Now they have more and more terrifying psychic powers that can be directly penetrated into the space.

In addition, it also has more huge aura of spiritual power to attack.

In a flash of time, more and more spiritual powers appeared in the whole space, and when each sharp breath appeared, the power in the air had also changed rapidly.

In a flash of time, more and more aura of spiritual power appeared directly in the space. Now Lin Chuan has been able to control the spiritual power around him and burst out in an instant.

The fierce and sharp breath in the air has burst out all around. Now Lin Chuan begins to hide the spiritual power in his palm and try his best to show the spiritual power that he has bred on his hand.

When the powerful spiritual power is directly presented in the space, now Lin Chuan has been able to improve the aura of spiritual power running on his palm as quickly as possible.

More and more forces have been rapidly erupted. When Lin Chuan fused his own strength, he can now feel part of the power bred in the surrounding space. How terrible it is.

All of a sudden, all the auras of spiritual power around have been presented in a moment.

In the air, there are more and more psychic powers to attack. Lin Chuan has been able to feel more and more wrong places.

Now, when countless spiritual powers can penetrate the surrounding air, Lin Chuan controls the green dragon sword on hand and can protect himself as soon as possible.

Of course, when these bronze swords explode directly in the air, the fierce breath contained in them has been fused as soon as possible.

Most of the power in the surrounding space, in a moment of time, rapid integration, not long ago, has a larger spiritual power, can be released in the space.

Lin Chuan began to use the power that he could burst out on his hands. When most of the aura of spiritual power was presented, he already had a particularly terrible aura of spiritual power, which was directly presented in the space.

All of a sudden, all the spiritual powers around have exploded at a very fast speed.

Now Lin Chuan began to make the power he had on hand to attack.

Before long, there was a growing aura of spiritual power that could be emitted.

When these spiritual powers in the air can be bred, Lin Chuan has been able to control the green dragon sword to resist.

Of course, it is very difficult for Lin Chuan to resist, because he also knows that the spiritual power around him is too strong.

When enough strong power penetrates down in an instant, Lin Chuan has already felt a lot of abnormal spiritual power.

For a while, Lin Chuan recovered all the auras of spiritual power on his hands. These spiritual breath were punctured at the fastest speed. After a while, the forces fused in the whole space had already undergone the most essential transformation.

Now Lin Chuan has tried his best to integrate all the spiritual powers in his palm, because he also knows that when enough spiritual breath comes out of the space, he can condense a huge aura of spiritual power.

Lin Chuan began to send out the power in his hands, and now there are countless thunder forces in the sky. Every breath of thunder suddenly runs through the air.

Now the thunder power in the air is improving at the fastest speed.

When Lin Chuan knew the horror of these forces, he had relaxed a little, and was not as nervous as at the beginning, because the power of thunder was summoned by the spirit breath in his body.

When the aura of spiritual power is huge enough to run through the world in a moment, more and more powerful auras of spiritual power have been bred around.

Moreover, these auras of spiritual power penetrated fiercely, and all the dangerous breath around had already been emitted. Now more and more dangerous forces suddenly started to tish, and Lin Chuan could already feel what was going on with the strength gathered in the surrounding space.

Those thunder breath, in the bombing down, are helping Linchuan as quickly as possible, so that Linchuan can recover with the fastest speed.

Lin Chuan now controls the atmosphere of thunder in the sky, and makes the most of the thunder power burst out directly in the air. When the thunder breath is huge enough and presents enough spiritual transformation in the space, now Lin Chuan has been able to feel that he finally has a glimmer of hope.

Lin Chuan desperately wants to wake up, because he doesn't want to explode violently in the whole space. When more and more spirit breath is directly integrated, Lin Chuan has understood and knows how terrible these forces are in the air.Not long after, all the spiritual powers in this had been presented in the first time, and each power was helping Linchuan to transform himself at a very fast speed.

Lin Chuan felt the power that he could burst out of his body. He also felt a little strange, because he never thought that he could have such a huge aura of spiritual power.

What's more, all these auras of spiritual power can burst out directly in the space. There is still no light around. It seems that the whole world has disintegrated Linchuan.

Lin Chuan struggled desperately, and the horrible aura of spiritual power directly fused from his palm. When enough spiritual breath could gather out, Lin Chuan could control enough powerful spiritual power and directly penetrate the space.

Now there is a steady stream of fierce breath in the surrounding space, which is fused at a very fast speed. When there are enough auras of spiritual power to explode in the space and produce the most powerful aura of spiritual power, Lin Chuan has now found that his state has been greatly transformed.

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