
Chapter 7 Fermentation

During the next more than twenty minutes of waiting for boarding, Zeng Rui kept competing with the mini Gopher game console in his hand.

But the difficulty of nightmare mode is indeed too cruel for a handicapped auxiliary player.

Seeing Zeng Rui fall on the score line of about four minutes again and again, and the gopher emerging from the hole seemed to be mercilessly mocking the challenger's incompetence, Lin Feng felt a little unbearable, and comforted his companion with a few words:

"It's okay, take your time -"

"Keep practicing and you will definitely improve."

Next to her, Tang Bingyao had just finished a difficulty challenge in nightmare mode. The score on the screen of the mole machine in her hand showed more than six minutes. The girl came over to take a look at Zeng Rui's score and commented quite bluntly:

"Zeng, your hand speed is really slow."

A casual remark from a girl with a simple personality.

Directly once again, the disabled auxiliary companion suffered a heavy blow.

Zeng Rui smiled bitterly:

"Tangtang and I can't compare..."

Among the five positions in League of Legends, players in the auxiliary position have the lowest demand for hand speed. After all, you don’t need to have quick eyesight or quick hands to insert wards to gain vision. The delicate work of last-hitting is also the responsibility of AD teammates——

But having said that, if you want to become a truly excellent top support player, reaction and hand speed are still indispensable key links.

After all, when your bottom lane encounters the opponent's jungler,

k, the speed of reaction to movement and avoidance skills, and the decisiveness of cross-dodge will directly determine whether you will give the opponent a 300-yuan head.

More importantly, when a game enters the mid-to-late stage, the support with the important task of inserting wards and providing vision will always need to stand at the front row of his own formation, taking the huge risks brought by vision, and also the opponent will aim to kill. Priority target, lack of enough reaction speed, you can't even provide enough vision for your teammates to ensure safety, and you can't fulfill the responsibilities of an assist.

"So, you have to practice quickly!"

Zeng Rui took a deep breath: "You can't let me become a shortcoming and hold you back."

Tang Bingyao looked at Zeng Rui,

Some felt sorry and puzzled for their companions:

"More than four minutes...should be an easy time to achieve."

It was the first time for the girl to come into contact with the Gopher game machine. After a few simple challenges, she could reach the height of five and a half or even six minutes. Naturally, she found it difficult to understand Zeng Rui's current results.

Zeng Rui could only smile bitterly again.

Facing such sincere words from a talented companion, it is really hard to lose one's temper.

Lin Feng comforted: "There is no need to compare with Tangtang. Didn't Senior No. 3 set a standard for you? Just increase it from four minutes to five minutes. For support, a reaction speed of about five minutes is basically enough." , I heard Senior No. 4 say that even when Senior M from Korea challenged the Gopher Machine, his results were not necessarily much better."

This is a little-known gossip.

Zeng Rui couldn't help but feel a little more energetic after hearing this:

"Even Senior M...is this the same?"

Compared with the comforting words of his companions in front of him, there is no doubt that this concrete example of reality can give him more encouragement. You must know that senior M has a higher status in his heart than the new generation auxiliary god. Autumn

An idol-like existence.

Lin Feng nodded, frowned and thought for a while:

"Senior M's performance in the Nightmare Mode of the Gopher Machine at that time..."

"It should only take about 7 minutes."

"Probably not even a little."

The last sentence was added by someone anxiously.

But Zeng Rui was still stunned on the spot, and then a wry smile appeared on his face for the third time: "Seven, seven minutes..."

Of course, if we refer to the hand speed standards of the top legendary powerhouses of the previous generation, seven minutes of nightmare mode is indeed nothing, but this is just because the reference standards are different.

7 minutes of nightmare mode.

Taking this performance data alone, it is already a level that only top professional players at the Seven Kings level can barely touch.

Zeng Rui remembered what his seniors had said to him before, promising to introduce him to M as long as he reached a time of 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Now that he thought about it... it was better to forget it for the time being, as he was at his current level. , introducing him to that senior is just a waste of time, and the other party is unlikely to like him.

"I'd better continue practicing first."

Zeng Rui sighed.

Until the waiting time was over and everyone boarded the plane, Zeng Rui was still immersed in the nightmare mode of the Gopher game console and struggled hard.

Lin Feng, Li Shiyi and Tang Bingyao were assigned to the same row. Lin Feng, who was sitting in the middle seat, looked around and borrowed the Gopher game console from Tang Bingyao, who was sitting by the window.

"Simply Playing."

When taking over the Gopher game console, someone said this to the girl.

But even if you just say "just have fun"...

The results achieved by someone are enough to put any current top professional player to shame.

Nightmare mode, first game, 8 minutes and 11 seconds.

It was just because the stewardess happened to come over and kindly reminded me to put on my seat belt, which distracted someone a little.

The second game, 8 minutes and 47 seconds.

When the roar of the engine came from outside the cabin and the plane was about to take off, Lin Feng just finished the third challenge.

9 minutes and 04 seconds.

It's a good thing that Zeng Rui wasn't assigned to sit in the same row as Lin Feng and the others. Otherwise, seeing such a performance record, he would have been so sad, angry and ashamed that he would have wanted to commit suicide.

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to Lin Feng as a witness, saw her eyes sparkling, looking at someone with eyes filled with admiration:

"Fengzi is so strong!"

Naturally, he is too strong to say anything.

Surviving eight minutes in nightmare mode is already a stable standard for the Yonko realm, and not every Yonko can reach this level, let alone someone's current score of nine minutes and four seconds. It has reached an appalling level.

However, listening to the heartfelt praise from the girl next to him, Lin Feng shook his head.

A certain figure flashed through my mind unconsciously.

Lin Feng took a breath:

"not enough."

The plane had begun to move slowly towards the departure runway.

Lin Feng returned the mini gopher machine to Tang Bingyao, and was about to lean back on the chair to have a good rest during the long flight, when he suddenly heard Li Shiyi's voice on the other side ringing in his ears:


The voice was a little deep.

Lin Feng turned to look at his companion: "Huh?"

Li Shiyi had a somewhat solemn expression on his face, and handed the phone to Lin Feng:

"Look at... these."

Lin Feng took the phone, looked down at the screen, and then his eyelids twitched slightly.

What catches the eye is the homepage of a well-known League of Legends topic post bar. The interface is filled with topic posts one after another.

And the title of each topic post...

It's all quite shocking.

It was similar to what Zeng Rui saw when he browsed the web page in the hotel cafeteria in the morning.

But the situation seems to be getting worse little by little.

Li Shiyi’s voice was heavy:

"Public opinion... seems to be starting to ferment."

The update is here. The next chapter will be after 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing. Let's talk about the national football team's match against Malaysia today. . . Well, forget it.

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