
Chapter 1222 Destined Mouse

Listening to the hard work and cheers of the members of the Shanghai Foreign E-sports Club coming from the spectator seats below the stage, Dou Zi couldn't help grinning on the side of the Shangcai team:

"Hey, the group of relatives and friends below are working hard—"

Lu Ze and Sun Ming next to each other also laughed and echoed without any psychological pressure:

"Yeah, I guess those who let them sit in the audience looked anxious."

"Maybe a louder voice can give the team members more confidence? Tsk tsk~"

Someone still looked calm and calm.

Jingu Sakura looked over and said, "I guess Bron and Obama won't release this one."

Dou Zi, Sun Ming, and Lu Ze all nodded in agreement, there is nothing wrong with it, basically you can guess this kind of thing without thinking, after all, the bottom lane duo on their side was too ruthless last time It's... It's like a river of blood has left an unknown psychological shadow on the other side.

If it were them, it would be impossible to let the perverted combination of Obama and Gablon fall into the hands of these two bottom lane teammates.

Lin Feng nodded:


"Then just change the hero."

His tone was still the same as usual, as if he didn't take this little matter to heart at all.

To put it bluntly, if the opponent wants to target the ban selection, even if the three ban rights are all spent on ADC heroes, even the own Shangcai team will force the opponent to continue to ban three ADCs...

He can still have enough hero choices.

When it comes to hero pools—

Unless you meet a top-level world team like Season or SSK, basically no one can really limit him.

Not to mention just this small scene right now.

"Hey, the opponent is destined to be cold anyway, it's not easy to still have the courage to play the second round~" Lu Ze had a gloating expression on his face. Angle, it is estimated that he has long lost confidence to continue the next game.

After all, Lin Feng and Jingu Ying, who are going down the road from their own side, can't be targeted at all——

Then how to fight?

"However—" Dou Zi rubbed his chin: "Don't be too careless,

After all, he has some strength in going abroad, so maybe he just figured out some new way to deal with it. "

Of course, these words are purely from the standpoint of the captain to warn and remind the other members of his family.

In fact, even Dou Zi himself didn't believe what he said...

Against Fengfeng?

If you have the ability to invite F God from SSK or Moon Emperor Moon from Fate team to try it out~

At this time, Lin Feng's body sat up slightly, and his gaze fell on the screen on the computer screen in front of him:

"Get ready."

"The second round is on."


In the second game, the two teams, the blue and purple sides, switched.

The Shangcai team, which has rotated to the blue side, is the first ban, and although they have the right to be the first, the few people on the Shangcai team still seem to be quite relaxed. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if they are in the bottom lane. Take care of their own upper middle field As long as you need--

Therefore, several heroes who are stronger in the current version or are good at the opponent's foreign team are sent to the Ban-List of the blue side.

And at the same time—

When the ban list of the purple team's foreign team was completed, it immediately caused a low commotion in the audience.

Compared with the standard ban selection of the blue Shangcai team, the use of ban rights on the Shangwai team is almost extremely pure and aimed at all the way to death.

Obama sent it directly to the ban-list.

The second one to be banned was Delevingne.

The third is Bron.

There is no doubt that all the hero combinations selected by Shangcai's bottom lane in the previous game were all banned, and the other ban right was handed over to Delevingne, who was also selected by someone in the game before and killed him. Quartet of heroes.

This approach is not too surprising.


In the commentary seat, Xifeng looked at the side of the purple Fang Shangwai team:

"The key point still depends on the specific hero selection."


The Shangcai team on the blue side chooses first.

The first hand was left to the mid laner, and Sun Ming took the fan in the last hand. Mom Karma originally thought it would play a protective function in team battles, but it turned out that it didn't have time to use it. Go down the road and kill the opponent directly. After a little thought about this one, I simply chose a card with stronger roaming support——

In other words, it should be that whenever he has a chance to go down the road, he will fly down to get an assist or something.

Immediately following the selection of the first and second floors of the Purple Fang Shangwai team——

The lights in the marquee of the two heroes light up quickly at the same time.

first floor.

Top Order Eye of Twilight·Shen!

The members of the college teams in the spectator seats couldn't help but nodded for a while. This move is reasonable. The current version of Shen is a bit stronger than before, and the laning ability is not bad. More importantly, this move The single can well deal with the big moves and support of the card masters of the Shangcai team.

As for the hero selection box on the second floor, what appears is the first-hand ADC hero——

The source of the plague, Tucci.

"A mouse?"

Both Xi Feng and Mo Sheng in the commentary stand were slightly taken aback, but before they could react, there was an astonishing cheer and scream from somewhere in the spectator stand.

The direction is the SISU E-sports club.

Many people followed the prestige, and what they saw was that the members of the SISU E-sports Club were extremely excited at this time, blushing and cheering, "Come on, President", "The mouse is out, the mouse is out", "Have got it".

Everyone at the Shangcai e-sports club was a little dazed, Qiu Le looked around, wondering:

"Why are you so excited over there?"

Both Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang shook their heads to express their ignorance.

But Deng Zhe, the vice president at the side, seemed to think of something all of a sudden, and his face changed slightly.

At the same time, Mo Sheng in the commentary seat raised her beautiful eyebrows:

"It looks like... this seems to be the trump card of the Shangwai team?"


"Then Zou Siyuan's AD mouse played really well."

In the front row of the spectator seats, members of the Fudan and Tongji teams were sitting together. The captains of the two teams were also looking at the mouse Tuqi that appeared in the hero marquee on the second floor of the purple square on the big screen of the spectator, and they were communicating and discussing with each other:

"I've checked his ID record in Dianyi Ionia. Mouse is one of the most commonly used heroes, and his winning rate in the ranking field of the master king group... is also close to 65%."

This is not just any ordinary Bronze Silver tier.

Not even platinum diamonds.

In a slightly lower rank field, if you are strong enough or specialized enough for a hero, it is not surprising that the ranking win rate of a single hero reaches 70% or even 80%.

But the game of kings is different.

At this level, it really doesn't mean that your hero who specializes in your own life will definitely be able to kill the Quartet, even if there are many passers-by gods who specialize in a single hero known as the "No. In the low segment, it is easy to crush the whole game, but when returning to the king's game, the winning rate of the hero is only hovering between 50 and 60%.

Therefore, it is indeed quite rare for a single-handed ADC mouse to achieve such a record in the Dianyi Master King segment, with a winning rate close to two-thirds.

So the two captains of Tongji Fudan could not help but sit up a little bit, with a look of anticipation on their faces:

it seems...

There is still something to see in this one.


It should also be limited to the level of "something to see".

As for the final outcome?

Naturally, there would still be no suspense.

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The update is here, the third update is around eleven o'clock, get out and hurry up!

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