Lin Chuan had never seen such a situation before.

Now such a dangerous force is directly emitted in the air, which makes him particularly shocked, because now he constantly blends the fierce breath that he has bred on his hand.

But after several times, the aura of spiritual power in his hands could not be emitted.

Now the dangerous forces in the whole space burst out one after another in the air. Lin Chuan then took his hand and used the green dragon sword in his hand to run through the direction in front of him in an instant.

All of a sudden, when all the auras of spiritual power came out, there were bursts of extremely strong flames in the whole space, and the power of this flame did not help Linchuan to protect, but directly attacked along the direction of Linchuan, which made Linchuan suddenly realize that there was something wrong.

He wanted to absorb all the power of these flames, but he found that the little fire somehow lost contact with him.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Chuan was stunned, and the king of centipede in the center of the earth had gradually moved away from him. Lin Chuan didn't know why he suddenly fell into a dilemma. All the things around him and the aura of spiritual power were becoming less and less.

Lin Chuan continued to penetrate the aura of spiritual power in front of him in an instant.

In a quarter of an hour, there were innumerable auras of spiritual power around him, and these auras of spiritual power had already attacked in his direction in the first time.

At this time, Lin Chuan tried his best to gather the aura of spiritual power in his palm as quickly as possible, so that the spirit breath inside was strong enough to get rapid transformation, and directly penetrated out in the direction of his eyes.

More and more terrifying forces burst out in the space. Lin Chuan felt strange when he looked at the spirit breath coming out of the space.

Because at this time, Lin Chuan also knew that when all these forces in the whole space around him burst out, he should have been able to run out most of the fierce breath, and directly follow the direction in front of him, so that he could use enough powerful force to directly attack.

But now Lin Chuan can't, in his palm also gradually lost the temperature.

It seems that the real green dragon sword has gone away from him.

In the whole world, there is nothing that can maintain a relationship with Linchuan. The only thing that can make Linchuan feel the existence of this world is the attack of countless monsters.

More and more monsters have lost the ability to resist in a moment. The spiritual power of those monsters aiming at themselves has been shown in the world in an instant.

All of a sudden, now more and more monsters attack desperately. Lin Chuan keeps resisting, but in the end, he finds that he can't bear it at all.

It seems that in the whole world, all the forces are forcing him to destroy, so that he has no way to recover.

"What's going on?"

Lin Chuan frowned, because he also realized that there was something wrong with him. But when all these spiritual powers were integrated, he found that he couldn't do anything at all.

In Lin Chuan's palm, one dangerous breath after another is fused directly along the direction in front of him.

In an instant, countless huge spiritual powers finally recovered from his body.

And this spiritual power can also help him resist. Make sure he's safe.

Lin Chuan relaxed a little, because Lin Chuan also knew that now he could show his strength, which meant that he didn't need to bear so much pain at first.

At present, more and more huge auras of spiritual power are directly running through the direction in front of you.

Moreover, all the forces presented in it also rose violently in an instant.

Lin Chuan observes the dangerous forces that erupt in the whole space. He urgently lets the aura of spiritual power in his palm car continue to fuse in the direction in front of him.

When there was enough spiritual breath in it to wander, now Linchuan was able to use the most fundamental aura of spiritual power in his palm to attack directly in the direction of his eyes.

Now there are more and more psychic powers in the air, which can explode directly. In the whole space, there are countless huge psychic powers that can penetrate.

Lin Chuan gathered all these spiritual powers in the air.

Now Lin Chuan can only make the power he can control become more and more powerful as quickly as possible. By this time, the fierce breath in the whole space has been penetrated directly along the direction in front of him.There are countless spiritual breath in the sky to gather. Now Lin Chuan's feeling is better. At least he won't bear countless spiritual power attacks like he did at the beginning.

At the end of the day, he couldn't do anything. Now at least Lin Chuan can resist it. In a moment, Lin Chuan tried his best to improve the aura of spiritual power on his palm.

In the air, the spiritual power that runs through the air has been greatly improved in an instant.

Now there are more and more dangerous breath in the air. Whenever all the forces burst out directly in the space, now Linchuan has been able to realize how terrible all the spiritual powers are.

A huge flame power appeared in an instant. Now Lin Chuan tried his best to use the spiritual power sword Qi that he could use on his hand, and directly promoted it with the fastest speed.

And now, within the time of ascension, the spiritual power has also come out.

Lin Chuan has been able to know how powerful the power in his hand is. Now Lin Chuan tries his best to run the aura of spiritual power in his hand. Whenever there is enough spiritual power to improve, he can start to control more power. Go straight in front of you.

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