
Chapter 1839 Start over

After No. 1’s polite consultation, Martin, who was the host of the meeting, still looked rigid and serious, but he slowly nodded and gave his own answer:


"As the chief advisor of the Honorary Advisory Panel, you have the authority to submit motions at meetings in accordance with the rules and regulations."

There wasn't a fool present in the conference room.

Each of them was the top legendary being of the previous generation. Both his observation and judgment were far superior to ordinary people. Through the attitude of the Vice Chairman sitting at the head of the conference table at this moment, he had vaguely noticed something unusual. breath.

Not to mention--

When M took the lead in taking the documents on the table and opened them, he immediately showed such a shocked and disbelieving reaction, which made all the legends present unable to stop their hearts from suddenly tightening. A moment.


Something bad is happening.


It's developing in a direction they didn't plan for.

Arrow, who had the most impatient personality at the end of the long table, couldn't help but leaned over and stretched out his hand to grab a few documents. When he distributed them to several companions around him, he also opened them impatiently. Look through it.

The same text content catches the eye.

The same is the first column title of the first row.

Then this European legendary strongman who was almost as famous as No. 5 and Bullet suddenly showed a horrified look and suddenly shouted in disbelief:

"What's this!?"

"How is it possible! How is it possible!?"

in tone.

It was not only an incredible shock, but also more confusion and panic.

As a result, several other legends from the previous generation could no longer hold back any longer, and one after another they picked up the documents thrown out by No. 1 and eagerly opened them and looked through them.

Also one after another...

Without exception, they all suddenly shook or even became so sluggish that they seemed to be petrified on the spot.

It seemed that it was not until this moment that they were finally able to understand the feeling and experience that No. 1 and others had when they saw the documents and materials they had carefully prepared at the beginning of the meeting.

It's obviously just plain text with printed fonts like this.

But this moment comes into view——

But it was almost dazzling and painful to the extreme.

The three translation languages ​​of Chinese, Korean and English express the same and easily understandable meaning in the title in a formal written style format.

"Motion on application for the eighth advisory seat on the Honorary Advisory Panel under the World Electricity Association Headquarters."

No. 1 raised his head in a leisurely manner and looked at Arrow, whose face was full of shock and anger, and said calmly:

"All the material instructions are printed on it."

"Why not?"

A rhetorical question.

But in an instant, Arrow was so suppressed that his face turned red and he couldn't even utter a word to retort.

The other legends also carefully read and watched the contents of the material, and then they all fell into deathly silence.


Just like the same number one said, everything has been clearly explained in this document.

Of course, there are extremely strict requirements for obtaining the title of each honorary consultant of the Honorary Advisory Group under the World Electrical Association Headquarters, but basically all the materials have been perfectly prepared in this document.

The voice of No. 1 sounded leisurely again in the conference room:

"Application criteria for honorary advisor——"

"The first one is to have won at least three world runner-up or championship trophies."

"conform to."

"The second item is to be listed in the World Professional E-Sports Hall of Fame."

"conform to."

"The third item, the number of honorary consultants in the competition region cannot exceed two -" No. 1 raised his eyes to Bullet and smiled: "In North America, there is only one consultant named Bullet. The number is lacking. This situation has been going on for many years.”

"conform to."

"The fourth item is to be nominated by real-name candidates for the position of vice president or above of the local Professional Electronics Association branch."

When No. 1 looked over, No. 4 pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled and raised his hand:

"This item seems to be in line."

No. 1 nodded slightly: "Then for the last item, the applicant needs to be jointly recommended by three or more members of the original honorary advisory group."

As he spoke, he looked at No. 5 and Bullet, and smiled again:

"Just three, that's enough."


"Also consistent."

Finally, he turned his eyes to the old man at the head of the conference table, with a decent, calm and elegant posture: "Your Excellency, this should also be in line with the rules?"

As the Vice Chairman of the World Electricity Association Headquarters, Martin Bode's expression remained rigid, but he nodded slowly:


"The material is confirmed to be true."

"All required entries meet standards."

Then the old man's eyes fell on No. 2 sitting beside him: "Your Excellency 002, congratulations on becoming the eighth consultant of the Honorary Advisory Group."

Number 2 bowed slightly, with an indifferent expression:


Everything seemed to happen and end completely out of control under the helpless eyes of other legends.

Arrow suddenly shouted again:


"We don't agree! This kind of thing...how can it be so childlike and careless!!"

The tone was full of shock, anger and dissatisfaction.

Indeed, all the arrangements they had carefully planned and planned had come to an end smoothly, how could they suddenly make such a sudden change! ?

But this time, Number Three finally raised his eyes again and looked lazily towards Arrow at the end of the long table:


"Hey, let me tell you, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid?"

"This matter was handled directly by the World Electricity Association headquarters."

"Chairman Lance and Vice Chairman Martin, as well as the other two vice-chairmen, have all confirmed it and passed it directly. Is it your turn to point fingers here?"

Unceremoniously mocking sarcasm.

At this moment, not only Arrow, but also several other legends from the previous generation suddenly shrank their pupils when they heard this, and their eyes couldn't help but look at the old man at the head of the conference table who still seemed to have a rigid expression.

But looking at it now, it seems to have a different meaning than before.

turn out to be……

Did the Executive Vice Chairman actually know all this a long time ago?

So the conflict they initially thought between this Excellency and that 001 seemed... to have never really existed at all?

Li Daozai slowly raised his head, staring at No. 1 with cold eyes like a hawk:


"Have you planned all of this a long time ago?"

No. 1 met the former's gaze and said calmly and calmly:

"Allowing you to make those back-stabbing plots would be too stupid if I didn't make any preparations."

"It's just that I originally hoped that the confrontation between us would be more upright."


"If you're going to play like this. "

"It doesn't matter if I accompany you."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at Martin at the head of the conference table: "Your Excellency, Vice Chairman, now that this application has been confirmed and approved, there will be a new seat on the Honorary Advisory Panel, a change in personnel, and one more vote -"

"In that case."

Speaking of this, No. 1 paused and finished the words as if in an understatement:

"The nine motions just passed..."

"You can do it again."

An update is coming. The next chapter is quite late, so go away and continue typing, but I recommend everyone to read it tomorrow morning.

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