"Next thing we're going to auction is a bird. Of course, we don't know what kind of bird it is."

"We found it in a very dark place. If you buy it back, the blood quality of the bird will certainly be much stronger than your budget!"

"You know, monsters from the mountains and forests are never ordinary."

At this time, the woman in front of her said.

Lin Chuan nodded to himself, and Xia Ruoxue's eyes lit up.

Because he had realized that the bird in front of him was much stronger than he had imagined.

Although he did not know what kind of bird w this bird is, it is the bird that grows up and its quality will never be low.

At this time, Lin Chuan listened to a crowd's cry, and made no mistake.

When the voice gradually stabilized, he began to speak.

"A thousand medium spirit stones."

"I believe you can bear the price. For you, a thousand medium spirit stones can directly buy such a good monster."

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said, Xia Ruoxue nodded and looked forward to it.

One side of the crowd also exclaimed, looking at Lin Chuan, do not know why Lin Chuan spent so much money.

In their opinion, the quality of this bird may not be worth the price of gambling.

A thousand spirit stones are enough to buy a good monster.

Therefore, many people have given up directly now and have not continued to rob.

"Isn't anyone going to compete? He's the one who got lucky ancient dragon blood. Oh, if you don't increase the price now, he will take this bird."

The whole table was quiet.

But the woman in front of her opened her mouth and threw a wink at her. In a moment, everyone was excited.

"I'll give you a thousand and two grade spirit stones!"

An old man with white hair stood up.

"If you are old enough, don't be crazy here, OK?"

Lin Chuan has a headache and stares at the person in front of him coldly.

The woman was fearless, and gave Lin Chuan a look of joy.

"Who is this woman and why is she always against us?"

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said, "could you have offended her before?"

Lin Chuan looks helpless. After a lot of looting, the monster that could have been bought with 1000 pieces of medium grade spirit stone was forced by the other party to spend 2000 more.

Lin Chuan stares at each other and has fused a powerful force in his hands.

His power is ready to attack each other at any time.

If it is not because Xia Ruoxue has been oppressing him, I am afraid he has already gone.

After all, the woman in front of him really made him feel uncomfortable.

A moment later, the woman in front of her took out another piece of armor.

"Originally, this piece of armor was intended for auction, but I found that this piece of armor seems to be very suitable for wearing on birds."

"So now I buy it personally and give it to him. Do you have no objection?"

The woman pretended to be blushing and said, she stepped forward and came to Lin Chuan.

All of a sudden all around look at Lin Chuan with envy.

They don't know why there is such a beautiful woman around Lin Chuan, and the host of the auction is still actively sending some things to Lin Chuan, which has been hinted at clearly.

They have been confused now, do not know that this is just a trap for Lin Chuan.

”I don't think it's necessary, brother. Since you want this armor so much, I'll give it to you. "

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and directly threw the armor on the man beside him.

The man's face was happy, but he did not realize that all the people around him had cast their gloomy and envious eyes on him.

It's not hard to imagine that if he really took the armor, he would not be able to leave.

The people around him stare at him, but he also happily received the armor in his arms, do not know this is a hot potato.

His body has been marked with more than a dozen marks instantly. As long as he walks out of the auction, he will definitely be attacked by the most lethal force of others.

Whether he can leave alive or not is unknown.

Lin Chuan looked at each other provocatively. When the auction ended, he had already left with Xia Ruoxue. There was no reason to leave him.

"Why don't you talk to him face to face?"

"I think this man is too cheap. The auction will not allow fighting. I can kill him when the auction is over."

Summer if snow angry said.

"You little bird has been injured. You must go back to the hospital immediately and let him recognize him.""Otherwise, two thousand medium grade spirit stones will be lost."

"You can take revenge on her at any time."

Lin Chuan said.

Ruoshue was stunned. I can't believe what Lin Chuan said is true. I took a look at it.

Sure enough, the wings of the birds have been injured, but the injured position is particularly hidden.

"You don't have to lose heart. He can recover quickly."

"And if the bird had not been injured, his character would have been seen by others. I'm afraid the breath in the bird's body is something you can't imagine

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said that he had used the blood of all things to simply explore and realize the identity of the bird.

This bird belongs to a branch of Tianshan lingque.

"Are you still in the mood to provoke that troubled woman? I'm afraid you wish he didn't come along now

Lin Chuan went on to say, Xia Ruo snow can't help nodding, two people back to the cave inside, have begun to explore the power contained in the bird's body.

The women who had followed them, as well as the white robed and black faced men, also stopped and wandered outside the beast clan.

"What the hell is going on?"

One of the bones of the bird has been broken, and the internal meridians have been damaged.

If not handled well, even if his blood is no longer how adverse, also has no way to recover.

Lin Chuan took out a pill, which had a faint fragrance.

This is the bone setting pill. If you take it, it can help his wings recover quickly.

At this time, the bird also reluctantly opened its eyes.

"Why do you have this pill?"

At this time, Xia Ruoxue is also quite confused.

You should know the prescription of bone setting pill, but what danta owns, the bone setting pill is not sold outside. It is only used as a gift to Alliance forces to prevent the prescription from being cracked.

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