Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 501: kill game

"Huntuo, you are my fifth brother's guard. Do you know where my fifth brother found the key to Hongyun Pagoda? In addition, why did the Kunyi tribe not far from this relic space disappear?" Yun Gan asked coldly.

He had been trying to find the trace of his fifth brother Yun Yi before, but he couldn't find it at all, not even a guard.

The key to the Red Cloud Pagoda was discovered by Yun Yi, and everything that happened may have something to do with Yun Yi.

"Young Master Yungan, I don't know about this." Huntuo's face twitched, and he shook his head quickly.

"Do you not know or are you unwilling to tell?" Yun Gan's face was full of fury: "You have nothing to do with me. If you deceive me, you know the consequences."

Huntuo's face calmed down, but he still shook his head and said, "Young Master Yungan, I really don't know."

"Hmph!" Yun Qian snorted coldly.

So what if he guessed that Hunto knew something? If Hun Tuo didn't say anything, he had nothing to do.

"What is this Huntuo hiding?" Zhou Hao paid attention to this Huntuo.

Just now his soul emanated, and he obviously felt that Hun Tuo's mood was a little abnormal.

"Hmm? Yungan and Huntuo didn't seem to notice that I was sending out my soul just now?" Zhou Hao's heart skipped a beat suddenly.

His soul surged, reaching a strange state, covering people in the same realm, and they couldn't find it.

You know, Yun Gan is also a top genius, and his soul must be much stronger.

Time flies, and an hour has finally passed.

"Congratulations on entering the second layer of space." A voice suddenly sounded.

"Finally started the third stage of the assessment?"

"I don't know what the content of the assessment is?"

There was a look of anticipation on everyone's face.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound fell, and suddenly many red light spots gathered in the surrounding area of ​​the space, and then figures appeared one after another.

Some of these figures have expressionless faces, while others have dull eyes.

"To celebrate your entry, let's all become my slaves now!" The voice in my ear suddenly changed and became much harsher.

boom! boom!

The momentum of these dull-eyed and expressionless people burst out, and then quickly attacked Zhou Hao and others.

"What? The voice says to make us all slaves?"

"This is not a test, this is a killing game!"

"Damn it, it was a trap from beginning to end!"

The faces of nearly a thousand people changed drastically.

They came here full of expectations, and finally came to the second floor, but now they immediately fell into crisis.

"Don't panic, everyone, join hands to deal with these people!" Yun Qianfei flew out, looked at the people around him seriously, and said loudly.

"Young Master Yungan, we listen to you!"

Immediately someone responded.

Of the nearly thousand people present, nearly half of them were members of the Heavenly Sacred Sect's Spiritual Master Realm, some were geniuses, and more were guards.

The two tests are not a test of talent.

The lifespan of people in the Spirit Master Realm has reached 10,000 years. Some people have practiced for thousands of years. It is naturally possible to master six or seven artistic concepts, but they are not geniuses at all.

"It turned out to be a trap!"

Zhou Hao's face changed, his body tensed up, his soul exuded, and he paid attention to the surrounding scene.

Looking at the many people coming, Zhou Hao swung the long sword in his hand, and sword lights flew out in an instant.

Under these attacks, the surrounding figures quickly flew backwards. Their bodies are easily penetrated.

In three months, Zhou Hao's strength has greatly improved. The six elements of the fire element artistic conception, plus the one that is about to be mastered, and the three that have reached the state of power, are completely equivalent to the complete seven artistic concepts.

Adding the two types of water system and lightning, Zhou Hao is equivalent to mastering nine artistic concepts. How terrifying is his strength?

The sword light flashed to the limit, and the figures were either pierced through their bodies, or their heads were cut off, and they easily lost their resistance.

Except for Zhou Hao, the others are also constantly killing.

The strength of all the surrounding people is at the fifth level of the Ultimate Spirit Master Realm, and everyone present is stronger than them.

Looking at the form of the battle, although there are many people around, they can't pose any threat to Zhou Hao and others.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the space, followed by red light spots appearing around, attacking Zhou Hao and the others.

These red light spots are densely packed, and it seems inevitable.

A member of the Spirit Master Realm couldn't dodge and was entangled by him. The attacks from the people around him struck him instantly.

The officer let out a scream, and then lost his breath of life.

"not good!"

"Be careful with these red dots!"

There was a sound of shock and anger.

The red light came out, and the situation became tense all of a sudden.

The killing continued, attacks continued to be launched, and the number of people around the fifth level of the Ultimate Spirit Master Realm continued to decrease, but people on Zhou Hao's side also continued to die.

Not only are they fighting in this space, but in the first floor space, there are also densely packed personnel and red light spots appearing, attacking many people in the spirit master realm.

Outside, shrouded in light, a huge red light shone, and some weak people around touched it, without any resistance, their bodies flew upside down.

"What's going on?" Someone exclaimed angrily.

Several strong men flew over and touched the red film, but they felt a huge barrier, and they could no longer enter it.

In the second space, Zhou Hao and others were still attacking continuously. It had been a while. At this time, there were only less than a hundred people left among nearly a thousand people, but only a few of those who seemed to be controlled were left.

call out!

Suddenly, a terrifying sound of breaking wind sounded, and a red light came here almost instantly from far to near.

A strong man couldn't dodge in time, screamed, was penetrated directly, and then lost the breath of life.


A powerful breath burst out, and then a figure appeared.

This is a figure shrouded in red light, with a **** longbow in her hand.

call out!

The longbow was drawn~www.readwn.com~ A red arrow flew out, and instantly came to a young man, pierced through his body, and this young man also lost the wave of life.

"What a strength!" Zhou Hao and the others changed their faces drastically.

Zhou Hao felt that the visitor seemed to be stronger than him.

"Who are you?" Yun Qian asked coldly.

But a strange feeling rose in his heart, the bow and arrow in front of him seemed familiar.

What responded to him was an arrow.

Yun Gan dodged away, but the person behind him was shot directly and died easily before he had time.

"Let's fight together!" Yun Gan said loudly, his gaze changed slightly.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another figures flitted and flew out quickly, arriving at the side of this mysterious person shrouded in red light.

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