asked aloud, and soon they looked away from the crowd and laughed. .

Whenever he saw a Nanbat soldier approaching, Zhou Qingfeng immediately whispered to urge the Nanban squad leader in front to leave quickly. The deputy squad leader immediately approached the enemy and ordered the team members to spread out and surround Zhou Qingfeng in the middle. This not only protects his squad leader, but also stares at the former Nanban squad leader.

"Where the **** are you going?" The Nanban squad leader wanted to get rid of Zhou Qingfeng's control. However, every time he saw Zhou Qingfeng's gloomy eyes, his heart shook subconsciously. More than a dozen of his men were all handled by this guy with bare hands.

Where to go? This is a problem.

It stands to reason that the captured prisoners should immediately report to the chief, but Zhou Qingfeng obviously would not let the Nanban squad leader do this. His target is not the 15th regiment of the Nanbat First Division, but the first US Cavalry Division that is currently changing defenses.

"To find a car, I'm going to Yunshan City. Someone said that he was ordered to **** important captives to the Americans." Zhou Qingfeng wanted to catch the Americans and was the first division of the US Cavalry.

"If you want to get a car, you can only go to the company." Nanban squad leader gave a difficult problem.

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