
Chapter 1298 Not worthy

Adults often always know a lot of things, but they often still make wrong choices when facing reality.

In contrast, those young teenagers may be naive and naive, and maybe even some second-year students only understand some of the simplest principles, but they can work hard to implement and persist more purely and directly——

Because I like it, I will not give up easily.

"Boss, do you like this game?"

The boy in front of the counter in the convenience store had bright eyes, and asked the young owner of the convenience store an open question.

But it is such a simple and straightforward question...

But enough to make the young man freeze in place.

I was speechless.

In an instant, it was as if memories flooded back like a tide, and countless pictures flashed back in my mind like a revolving lantern.

The freshness and surprise when you first entered League of Legends and came into contact with the game.

The excitement and joy after getting started gradually.

The warmth and joy of getting to know those close partners.

Cheers and celebrations after winning a game.

The young man was a little crazy.

So... Those good memories and emotions have always been preserved, but he has been gradually and selectively trying to forget them since he doesn't know when, but when he is directly asked again, everything is gone. They will all be retrieved clearly and unabated.

Do you like this game?


I've always liked it.


Seeing that the boss in front of him didn't answer for a long time, Zhang Xin in front of the counter suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Ah... I'm just talking about my thoughts casually... Maybe it's not appropriate, boss, don't mind—"

The young man came back to his senses,

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the young man in front of him, with a sincere smile on his face:

"It doesn't matter."

"you're right."

After receiving such an affirmative answer from the boss, Zhang Xin suddenly became happy again, and continued to speak more boldly and beaming with joy:

"That's right! And although boss, your hand is injured, it may not be easy to get started again, and it should be more troublesome to operate, but it definitely doesn't matter if you operate the keyboard with your left hand, and holding the mouse with your right hand may affect it a little... But as long as you Practice, if you get used to it, it will definitely be fine!"

"And now there are still many older players in League of Legends."

"Their operation and reaction speed are not fast, but as long as the awareness is good enough, there is still a good chance of getting Platinum and Diamond."

The other boys next to him also nodded their heads.

Right right.

Basically, League of Legends players can be divided into two categories. One is the operational type, which means that the personal reaction and operation speed are fast enough, and they rely on their own hard power to rank up. The other type is the consciousness Type, as far as your operation level may be a little low, but relying on your own extraordinary consciousness and some small routines you have researched, you can also achieve high scores.

Anyway, there is a way.

"It's really not good, boss, add me as a friend in the game, and I will take you to the top!"

Zhang Xin patted his chest hard and made a promise with great pride, with a face full of promises: "I dare not say above the diamond rank, but at least before the platinum rank, I can carry you!"

Several other friends on the side were also extremely excited and scrambled to respond:


"Count me in!"

"Boss, what position are you in? I play wild gold, and I can help you die and catch people!"

"Me too!"

Looking at the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the junior high school boys in front of him, and feeling the sincere kindness from these teenagers, the young man only felt a little warm in his heart, and a sincere smile appeared on his face:


"If there is a chance...together, let's play black."

After receiving such an affirmative answer from the boss, the teenagers immediately cheered.

The atmosphere in the convenience store suddenly became extremely relaxed and cheerful again.


Watching a few young guests go away after paying the bill, the cheerful chatter of teenagers can still be heard on the street not far away, and the young people in front of the counter still have a gentle smile on their faces.

It's just... After the smile, there was a faint look of sadness that the teenagers hadn't noticed at all just now.

Naturally, he couldn't bear to brush off the kindness of the young men.

Moreover, I really wanted to be grateful, because it was indeed the childish but extremely serious words of these young people that made him seem to be able to reconfirm and find his heart again.


He still likes the game League of Legends.

He still has a deep affection for e-sports that cannot be erased.

So maybe it is really possible to pick up this game again in the future, as those teenagers proposed with joy just now, and if he has a chance, he can even really play black matches or ranks with those teenagers, and get back some The joy of the game back then.


But that's all there is to it.

The young man lowered his head slowly and remained silent, his figure looked a little lonely and heavy under the bright lights on the ceiling.

The youngsters just said that they were right. If they work hard, even if they have some disabilities, they can still catch up to the level of most ordinary League of Legends players, and it still doesn't prevent him from matching and ranking.

But there are some things... He never let those youngsters know.

That means he's playing the ADC position.


Among the five positions in the entire League of Legends game, almost the most important position is the operation.

Of course, even for ADCs, there are quite a few professional ADC players who are not strong enough but can make up for it with other comprehensive abilities-but such professional players look at the entire professional e-sports circle in the world. Can really climb to the top of the pyramid.

And at that time he——

But it was originally the highest and strongest one at the top of the pyramid.

Platinum, diamonds?

Even in his current state and situation, such a division can be achieved almost easily, but how far is it from his level back then?

That's the difference between the clouds and the ground.

More importantly, after being knocked off the cloud because of that tragic accident, it almost completely shattered all his possibilities and hopes of returning to the cloud.

He can still go to Platinum Diamond, and even give him some time to re-adjust to the rank of Master King.

But it is doomed that it will be difficult to climb back to the height of the past in a lifetime.

Can not go back……

The young man stared blankly at his open right hand, and then suddenly clenched his palm into a fist, almost trying to hide the incomplete part in the deepest part of his palm with all his strength.

No matter how hard you try, some cruel realities can no longer be changed.

He is destined to never be the "silent words" back then.

It is no longer the strongest ADC in the national server who can fight side by side with those old partners.

And if so—

Then how can he be worthy of those teammates back then.

so what...

Are you qualified to face that support partner who was extremely proud but only recognized himself?

The cool night is like water, and the breeze blows through the curtains of the convenience store, making them flutter and sway gently.

Thoughts seem to go back to the past.

His support partner pointed at him vigorously and announced loudly: "The others are rubbish, the ADC I believe...you are the only one!"

The young man slowly closed his eyes.

Ah Qiu.

I am not good enough for you now.

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around 11:30, get out and continue coding.

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