After all, since the ages, people have been poisoned in auctions.

Lin Chuan always felt that there was something sinister about him. He looked around carefully and found that there was a man in a white robe and a black veil nearby. He always looked in their direction from time to time.

And the breath on the other side also appears particularly gloomy.

It's obvious that the other party has been staring at Xia Ruoxue.

His pupil, from time to time flashing some abnormal light, staring at Xia Ruoxue.

What's more, the breath contained in the monster's body also showed blood red light. It was clear that he was a monk who had practiced the gloomy skills, which made Lin Chuan's heart alert.

Fortunately, the other side's cultivation is just to lead the spirit realm to five levels of heaven, and his cultivation is the same as him.

On the auction floor, out of a young woman, the other side gathered out of the breath is particularly mysterious.

The young woman opened her mouth and began to smile, and many audience cheered.

It seems that every move of this young woman can touch people's heartstrings and make everyone fall into madness.

Lin Chuan's heart suddenly also had a burst of agitation, and this agitation seems to be uncontrollable.

Lin Chuan's face was dignified and began to suppress the fluctuating spiritual power in his body as much as possible, so as to ensure the stability of his state.

"The enchantress is smeared with a layer of mysterious fragrance. You should be careful not to be disturbed by his fragrance."

"A lot of people are crazy about asking for price because of the fragrance on him, and they have lost countless spirit stones for no reason."

Xia ruoshue said in the side.

At the same time, he has also taken out a pill for Linchuan to absorb.

The woman on the auction platform, looking at Lin Chuan, is a little confused.

You know, just now she poured most of her strength into Lin Chuan's body, but Lin Chuan was determined enough to resist his temptation.

"I believe that all the people present know the rules of our auction. Today, we will not say too much irrelevant words and enter the auction directly!"

The young woman on the stage said, but also deliberately looked at Lin Chuan, want to see if Lin Chuan has any reaction.

But now Lin Chuan has also ignored him, just look at each other's behavior without expression.

Women still release a very strong fragrance, but now his fragrance has no effect on Linchuan.

Lin Chuan frowned and looked at each other's movements. The tricolor mosquito in the palm of his hand fell on his back.

Just a moment later, the young woman was pale.

The woman only felt the whole body Qi and blood a burst of fluctuation, looked at Lin Chuan, hurriedly took all his small movements back.

Originally, he really wanted to detect how capable Lin Chuan was.

But now he has realized that Fang Han has some means that he can not solve.

A man on the stage who was responsible for taking things out showed a puzzled look at his companion and thought that what was wrong with his companion, and he was trying to call someone in to rescue him.

"Don't have to. Go ahead with the auction."

The young woman then said.

She didn't want people in the auction to know she was hurt.

The man behind him nodded, said nothing more, and took out a bottle.

"This bottle contains the legendary ancient dragon blood. Although it is not so pure, there is more or less a trace of dragon blood in this bottle. The starting price is 300 Chinese spirit stones!"

The woman said that a drop of dragon's blood can purify all the negative effects of the monster, and even help the monster to ascend.

"This is a rare treasure! I'll give you five hundred medium grade spirit stones

Suddenly, a man said.

Others began to snatch.

"Five hundred Chinese spirit stones? Do you want to shout out such a low price? It's better to go back to the family honestly. This kind of place is not suitable for you! "

"I produce seven hundred medium grade spirit stones!"

Said an elder of Shangguan family.

All of them are snatching, but this drop of so-called dragon blood is not worth mentioning in Lin Chuan's eyes.

Because his original blood of all things is strong enough, a drop of blood essence of all things can instantly make monsters crazy.

But all of a sudden, the person in front of the auction said: "today, we will not auction this bottle of ancient dragon blood. We will just warm up and give it to a person who is destined for the scene."

The woman said, and with a smile, she threw the ancient dragon blood directly to Linchuan.

"In that case, I'm not polite."

Thank you very much

Lin Chuan impolitely collected the other side's ancient dragon blood.Lin Chuan naturally knows what this person is thinking.

She wants to attract everyone's attention, especially to interfere with Lin Chuan, and give him a wave of hatred.

"How can he get such good things as ancient dragon blood?"

"Yes, it's not fair. He's so lucky!"

People around said, they looked at Lin Chuan's face has changed.

In the distance, the man with black face and white robe also looked at Lin Chuan in a gloomy way.

"Is there a grudge between this woman and you? Why does she always want to frame you up? "

In the side of the Xia if snow can't help but say.

Now the auction is still in progress, but the woman on the table is still looking at Linchuan, which makes Xia Ruoxue inevitably confused.

Xia Ruoxue thought that this was the peach blossom mantra that Linchuan went to.

"I don't know. She looked like this the first time she saw me."

"If I had known what had happened, I would not be here now."

Lin Chuan said helplessly.

He also had a bottle of so-called ancient dragon blood on his hand, shaking constantly.

His bottle of so-called ancient dragon blood has released a few threads of dragon blood flavor, but the monster beast on him has no reaction.

People nearby thought he was showing off with ancient dragon blood, which made him feel helpless.

If it wasn't for Longlin, he would have been interested in it.

Although the ancient dragon blood didn't give him any benefit, the strength contained in the bottle at this time made him feel a little excited.

The real value of this bottle of so-called ancient dragon blood is not dragon blood, but his bottle.

There was a strong smell in the bottle that he had never noticed.

Perhaps some of the forces gathered in this can bring him some changes.

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