Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 940: Welcome to hell!

As early as October 25, 50, Walker, commander of the Eighth Army of the US Army, met with reporters at the headquarters in Pyongyang. "Everything is going very well now," he declared.

As a result, on the same day, the Volunteers gave the American Nanbao brother a violent meal. Let Nan Bang understand that even if he is the first boss in the world, it does not mean that he can not be beaten.

Nan Bang went back to crying to the master, intent on getting the boss to take revenge on himself. As a result, within a few days, by November 1, the U.S. Army had become the target of the Volunteers. Old America was convinced that the eighth regiment of the first US Cavalry Division in Izumo was surrounded.

Americans have always had little aura to fight. Not to mention the firepower during World War II. Even if it was the Gulf War in the 1990s, the so-called "left hook" was just a roundabout attack-the U.S. military blew this worthless little trick many years.

From a tactical point of view, the US military's bullying tactics really have nothing to say. They fight simply by one word-Howe. The upstart smashed people with money. Well equipped, good logistics, good soldiers, do commanders still need to use their brains?

Americans are masters of organization and management, and more engineers run out of the West Point Military Academy than soldiers. They are particularly good at planning the steps, and then let the enemy enter their own pace of combat-step by step-to fight against such enemies, the most important thing is not to be led by the enemy.

But it's not easy!

Throughout the history of US military operations, as long as the enemy is timid at first, the egg shrinks and it is finished. Most American opponents are weak. What does it take to disrupt the US military ’s combat plan? It depends on fearless sacrifice—Americans have done their best to be in the right place at the right time.

But this is easy to know. The world saves its lives and cannot endure hardships, only those who want to take advantage are the majority. This is a cultural tradition hidden in the thoughts of Yan and Huang's descendants.

When the turbulent air flow caused the C119 transporter to constantly tremble, Holmes, chief of staff of the US Cavalry First Division, was extremely upset. Flying in the dark is very dangerous, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the trouble that the Chief of Staff will face.

Before dark, the commander of Battalion Mirkin of the Eighth Battalion of the US Cavalry Corps sent a warning message saying that the enemy deployed in the northern part of Yunshan was launching a tentative attack on him. But it was just a tentative attack, but the fearlessness of its enemy's attacks was described as `` like the Foshan Yue is rolling. ''

The situation changed dramatically in an instant, and a series of bad news kept coming. But the external battles were not to be afraid, and what happened to the eighth regiment regiment was the worst, none of them-Colonel Palmer and a ticket officer of this regiment were dealt with laxatives.

Due to severe dehydration, Colonel Palmer was temporarily unable to perform his duties. After learning about this incident, the senior US military officials even signed a password, mainly because they were afraid that the reporters would talk nonsense, and that the soldiers who knew the news would spread gossip-this is too shameful to me, and it really hurts the image of the US military!

The Holmes Chief of Staff was sent to clean up the mess. His task was to lead the Eighth Cavalry Regiment out of Yunshan because the current situation had disrupted the US military's combat plan.

The Americans tried to restructure the offensive by retreating. They did not like the feeling of losing initiative, but the initiative was undoubtedly lost in the enemy's attack.

"I asked the old Japanese soldiers in Tokyo who had studied the CCP's army. Those Japanese monkeys said that their opponents are very good at conducting destructive operations in vulnerable situations. They can tolerate terrible sacrifice and suffering. Those are ..."

Holmes' chief of staff looked through the window of the cabin to the dark ground. He could see the continuous flash of fire on the ground, which was firing guns. Undoubtedly, the side with the strong fire is the US military, and by contrast, the volunteer force is much weaker.

"Those **** **** raised by bitches, why didn't they honestly be bombarded with **** like dust?" Holmes' chief of staff still had a little praise, but he said sharply Turning is teasing and derogation.

There are other officers drawn from the first division of the US Cavalry in the cabin. They will reorganize the commanding system of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment to allow this powerful armored unit to exert its powerful attacking power. Now that the plane is about to land and they hear the chief of staff's evaluation of the enemy, they laugh.

"Sir Holmes, we have contacted Yunshan Airport. They will give light instructions on the ground to help us land." The pilot of the transport aircraft said in the cabin intercom system.

A lot of bonfires and lights appeared on the ground, and the arrows pointed to the temporarily opened airport. The simple layout of the runway lights is a long line, and the C119 transport aircraft is circling and descending.

"How's the situation in the Eighth Regiment?" Holmes asked the chief of staff.

The officer in charge of communications replied: "The regiment of the Eighth Regiment is fairly peaceful, and its three battalions are arranged outside the city, of which the first battalion is fighting the enemy in the direction of the Qingchuan River.

The tenth anti-aircraft artillery group assigned to us encountered great trouble, and the rapid disintegration of the Southern Battalion 15th Regiment was beyond our expectations. They are being attacked by multiple enemy forces, and the Sixth Tank Battalion is heading for rescue, but the situation is not good. "

Although the situation is urgent, these are all expected things. Holmes' chief of staff felt that this time the Eighth Regiment was afraid to lose three or four hundred people before it could withdraw. For Americans, this is already very intolerable. He asked again, "What about Colonel Palmer?"

"Oh ..." The officer scratched his head awkwardly and said uncertainly: "Colonel Palmer is still being treated ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the mood is quite manic. He has ordered the regiment's direct troops to the entire Yunshan City A search was carried out and hundreds of Northpole spies were said to have been captured. "

North Stick Spy?

Holmes' chief of staff waved his lips and silently prayed for Colonel Palmer. He continued: "The eighth regiment was ordered to withdraw from Yunshan City. We cannot stay in a hostile city. The command agency is relocated at the airport."

The communications officer nodded slightly, preparing to give orders. At this time, the chief of staff Holmes turned to look at the cabin window, he could just see Yunshan City, "This city will be me ..."

His Excellency the Chief of Staff is trying to open up a new situation for his trip to Yunshan and read a memorable line. Just like MacArthur who likes to pretend, he must maintain his image no matter what he does.

But before Holmes came up with any good words, Yunshan City in the dark suddenly burst into a dazzling light. A giant flare appears in the city, letting people see the layout and structure of the entire city, as if a welcome firework!

At the moment when the light appeared, His Excellency the Chief of Staff saw that the ring-shaped shock wave released a powerful destructive force like a catastrophic one. A large number of buildings collapsed and collapsed into fly ash in no time.

The strong light disappeared for a few seconds, and the night enveloped the world again. But Yunshan City, like the charcoal fire in the winter, was shining with uncertain flames. Numerous figures could be seen shaking in the smoke, shouting, and calling for help.

Damn ... Lord Holmes on the plane could only stare stupidly. He and his men were crowded to the side of the cabin, his brain was blank and he could do nothing.

The dazzling light in the night is sending an unquestionable message-Yankees, welcome to hell!

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