
Chapter 1297 Do you like this game

It's not just that there are comparisons between the old professional players and the later professional newcomers, even among the new and old gamers of League of Legends, there are often situations where there are often comparisons and mutual reluctance.

Veteran players always like to talk about the past, bragging about how there was no Platinum Diamond segment in the earliest S1 and S2 seasons. They were all calculated according to Rank points. The clown is so powerful that the knife girl was infinitely weakened behind... You new players have never heard of these things.

And later new players will express contempt and contempt, what is there to brag about in the old version, not to mention that even if you have played from the S1 season to now, you are still just a silver and bronze scammer, and you will lose it after playing for a long time. Have a sense of superiority?

Veteran players said that the teams on the national server were so good back then, and the games back then were really exciting, unlike the boring routines that are all fixed and unchanging now.

The new players retorted and laughed, saying that those routines in the past destroyed the balance of the game, otherwise why did Riot Games change it, and those who can adapt to the constant replacement of game versions are really powerful masters.

Veteran player... new player...

After all, no one can say anything about anyone, but they will always dislike each other.

For the few junior high school boys in the convenience store in the small town tonight, except for Zhang Xin, most of them are new players who have only started to unlearn the League of Legends in the last one or two seasons. Full of fresh vitality, especially for the "uncle" old players who are almost 30 years old like the young owner of the small shop, they naturally feel that it is not a world.

So I would laugh and joke and tease a little.

But there is no real malice, it's all just a joke.

It just so happened that the young owner of the convenience store himself had a simple and honest personality, and he didn't feel angry at all because of this kind of joke or being compared with someone else's "Edison" professional master.

Therefore, the atmosphere of chatting and chatting in the store has always been quite relaxed and pleasant.


this moment.

When the young man waved his hand subconsciously, but inadvertently exposed some parts of his hand in front of a group of junior high school boys.

When the shocking incomplete picture came into view like a close-up.

The entire convenience store was suddenly silent.

The atmosphere slowly became a little depressing and solidified.

All the little boys were dumbfounded and speechless, and the boy who let out a low exclamation in front of him also tightly covered his mouth at this time, but his eyes stared so hard that the boss stared at the hand of the young boss.

Zhang Xin, who stood closest to the counter, was the one who could see it most clearly.

All the details are perfect.

index finger.

and thumbs up.

Almost a whole piece of the knuckle was missing. Compared with the other three fingers, it was suddenly shorter. The cross-section showed a kind of smoothness that made people palpitate, as if it had been brutally cut off by some sharp weapon.

And the ferocious scars about three centimeters from the tiger's mouth to the palm... are also extremely deep.

It can be imagined that the scene at that time was absolutely cracked enough to see the bones.

For a moment, even though the boys in junior high school did not look at each other and exchanged glances, they all had the same strong thoughts of regret in their minds——

They just...

It seems that I said the wrong thing.


When the young boss was joking around, although Zhang Xin was persuading and helping to apologize, the friends didn’t really care too much, because they were just joking with the boss in good faith, and the boss wasn’t angry at all.

Besides, what they said was true.

Veteran player... The Great Master Eddie is also a veteran player, the difference between the two is indeed incomparable.

It's not a shame to lose against a professional god~

can now.

The situation is completely different.

It's not the same thing at all.

Looking at the hand of the young boss, several junior high school boys felt that their mouths were a little dry and astringent. Zhang Xin couldn't help pursing his lips. He heard from the boss that he only played League of Legends in the earliest days and stopped playing later...

Perhaps, it's not "stop playing".

It's "can't" play anymore.

Under such a premise, many of the original jokes are no longer jokes, but will become a kind of cruel ridicule that exposes people's scars.

is a disrespect.

"Boss, I'm sorry..." One of the little boys said timidly, followed by several other friends, including Zhang Xin, and looked at the young boss: "Boss, I'm sorry." "We shouldn't have made that kind of joke just now." -" "Don't be angry..."

All of them put aside the playful and joking appearance before, and apologized honestly, with seriousness and sincerity in their tone.

All of them were good-natured little boys.

Naturally, there will be apologies and shame.

On the contrary, the young boss was a little caught off guard by the sudden change of attitude of these young customers, and hurriedly waved his hands again: "It's okay, it's okay——" He suddenly realized something, and he retracted his hand under the counter unnaturally Go, take a breath and show a sincere smile to the boys:

"I am not angry."

"And it's true that I'm too old to play games anymore, so don't worry about it."

Carefully looking at the young man and finding that the boss really didn't seem to be angry, several boys breathed a sigh of relief, and one of them couldn't help asking curiously:

"Boss, what's going on with your hand—"

Before he finished speaking, he was pulled by Zhang Xin who was beside him, and stared: "Ask again!"

At this time, the young boss seemed to have fully adjusted his state, and smiled gently: "It's okay, this is an injury from a long time ago... When I didn't open a convenience store, I worked in a factory for a while. I was too tired to operate the lathe carelessly... and I hurt my hand like this-now it's not in the way."

A few simple explanations seem to be an understatement.

It seems that they really don't care.

A few young boys who were still in junior high school and had never suffered at all nodded their heads ignorantly, while Zhang Xin pursed his lips again, looked at the young man, and suddenly said:

"Boss, I think you can actually continue playing LOL."

As if mustering up his courage, Zhang Xin bravely looked into the young man's eyes and repeated earnestly:

"Although he was injured, but in this situation...you should still be able to continue playing."

"If it were me—I would definitely not give up for this reason."

It was obviously full of childish words, but with the boy's extremely serious tone, it seemed to have a strange power that shocked people's hearts.

The young man froze for a moment, his right hand hidden under the counter trembled unconsciously, and he still squeezed out a smile:

"Well, but I'm too old..."

Repeated the previous words again.

But at this moment, it sounded a bit reluctant and feeble.

So Zhang Xin persistently shook his head:

"That's no reason either."

As he said that, he looked at the young man again, with a bright light shining in his eyes: "I have only just reached the Platinum division, and I am still far behind those truly powerful masters. Why is the recruitment condition of the youth training team even more unsatisfactory?" I don’t know if I can achieve it, but I won’t give up.”

"Because my wish is to be a professional player."

"I love the game, I love esports."

"Boss, what about you?"

"Do you like this game?"

The voice is not loud, full of childishness and seriousness.

But at this moment, it was like thunder.

Let the young man's body freeze suddenly.

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The update is here, ah, ah, I have already become a fan of Mala Xiangguo, hurry up and watch this live broadcast of the game, the second update will be around 9:30.

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