
Chapter 6 More Urgent

After receiving the boarding pass, checking in their luggage, and going through the security check, everyone rushed to the corresponding boarding gate according to the information on the boarding pass.

No. 1, No. 5, and No. 2, No. 4 also said goodbye and left at this time.

Lin Feng and others were left to follow the God Club's large force and arrived in front of the boarding gate. They looked at the information on the boarding pass and found that there were still more than 20 minutes until the boarding time, so everyone stood in front of the boarding gate. Sit down and wait.

The waiting process is naturally boring.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone, played with it twice, thought about it, opened WeChat, and sent a message to An Xin:

"Have you gone back?"

Soon the girl’s message came back:

"Sitting on the bus."

Lin Feng nodded subconsciously and typed on the screen again:

"Don't forget, half a year."

The girl replied to the next message with an eye-roll expression:


Lin Feng couldn't help but scratch his head, smiled, and put away his phone.

Tang Bingyao next to her was currently holding a Gopher game console and concentrating on the daily challenges of nightmare difficulty. Zeng Rui still looked at her with a look of envy and jealousy——

Things like hand speed...are really innate talents. No matter how hard people with poor talents work hard, it will be difficult for them to reach the heights that the former can easily achieve.

Li Shiyi looked at Tang Bingyao and asked curiously:

"Tangtang, how did you train when you were following Mr. Bullet?"

This sentence attracted the attention of many members of the God team sitting next to them, and their ears could not help but stand up.

After all, this is talking about the legendary number one person in North America in the past generation. Although I am not lucky enough to be valued by others, if I can hear some relevant inside information, it will...satisfy my curiosity.

Tang Bingyao didn't hide anything. She thought about it seriously and said:

"Master will practice solo with me.

Give me a solo queue demonstration and let me give you guidance while I solo queue——"

"Also, let me watch some other professional AD game videos."

The first few items are enough to make people jealous to the point of envy.

The last one made Huangxue Yege’s eyes light up:


"Are there any professional AD game videos? Whose videos did Senior Bullet show you?"

As he spoke, he looked at Tang Bingyao with hope.

The girl with a simple personality naturally failed to guess the little thoughts of the ace AD ​​player of the God team in front of her. She just tried her best to remember and give the answer:

"Ray with SSK."


The AD from d, several ADs from the Korean team, and the video of the master’s first apprentice..."

Listing them out one by one, the girl suddenly seemed to remember something and looked up at Huang Xue Ye Ge:

"Well, there's yours too."

After patiently listening to Tang Bingyao's example of "Desolate Snow Night Song" for a long time, she waited for this sentence, and her eyes suddenly lit up:

"Oh! Is there me?"

"Oh, how embarrassing is this... I didn't expect that in the eyes of Senior Bullet, I can still be quite good at this little skill, hahaha——"

The substitute players of the God Club on the side are also helping to cheer:

"That's necessary. Brother Ye, your AD is at the top level in our national server. There are many players from other regions studying it."

Huangxue Yege smiled from ear to ear, not forgetting to wave her hands modestly:

"Hey...Tangtang didn't mention it. I'm not the only one recommended by senior Bulelt to watch the video. This allows Tangtang to learn from others' strengths. I only made a small contribution in it——"

Tang Bingyao shook her head after hearing this:



Huangxue Yege and the God substitutes who were flattering him were stunned for a moment and looked at Tang Bingyao.

The girl explained seriously:

"Master didn't ask me to learn things from the video."

"It means that the playing methods of these people are not good enough. I don't want to learn any of them. I can't get into bad habits, otherwise it will be difficult to correct them in the future."

Instant silence.

The smile that Huang Xue Ye Ge had a second ago froze on her face this second, and it took a long time before she managed to speak with a dry smile:

"Yeah, that's right."

"After all, Senior Bullet teaches in person, and his style is unique. It wouldn't be good for you, Tangtang, to be influenced by others..."

That is to say, only the status and strength of the North American legend of the previous generation can make the top ADC of the national server like Huang Xue Yege suffer defeat and still accept it honestly.

After all, compared with the legendary seniors of this level, asking Tang Bingyao to study the playing styles and operations of other professional ADC players is indeed a waste of time.

Zeng Rui turned to look at Lin Feng and whispered:

"Fengzi, when you go back... practice more with me."

Unlike Tang Bingyao, who can get one-on-one careful guidance from a powerful person like Bullet, he can only rely on himself to explore. As the girl's partner and assistant, seeing the girl's strength level soaring day by day, it will also make Zeng Rui feels the urgency and pressure to improve his strength.

Lin Feng was about to nod when No. 3, who bought something from the airport convenience store, came over with a bottle of mineral water:

"There's no need for this kid."

"Next, I will spend more time helping you, Xiao Zeng, practice more."

Lin Feng's eyes brightened when he heard:

"Senior No. 3, if you have time, that would be great."

Indeed, if the No. 3 in front of him took action in person, this kind of teaching treatment would not be worse than Tang Bingyao receiving Bullet's guidance.

Hearing the words of No. 3, Zeng Rui was naturally happy, but then he had some doubts:

"Senior, can you... spare some time?"

This time, the only "special coach" who returned to the Magic City with everyone was No. 3. While the other seniors were busy with their own affairs, No. 3 first had to take charge of the members of several LPL club teams, including God. training and preparation tasks.

In this way, the time and energy have been basically taken up. It seems a bit reluctant to let Zeng Rui start a small stove alone.

No. 3 curled up his lips:

"You don't have to worry about me."

"Besides, don't put yourself too low in the order -"

"Although the upcoming preparation tasks for the LPL guys are arduous, it may not be easy for you guys. It may even be more urgent than them... you guys."

There was a hint of meaningful reminder in his tone.

Zeng Rui was slightly startled, then realized something, showed a solemn expression, and nodded.

Number 3 took out a Gopher game console from his pocket and threw it into Zeng Rui's hand:

"Take it."

"There are still more than ten hours on the plane. If you have nothing to do, just practice more by yourself."

"A weak hand is a weak hand...it has to reach the basic level anyway."

Zeng Rui caught the Gopher game console, looked at No. 3, and said hesitantly:

"The basic line is..."

Number Three looked over sideways:

"Nightmare mode, at least hold on for five minutes."

Compared with the results of Lin Feng, Tang Bingyao and others, such a request is considered to be quite considerate and lowers the difficulty.

But for handicapped players, it is still a huge challenge.

Zeng Rui's face turned bitter after hearing this, and he nodded with difficulty:


The update is here, the next chapter will be around 10:30, so go away and continue typing.

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