Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 938: Yunshan Blood Moon

The US military in Yunshan City rioted, thoroughly rioted, and manic riots.

"Fuck! Which **** had a laxative for today's dinner?"

"I want to kill him, I must kill him! Even if God forgive him, I won't forgive this laxative bastard."

"I went to the toilet eight times and almost took the toilet as home. Don't stop me, I must poke out the **** that hurt me. I must, **** ... the stomach hurts again, come here for the ninth time. Stop me, I'm going to the toilet. "

"Medical doctor, medic, where is the medic? Who will help me, I ... I've fallen into the pit."

The three battalions of the US Cavalry Eighth Regiment all opened out of Yunshan City, but thousands of the regiment and support forces remained in the city. This group of people began to eat dinner at 5 pm. Before everyone responded, 200 people were recruited. The medics now stole all the medicines in their medicine cabinets for constipation.

This **** bastard!

The scene of more than two hundred people grabbing the toilet is too spectacular, and the spectacular toilet is not enough. Many people just started looking for a corner and started to be happy, so many American soldiers squatting in a row at the corner.

The grass-roots officer immediately reported this heavy loss of personnel. As a result, the regiment including Palmer was also recruited, and dozens of senior officers were soaked in the toilet.

Colonel Palmer is the worst. The senior officer has been trying to maintain his image, but as a result, he hid in his single residence and pulled out to collapse, only to have someone carry him on a stretcher to the regimental medical clinic-everything was lost. That's it.

"Catch the gang of Nanbang cooking soldiers. It's them, they must have done them. They are not Nanbang people at all, they should be spies sent by North Stick. If you catch them, you will be executed. You will never forgive them." On the stretcher, Your Excellency Colonel still grabbed his lieutenant's hand and ordered.

It's so hateful, endless!

When did my dad have suffered this kind of suffering, suffered such crimes, and lost his face? Not killing is not enough to quell the soldiers' anger-Colonel Palmer alone hates to live up to that ‘Captain Nanbang Park’. He didn't even have to play. He even gave him medicine. This hate is really different.

The recruitment of more than two hundred people not only made the eighth regiment's medical clinic smelly and crowded. It also affected the entire regiment's medical and nursing staff, and they could not deal with it. At the same time, more than one hundred soldiers were deployed to help them. What's more serious is that the entire eighth regiment was paralyzed.

The head of the group, Rashila, was so anxious that the deputy head was not in the regiment and went to the fifth regiment. The staff of the regiment fell nearly half. A healthy officer is dumbfounded except that he has a lot of fear-now the eighth regiment of the cavalry is in battle and the enemy is attacking from three directions!

The rest of the officers quickly informed the Cavalry First Division, and Major General Guy immediately stumbled like a dumb chicken. He had just gotten a lot of bad situations-the eighth regiment in Yunshan was in danger of being surrounded by enemies, but before he found Colonel Palmer, the colonel had fallen.

Lay down with a laxative.

Yesterday's brave warriors, but today they were secretly attacked to become a soft-footed shrimp who kept urinating. How can this make people inexplicable? Major General Gay really wished that his men would be killed by guns on the battlefield, and that he would not suffer the loss of reputation.

In order to rebuild the command system, Major General had to send planes immediately to send Holmes, chief of staff, and some staff officers, hoping that this would rescue the Eighth Regiment from the bad state of siege.

And before the Chief of Staff arrived, what was the Eighth Regiment and the troops under Yunshan City doing? Naturally, they are looking for their culprits everywhere. If you don't find out, how can you give up? !!

With a bang, the US soldiers of the regiment's guard company smashed into the house where Zhou Qingfeng and others lived. But he ran into the two big soldiers, but immediately yelled and escaped.

After a while, a green smoke was coming out of the room, and an explosive pack with a fuse was on the door of the room. A few seconds later, the explosive package exploded violently and was reimbursed for a squad of American troops that had been squeezed in.

But this explosive package of thunderous thrills the Americans. They went madly to find Zhou Qingfeng and others, vowing to find out the yellow-skinned monkeys and burn them to death.

Just before Zhou Qingfeng was found, the US military officer in Yunshan City stopped this operation. Because compared to catching a few fleas that hid, the external troubles were even greater-it was getting dark, the 39th Army of the Volunteers launched a comprehensive attack, and the 116th Division of the main attack came over.

After the 3, 4th and 7th regiment easily defeated the Nanbat 15th Regiment, they smashed the **** of the soldiers and killed the Mirkin Camp of the 8th Regiment of the US Army and the tenth anti-aircraft artillery group attached to the Nanbat 15th Regiment.

Among them, the tenth anti-aircraft artillery group is a large and authentic flesh. It consists of the 78th anti-aircraft artillery battalion, the sixth wild artillery battalion, the ninth wild artillery battalion, and the sixth mortar battalion. Equipped with heavy artillery.

Among them, the Sixth Wild Artillery Battalion stunned the volunteers most. This battalion was equipped with a 155-millimeter m1a1 heavy howitzer ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a long range, powerful power, and very good suppression effect.

Before that, the 15th regiment of the South Battalion had been able to withstand the attacks of the 3, 4 and 7 regiments because of the support of this antiaircraft artillery group. How many volunteer soldiers were killed without even seeing the enemy's face, and now the fifteenth regiment of Nanbang, which was used as a shield, was finished, and the three or four regiments should naturally calculate.

In the original history, the 15th Central South League team did not begin to collapse until midnight, and it was completely finished at twenty-three. At that time, the tenth anti-aircraft artillery group had already packed up and ran away.

But this time, there was a ghost behind Zhou Qingfeng, and the Nanbat 15th regiment collapsed early and quickly. Only the accurate firing of an m-3o howitzer dispelled his soul.

When the 15th regiment of Nanba collapsed, the 347th regiment that had been eyeing the US artillery group immediately mobilized a battalion to attack it. In the dark, and with the loss of infantry protection, American artillery equipped with a large number of artillery pieces was difficult to run. This piece of fat is really a relief to eat!

In fact, Zhou Qingfeng didn't go far at all. He was still in Yunshan City, and also in Yunshan Elementary School where the eighth regiment was located. He took all the sharp knife classes and hid in this most dangerous and safe place.

It was dark and a bright moon hung in the sky. Zhou Qingfeng poked his head out of a broken house in the school. The small city illuminated by the moonlight was particularly clear, but this was the month of killing.

"Comrades, here comes our most difficult task. If we want to completely destroy the Eighth Regiment, we must completely destroy its regiment.

But the strength of the enemy regiment is still extremely powerful. Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers, regiments equipped with more than ten tanks, and an entire howitzer battalion. In addition, the enemy had three battalions outside the city, none of which were easy to deal with. But ... we have no choice but to start fighting. "

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