Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 503: control

"Is this the scene after I left?" Zhou Hao stared blankly at the scene, with mixed emotions in his heart.

He just helped the little girl casually, treating her as a passer-by in her life, but the little girl regarded him as everything.

He could fully feel the fear and fear of the little girl running on the road, but, until the end, the little girl didn't see him either.

"Don't hurt my brother!" In the red light, a childish voice sounded.

"Damn! Have you forgotten that he abandoned you? You still defend him?" Another piercing voice of rage came.

Under Zhou Hao's gaze, the words were all spoken from Xiao Zhou Qi's mouth, but they were two completely different voices.

"What's going on? Xiaoqi has two consciousnesses?" Zhou Hao frowned.

The red light tried it out, but it couldn't get close to Zhou Hao at all, and finally had to give up. Some red light spots stayed around Zhou Hao, entangled him.

And the red light rushed towards some other people.

"Anyway, I want to get rid of Xiaoqi's other consciousness!" Zhou Hao looked at these red light spots, holding the long sword, with a cold light in his eyes.

On the other side, Xuelin held the bow and arrow in her hand and pulled it away.

"Xuelin, I will accompany you to investigate the specific truth of the matter. If I find out who did it, I will never let him go. Can you leave here with me?" Yun Gan looked at the girl in front of him.

There was even a begging look on his face, the son of the noble suzerain of the Tianshengzong now showed such an expression.

"I was going to kill you at the end, but since you won't move, I will kill you now!" The bow and arrow in Xue Lin's hand aimed at Yun Gan.

"Are you going to attack me?" Yun Gan seemed to have disbelief in his eyes, and he couldn't believe what happened in front of him.

"I don't believe it! Have you forgotten all about our past?"

Yun Gan was standing here, looking at the girl in front of him, showing no sign of making a move.


With the sound of a bowstring vibrating, the arrow in Xuelin's hand flew out quickly, came to Yun Gan's side, and directly stabbed him in the chest.


A stream of blood sprayed out directly, Yun Qian's body flew upside down, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Young Master Yungan!" In an instant, several people flew over and stood in front of Yungan.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

A few more long arrows flew towards them, and these people had no power to resist and died directly.

The strength Xuelin showed at this time far surpassed them.

"Why?" Yun Gan stood up, looked at the arrow on his chest, and then at the girl in front of him, his eyes were full of pain.

There was a trace of corrosive power on the arrow, as if it had penetrated into his internal organs, Yun Gan felt that his injury was constantly expanding.

"Master Yungan, this woman's strength is at least equivalent to that of a member of the Spirit Master Realm who has mastered the seven artistic realms. You must make a move." Someone quickly said: "If you don't make a move, we will all die here!"

"Yeah, Mr. Yungan, you can hurt her first and control her, we can't resist it soon."

Zhou Hao was trapped, and the others entangled the red light. Now Yungan's strength is the strongest.

Yun Gan's expression changed a bit, he shook his right hand, and a bow and arrow appeared in his hand.

He stood up, holding the bow and arrow, aiming at Xuelin.

"Yungan, are you finally willing to make a move? Just let me see how strong you are?" Xuelin sneered.

Her eyes were full of indifference, and the long arrow in her hand flew out again.

Seeing the long arrow flying towards him, Yun Gan slightly closed his eyes, and then the long arrow in his hand also flew out.

The two arrows passed by each other, and then hit the two of them respectively.


Another part of Yungan's chest was hit again, and the powerful impact brought his body to recede backwards. In the end, blood spurted out desperately, even mixed with some internal organs, and his aura instantly weakened a lot.

And the arrows flying in front of Xuelin, Xuelin didn't prepare to resist, just stayed quietly like this, with no fear in her eyes.

Finally, the arrow touched her body, then stopped and fell to the ground.

"What, no power?" Xuelin was taken aback.

"The so-called bow and arrow, the key point is the explosive release. It is impossible for a person to explode beyond the bow and arrow. The strength of one's own strength plus the power of the longbow combination contains one's understanding of the law. Everything is concentrated in one point, and then It explodes in an instant, so the power is absolutely huge. Xuelin, you must pay attention to the arrow, all the laws are applied to it, even if the comprehension of the law is not achieved, it is still very easy to leapfrog the battle suddenly."

What Yun Gan said before suddenly appeared in Xuelin's ears, the bow and arrow must concentrate all the laws to make the power explode, but there is no law fluctuation on the bow and arrow in front of it, so naturally it has no power.

"Pfft!" On the ground, Yun Gan spat out another mouthful of blood, and his aura dropped a lot.

"Why?" Xuelin looked at him, with complex expressions in her eyes for the first time.

"Xuelin, I said before that I would never hurt you." A smile appeared on Yun Gan's face, and he said, "Even if you attack me, I don't have any complaints. In my memory, you are always That pure girl."

Yun Gan held his right hand, and a purple necklace appeared in his hand. There seemed to be some purple flowers inside the necklace.

"Purple original flowers..." Xuelin looked at those flowers.

"This is your favorite purple original flower. I said that I will marry you next time I come back. I carefully prepared this, but I don't need it anymore." Yun Gan showed a wry smile on his face.

His heart was about to be completely corroded, and his body was being crazily destroyed.

Xuelin stared blankly at the necklace in front of her eyes, and her eyes suddenly revealed a look of incomparable pain.

"Xuelin, don't you want revenge? The man in front of you caused the complete destruction of your tribe~www.readwn.com~ If you want to kill him, you can't hesitate!"

When Xuelin's face showed pain, a trace of anxiety suddenly appeared in the red light that was killing other people, and the fluctuations of the light began to become disordered.

"There is a problem!" Zhou Hao was being blocked. Those red light spots had no attack power, but they kept restraining him. When the red light became disordered, these light spots were quickly destroyed by Zhou Hao.

He looked at Xuelin's appearance, and then at the red light. There must be some connection between the two.

"Let Xuelin wake up now!"

Zhou Hao suddenly looked at a person, it was Huntuo.

The hatred in Xuelin's heart should be about the Kunyi tribe, and now the only one who knows the truth about the Kunyi tribe should be Huntuo.


With a thought in Zhou Hao's mind, a powerful soul erupted and enveloped the man not far away.

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