
Chapter 1840 You lost

? The so-called picture shows a poor view.

What was originally said should be a routine arrangement jointly planned and planned by several legends of the previous generation in the two major competitions in Europe and South Korea. There are nine complete motions. The first eight are either light or heavy, but the real killer move left to the end is "That matter" mentioned in the ninth motion.

Forced to force No. 1, who is the chief advisor of the Honorary Advisory Group, to veto his own vote and hold back, the former was forced to keep this privilege on the most critical proposal. superior.

Number One seems to have followed the wishes of Crow, Li Dozai and others.

It's just until this last moment...

The cards are turned over.

The bet is revealed.

The first legendary person of the previous generation, who was supposed to be a passive participant, never entered the gambling situation at all. In other words, at the end... he directly overturned the gambling table.

From the beginning--

He had no intention of playing with the other party like this.

The reason why I entered the game was just to watch a good show.

And it was not until this moment that he grasped the same picture in an understatement and in a more detached and carefree manner.

The core of the strategic planning of Crow, Lee Do-jae and others at the beginning was to use the constraints of these rules and regulations. With a rule-based supervisor and executor like Martin Bode sitting on the scene, with the help of the seven-person honorary advisory group meeting, The minority obeys the principle of majority voting and uses 4 votes to 3 to suppress the objective reality to achieve their goals.

But now——

Number One's response was so miraculous and unexpected that an eighth seat was added out of thin air to the seven-member advisory group that had been fixed for several years.

Directly let this long-established pattern be forcibly broken.

Seven seats became eight seats.

Seven votes turned into eight.

Then all the original motion results were no longer tenable and came to naught, just like what No. 1 said at this moment——

Overthrow and start again.

And the really most sharp and critical point is——

Such a seemingly arrogant and domineering move directly overturns the gaming table.

However, it happens to be within the scope of all rules and regulations, and it closely conforms to all the rules and regulations of the World Electric Association Headquarters from beginning to end, and also perfectly adapts to the rules and regulations of the Honorary Advisory Group.

Because to put it bluntly, some problems have just been subconsciously ignored and forgotten by people over the years, but it does not mean that the problem never existed.

Honorary Advisory Panel.

China, South Korea and Europe each hold two seats.

But it happens that only the North American division has only one consultant, Bullet.


It just doesn’t fit with both emotion and reason.

But at that time, it was indeed impossible to find a second candidate in the North American division who was qualified enough to serve as an honorary advisor, so this issue and position remained vacant.

Until this moment——

The problem has a solution.

For the vacant position, a suitable candidate was found.

Moreover, this candidate can indeed perfectly meet all the requirements for an honorary consultant. In terms of qualifications, even Crow and others can't find any fault with No. 2 - even the competition area where the person concerned is located. There is no problem with nationality, because many years ago, No. 2 and No. 4 had already moved from the Chinese Division to the North American Division due to certain work transfer reasons.


Everything falls into place.

The ultimate move was revealed at the last moment, turning the tables in one fell swoop.

That is to say, relying on this hand, the party where No. 1 and others were able to increase the number of votes from the original three votes to four, breaking the voting initiative of the Honorary Advisory Group originally controlled by Crow, Li Dozai and others.

When the vote came down to three to four, I was really helpless.

but now……

It was a four-to-four vote.

If all the motions are overturned, everything will never be the same again.


Suddenly I heard Ghost's gloomy voice: "It's only four votes. It's still a tie at most. Are you 001 too happy?"


The other legends present also gradually came back to their senses and woke up.

Although the killer move like 001 on the opposite side did catch them off guard and disrupted their originally planned layout, but even if we take a step back, it is a tie situation of four votes to four votes, which does not mean that their original Those motion proposals can only be in vain.

According to the principles of proceedings of the Honorary Advisory Group, once there is a deadlock in the final number of votes for a motion proposal, the proposal will be further forwarded to the Bureau of the World Electricity Association Headquarters, led by the other three vice-presidents headed by Chairman Lance, for a second round of deliberation and final decision-making. Make a ruling.

The current situation...that's the worst case scenario.

At the level of the presidium, the two competition regions of Europe and South Korea also have their own resources and contacts that can influence the deliberations and judgments of the presidium.

So, at this point, the outcome has not yet been decided.

However, hearing Ghost's cold sneer and ridicule, the expression on No. 1's face remained calm and calm. His eyes followed the sound, but the corners of his mouth slightly curved:


"Are you too happy? I think... it would be more appropriate to repay the original words."

The smile seemed calm and relaxed.

Ghost's eyes narrowed when he heard it, as if he felt something was wrong, but for a moment he couldn't think about it.

Number 1, on the other hand, had turned to look at Crow and smiled again:

"You have studied the privileges of me as the chief advisor of the advisory group very clearly. You have made so many preparations and arrangements even for the veto power, but...it's a bit of a pity."

"There is still some homework that you haven't done enough."

"The power of the Chief Honorary Advisor... goes beyond that."

Crow at the end of the long table still said nothing, but stared at No. 1 with a deep and sinister gaze like a lone eagle, waiting for the next words.

But No. 1 did not continue to give the answer. Instead, he turned to the old man sitting at the head of the conference table and smiled:

"Your Excellency, Vice Chairman."

"I think...you should be very clear about the rules and regulations in this area."

"Can you please tell everyone here?"

Martin Border took a deep look at No. 1. His eyes behind his reading glasses narrowed slightly with an unpredictable meaning. Then the old man nodded and spoke slowly:

"In accordance with the regulations established by the World Electricity Association Headquarters."

"Within the honorary advisory group under its jurisdiction, being the chief honorary advisor has two privileges."


“A once-a-year veto power.”


“When there is an abstention or a tie in votes due to other reasons, the chief honorary advisor’s voting power...is equivalent to two votes to take the lead.”

It was still the old man's seemingly unchanging, rigid tone.

But the words he spoke were like a thunder, which almost made all the legends of the previous generation present here roar in their heads and become stunned.

The veins on the backs of Crow's hands that were originally resting on the armrests of the sofa suddenly popped out and pulsated, just like the slightly twisted and ferocious look on the face of the most mysterious shadow crow in Europe's previous generation, which could no longer be controlled.

J took a deep breath, but his eyelids couldn't stop twitching.

Ghost fell into silence, as if quietly retreating into the shadow of the corner again.

Shield and Arrow once again looked at No. 1 with a faint hint of fear that could not be concealed.

Li Dozai slowly leaned on the back of the chair behind him. At this moment, his figure was like a mountain collapsing, and he finally felt a bit depressed.

M closed his eyes and sighed.

Only No. 1 was left to look around with leisurely time, and calmly put down the last sentence of the meeting:

"You have to play by the rules."

"Then I will play with the rules with you."

"You lost."

An update has been sent, I have finished this plot and started to think about the next plot.

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