
Chapter 1221 Avoiding war?

When they first heard these words from their jungler teammates, the other members of the Shangwai team couldn't help being stunned:

Another way of thinking?

Of course, they have done a lot of preparation and training for this group of semi-finals in the recent period, especially how to conduct extremely meticulous research and actual combat drills on how to target someone from the Shangcai team in the bottom lane-but the latter also Having suffered a heavy blow in the last game that just ended, it didn't have any effect at all.

Most of the other ideas have a way...

It's all just centered around the core idea of ​​targeting the bottom lane.

But since it can almost be assumed that the bot lane combination of the opponent Shangcai team can't be dealt with at all, then how can there be any other ideas?

Noticing the doubts and questioning looks cast by his teammates, the jungler of the Shangwai team swallowed his saliva, and spoke again nervously:


"I just mentioned it a little bit before, but—"

As he said that, he couldn't help but secretly glanced at Zou Siyuan next to him: "At that time, he was overruled by the captain."

Vetoed by the captain?

The other team members were even more confused and couldn't help urging their jungler teammates to ask. Finally, under the urging of several teammates, the jungler cautiously looked at the face of his own captain next to him, and weakly gives the answer:

"that is……"

"Don't engage in targeting bottom roads."

"If you can't fight... just try to avoid it?"

Once again, several SISU players, including Zou Siyuan, couldn't help being stunned when they heard this sentence.

But keep on.

Several SISU players suddenly came back to their senses.

Suddenly woke up!


It seems that there really was such a saying!


Although the Shangwai team has been focusing on how to carry out actual combat preparations and drills based on the tactical concept of the Shangcai team's bot lane combination in recent days,

But during the training process, during a break, the team members did casually mention another way of thinking while chatting.

It's the exact opposite of the idea of ​​"targeting the bottom lane".

just want it--

avoid war.

At that time, this idea was proposed based on a hypothetical premise, that is, if, in case they find that the bottom lane combination of the Shangcai team is really difficult to deal with, how to make adjustments and deal with it.

The specific method given is very simple, that is, the two words "avoid war".

To further expand, there are two directions, one is to let the upper middle and wild directly choose to give up their own bottom lane, and focus on the management of the upper middle lane and the wild area-but this direction was directly rejected as soon as it was proposed. Everyone vetoed it. After all, one of the core and most powerful points of their team is their own captain's ADC.

The other direction is not to "give up" the bot lane, but to avoid the frontal confrontation with the opponent's strong duo lane, and to keep the development of the ADC position as much as possible, so they take the second best and actively choose to change lanes from the beginning. .


As soon as the latter sounds, it will make people intuitively feel as if they are afraid of the opponent, with a strong color of showing weakness.

So when this idea was put forward, it was directly rejected by Zou Siyuan, the captain of the ADC——

What are you kidding?

What he was waiting for was to give that damn guy named Lin Feng a hard lesson in the semi-finals of the Jin Ge Cup. How could he take the initiative to show weakness? Zou Siyuan couldn't afford to lose face easily!

Although this idea was vetoed by his own captain, the other members of the Shangwai team did not pay much attention to it.

Because they originally thought that just relying on the well-designed tactical system would be enough to crush the Shangcai team, and this method of "avoiding battle" was just a new idea to open up new ideas casually. .


until now.

When they had already lost the first game almost disastrously, the original "targeting" tactics collapsed completely, but their jungle teammates brought up this idea again——

However, several members of the Shanghai Foreign Language Team seemed to feel a slight light in front of their eyes that couldn't stop.


On the contrary, this has become the last and only way out for them who are on the verge of extinction.


At this time, several team members couldn't help but secretly look at their captain's expression like their jungle teammates, because their captain was the first to veto this idea at the time, and if they want to reactivate it now...


The sudden sentence made several members of the Shanghai International Team stunned by surprise, but at this moment, a strange blush appeared on Zou Siyuan's face, as if he couldn't hide his excitement:

"Just follow this path!"

"Let's change the line!"

"Avoid them in the bottom lane, replace the top laner in the early stage to resist the pressure, and I will go on the top lane with the support!!"

As Zou Siyuan spoke, he seemed to be clarifying his thoughts more and more clearly, his expression became more excited and he waved his hands vigorously:

"Then the original first path has to be adjusted!"

"After changing lanes, the jungler should try to come up and help our two-player lane develop!"

"The top laner only needs to be responsible for resisting the pressure. It's okay to lose a bit of CS, just try to keep the level! This time we will delay to the mid-to-late stage, and then fight with the opponent when my ADC develops in the mid-to-late stage!"

"Okay! Let's do it like this!!"

"You can win this way! What do you think!?"

As he spoke, Zou Siyuan looked at several of his team members. Compared with the previous depression, at this moment, his face was almost flushed again.

Even his face was flushed and excited, which was a little abnormal.

It's like... revealing a sense of déjà vu as if a drowning person had finally grasped the last straw.

At this moment, he had selectively ignored the fact that he had just vetoed this idea before.

to him--

Even how much feasibility and success this kind of thinking has is actually not done more consideration.

Just to suppress certain psychological shadows forcibly.

if only……

Being able to avoid the front with someone across the way who brought him the same shadow.

Then, he is willing to find any reason no matter the cost!

Several other members of the Shangwai team couldn't help looking at each other. Although they were a little uneasy and worried about their captain's state at the moment, they all nodded their heads in the end:


"Just do it!"


The intermission time is over soon.

When the audience sat down in front of their respective seats in the spectator stands, Xifeng and Mo Sheng in front of the commentary seats on the stage had also reopened their microphones and announced the official start of the second match with smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, I heard a well-organized shout from the back row of the spectator seats:

"Go outside!"

"come on!!"

"Shangwai!!—Come on!!——Shangwai!!——Come on!!—"

Following the prestige, what I saw was the members of the SISU E-sports club and other SISU students’ relatives and friends who were doing their best to cheer for their team. Although the loss of the previous game brought a lot of morale blows, but At this time, at least the group of relatives and friends had regained their strength, looking forward to their team's comeback in the second game.

Amidst the cheering and cheering from the SISU E-sports club, Qiu Yijie, who was in the front row of the spectator seats, looked in the direction of the SISU team on the stage, and raised his eyebrows slightly as if he had noticed something:


"It seems that a few people from Shangwai have adjusted their status?"

"Really?" Tongji's old jungler captain followed and glanced towards the arena of the Shangwai team, a little surprised: "Oh, it seems to be, their captain Zou Siyuan looks much better now than before—why? , have you found a way to turn things around?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Not far away from the Shangcai e-sports club in the spectator seats, Qiu Le looked at the direction of the Shangwai e-sports club with contempt:

"Only at the level of Shangwai...it's a ghost if you can think of a way to make a comeback!"

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The update is here, the time of the next chapter is not sure yet, something will happen tonight, but the third one is for sure!

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