Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 502: Xuelin? Little Zhou Qi?

When they flew over, many attacks flew out.

"It's now!" In the crowd, Zhou Hao's heart moved, and his powerful soul suddenly burst out, like a sharp arrow, stabbing fiercely at the red ray of light.

Previously, the soul attack was useless to those fifth-order beings in the Spirit Master Realm, but the one in front of him seemed different, so Zhou Hao would definitely use it.

He is also trapped here, and he will definitely explode with full strength.

The figure was ready to resist the attack, but was hit by the soul attack, the figure paused for a moment, and at the moment of the pause, many attacks directly touched its body.


A cold snort sounded, and the red light quickly condensed together, and then flew out, completely resisting the numerous attacks.

Many attacks disappeared, and the red light stayed in the void by itself, and beside it, a cold woman with an indifferent face appeared in front of everyone.

"Xuelin..." Yun Gan immediately showed a hint of shock when he saw the person coming.

There was also a trace of shock in Zhou Hao's eyes.

The one who shot and killed a strong man with an arrow in front of him turned out to be the girl who looked weak back then.

Zhou Hao's gaze suddenly turned to that Huntuo, and at this moment Huntuo's eyes also had a look of shock.

"Xuelin, it's really you, I've been looking for you before!" Yun Gan said hastily, with a hint of excitement on his face, regardless of the danger.

"What are you looking for me for?" Xuelin asked coldly. Her face was full of indifference, without any waves.

"I saw the scene of the Kunyi tribe before, and I thought you were dead." Yun Gan was taken aback by Xuelin's words.

Xuelin's face was expressionless, but there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, and she said, "Isn't my death just as you wished?"

"Why do you think so?" Yun Gan asked suspiciously, "Also, why did you become like this now?"

"Yun Gan, the son of the head of the Tiansheng Sect, you don't need to worry about my affairs. You will die soon, and it's useless to say anything." Xuelin looked at the man in front of her.

This is a huge area of ​​ruins, and the ruins are full of charred houses and corpses.

A girl in animal skin sat blankly on the ruins. After an unknown amount of time, the girl finally moved. She dug a hole with her own hands and buried the corpses in it.

After everything was done, the girl knelt silently in front of all the tombstones. The tears in her eyes no longer flowed down, but instead were cold and had a trace of indelible hatred.

"The Red Cloud Pagoda is the most powerful treasure in the entire Kunzhou world. The Tiansheng Sect has never given up on its search. Your tribe suffered a huge disaster because of the Red Cloud Pagoda. You don't need to suppress the hatred. Let it all be released. I will lead you to destroy the entire Heavenly Sacred Sect and become the king of the entire universe."

In front of a young girl, a small red tower fluctuated in the void, and a voice came from the small tower. Then countless red lights merged into the girl's body.

"Xuelin, what are you talking about? I don't know at all." Yun Gan looked at the girl in front of him and said, "Can you give me a chance to explain?"

"Didn't you Tianshengzong always want to find the Hongyun Pagoda? The key to the Hongyun Pagoda is in our tribe. Yungan, you know, if you want the key, I will find a way to help you, but you can't give me the whole thing for the key." Everyone in the Kunyi tribe was killed." Xuelin said calmly, as if she was talking about a very ordinary thing.

But everyone could feel the chill in his words.

"The people in your tribe were killed by our Tianshengzong?" Yun Gan asked suspiciously: "I will investigate the specific matter and will definitely give you an explanation."

"Don't pretend to be ignorant. Today, everyone who enters here can't live." Xuelin held the longbow in her hand and glanced at everyone.

"Hmph! You're not very young, but your tone is not small!" A middle-aged man said angrily.

With a wave of his right hand, an attack instantly hit Xuelin.

This middle-aged man has mastered nine artistic concepts and is very powerful.


In the distance, the red light flickered and hit the middle-aged man directly. The middle-aged man screamed, his body was hit, and he lost his breath of life instantly.

"Xuelin, don't talk nonsense with them, kill them all, and then take Hongyun Pagoda to destroy the entire Tianshengzong!" A cold voice sounded in the red light.

"Everyone attack the red light!" Suddenly, Zhou Hao said coldly.


His soul suddenly exploded, directly attacking the red light.

He has been observing the red light, and everything in front of him is caused by this red light.

The other personnel reacted quickly, and the attack in their hands struck out instantly.

"Looking for death!" A furious voice sounded from the red light, and many red lights appeared, attacking the crowd, although they were resisted, they entangled them.

And the main body of the red light unexpectedly attacked Zhou Hao.

"Not good!" Zhou Hao's face changed, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart.

"Zhou Hao, if something is wrong, immediately enter the Temple of the True God!" Antasi's voice came.

It also feels the danger of the situation.

Even if the true temple is exposed, it is better than Zhou Hao being killed.

Terrible fluctuations of momentum struck and approached Zhou Hao. At this time, Zhou Hao's soul completely burst out, trying to stop him. But his soul was cut off from the light.

When the red light group approached Zhou Hao one meter away, it suddenly stopped, and the fluctuations on it became chaotic.

"elder brother."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and then Zhou Hao's soul entered the red light without hindrance.

A hint of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Inside the red light, he saw a figure. It was a little girl who seemed to be only about five years old. At this time, the little girl's face was full of pain, and her two eyes were completely different. It is red, and the red secret pattern on the head is twisting back and forth.

"Xiaoqi, this red light is actually Xiaoqi?" Zhou Hao was completely shocked.

Suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ the little girl saw that Zhou Hao's soul seemed to have touched something, and a picture immediately appeared in his mind.

In one area, a little girl who seemed to be only five years old kept running on the road. Her body looked a little muddy and her face was dirty, as if she had fallen a few times.

However, his eyes were full of determination, and his mouth was calling for something.

Gradually, there seemed to be a flash of red light, and then the redness around the little girl's pupils and forehead changed slightly, some red light gradually enveloped her body, and her body fell to the ground all of a sudden.

A small wooden carving slid out.

The little girl picked up the small wooden carving, held it tightly, and placed it in front of her. Her small body curled up, her face was pained, and she fell to the ground like this.

No one noticed, only the poor little girl curled up alone.

A ray of red light emanated, completely surrounding the place...

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