Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 939: Car bomb

Beat ..., Beat ..., Beat ... Neat footsteps came from the intersection and barricades of Yunshan Elementary School. The dark environment made it difficult to tell who was coming. But the barricade's machine gun was already aimed at the sound.

The U.S. sergeant stationed at the barricade lighted the flashlight to pass on the person, only to see the team coming up from the opposite side, probably a tall man. He shouted, "Password!"

"Roar! Call back." The tall man shouted loudly and his English was standard.

"Snarling." The barricade officer was a little relieved, but he still didn't understand who was coming across? He continued to ask, "Who are you?"

"We are ..." The tall man approached four or five meters away from the barricade, and the bonfire of the barricade could already illuminate his face.

The barricade gunner, who had been staring at the man, suddenly exclaimed angrily, "The enemy, it is the gang of Nanbang chefs ..."

Without finishing a few words, the approaching tall man suddenly rushed forward. He yelled, "Fire!"

Suddenly, including a tall man, a line of nine people suddenly left and right. Nine m1 carbines fired fiercely, and the bullets in the fifteen magazines were quickly sprayed out in the fully automatic mode. The small recoil force made it easy to control at close range and the shooting was very accurate.

The U.S. forces in the barricades were immediately washed away by bullet rain and blood, and the attackers' clear division of labor efficiently created a small kill. A few seconds later, the gunfire stopped, no one was standing behind the barricade, and all seven or eight bodies fell into a pool of blood.

The gunfire ceased, and the attacker didn't talk too much. The leading tall man left behind a sentence of ‘stick for a minute’ and turned and ran away.

Behind the tall man was an older, burly man. He jumped across the barricade into the sandbag ring where the machine gun was installed without a word. Pushing the corpse away, the water-cooled m1917a1 machine gun was turned in one direction to point behind the barricade. Ammunition is available, and you can fire just by pulling the trigger.

Others in the attacker's queue quickly moved obstacles, bodies, horses, and sandbags from the barricades. While they were working, the gunfire just caught the attention of the US Army Corps guards. Soon there were soldiers rushing over to ask what happened?

And seeing the attacker who was busy carrying the body, the fool knew what was born?

However, just as the US military shouted for help, the heavy machine gun with its muzzle turned on began to fire fiercely, and the violent firepower of Da DaDa ignored the mad shooting.

The ground and walls of the street were immediately riddled with scars, and any American soldier who appeared across the barricade was killed and suppressed. They were either killed on the spot or yelled for their lives.

But this was a strong reaction from the US military, and an officer immediately came out to command the soldiers to attract the front side and back side. Even soldiers threw grenades and rifle grenades at occupied barricades across the building.

Although it was dark and the streets were blocked, grenades and grenades did not fall directly among the attackers. Explosive air waves and flying debris still threatened their lives. Several shrapnel flew across, and a soldier carrying a horse suddenly fell to the ground and died on the spot.

At this time, no one cares about the dead and injured companion. The rest of them at most remove the companion's body and continue to move the barricade barrier quickly. Only halfway through them, a roar of motivation rang out across the street.

A truck kept on the street, roaring and pounding. The attackers on the barricades dodged immediately, and even the heavy machine guns that continued to fire stopped firing. The machine gunner shouted: "Let ’s go, let the squad leader rush up."

The truck pushed to the pole and smashed through the remaining barricade sandbags, moving forward. In the truck cab, the tall man who had just left pressed a stone against the accelerator. He opened the door dozens of meters away from Yunshan Elementary School, jumped out and rolled on the spot, then lay on the ground and looked forward.

The truck slammed, and the American soldiers in front hurriedly fired. Most of the rifles in their hands were hit on the cab, thinking of killing the driver. But the truck didn't stop at all, whizzing past them, and bumped into the fence of Yunshan Elementary School.

The soil wall of Yunshan Elementary School shattered as soon as it hit, and the truck rolled over the collapsed wall to continue. Yunshan Elementary School is the headquarters of the Eighth Regiment of the US Army. Tanks are stationed on the front and there are a large number of US guards around. But the U.S. military must have never heard of what is called a 'car bomb'.

The ignited fuse was delayed for fifteen seconds, and it did not detonate the fifty kilograms of explosives with detonators in the carriage until the truck stopped when it hit the primary school building.

The shells of a normal 155-mm heavy artillery shell are at most more than ten kilograms of explosives. This car bomb is equivalent to the simultaneous fall of four or five heavy artillery shells. The flame of the explosion was like a fiery dojo opened on the ground. The high-temperature shock wave instantly destroyed the main building of the whole elementary school.

The US military throughout Yunshan City heard the explosion roar, and everyone felt the discomfort caused by the loud noise. Close people scream and squat or even fall, and the loud noise makes them lose their balance. People with long distances can also feel the eardrum tingling caused by the drastic change in air pressure.

As for people closer to the explosion point?

The 50-meter-old inner wall collapsed, and basically no one lived. It was either killed or shocked. In addition to falling within 100 meters, many people were stunned. Even if their nerves are strong, they will soon show a raindrop composed of dust, debris, flesh, and flesh.

Zhou Qingfeng was lying more than 70 meters away. Rao was very strong and extremely uncomfortable due to the violent explosion. He had to cover his ears and open his mouth. Half a minute after the explosion, he now saw a severed thigh falling in front of himself.

Alas ... Alas, Zhou Qingfeng threw his thigh away, and spit fine sand and rubble in his mouth. At this moment, the smoke was shrouding, and there was no light to see, let alone no light now. In the dark environment, he took out a flashlight from his body and turned it on, while grabbing the m1 carbine.

The flashlight's light can only illuminate a distance of several meters. Zhou Qingfeng saw that some people were walking towards him steadily, and the number was quite large. As he approached, he immediately yelled ‘repeatedly’.

The other person stopped and did not respond. So Zhou Qingfeng cut off his gun and banged a few shots before looking over. Hmm ..., the m1 carbine is almost like a large broom at close range. As long as it swept the shuttle, the American soldiers who had not returned to God had fallen.

After a while, Zhou Qingfeng also lighted a few flashlights and a clutter of footsteps. It was also a yelling ‘repeated’, and Zhou Qingfeng was startled. This black light is blind, but he can't kill himself, he also yelled 'Qingming'.

The password is correct.

‘Old Machine Gun’ came to Zhou Qingfeng with a gun and asked in a low voice, “Lecturer, are you all right?”

"I'm fine, how about you guys?"

"One warrior was sacrificed. The others were slightly injured, but they didn't bother."

"Well ... we don't lose money."

"Squad leader, why is our password‘ repeated ’and‘ clear and clear ’? It ’s strange.”

"Ah ... I thought about it. Go, let's fight the tank."

The party was about to leave and merge into the night. 8

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