
Chapter 8 The number one sinner

For Lin Feng, although he also missed the World Championship trophy that year, because it was the S1 season at that time, the number of domestic League of Legends players was far less than it is now, so he didn’t actually feel too much after the defeat at that time. Most of the pressure from public opinion is just my own guilt and self-blame.

But since living with Su Xue, the former's anchor job also gave Lin Feng a very intuitive and deep understanding of the existence and power of Internet trolls.

Therefore, he can also grasp some of the dangerous public opinion trends that are gradually beginning to ferment.

Just like Li Shiyi said.

The current public opinion situation online...

not too good.

And it is developing towards a more dangerous trend.

Of course, the large number of LPL players and fans in the Chinese server can still understand and support God-God's Hand. After all, regardless of victory or defeat, in this World Finals, the three LPL teams in the Chinese server, including the God team, have already played A very outstanding performance.

Even if you lose, there is no shame.

Otherwise, when I left in front of the hotel lobby this morning, there wouldn’t have been so many fans of British international students who spontaneously organized themselves to hold banners, shout slogans, and send support and encouragement to the members of the God team.

It was a very heart-warming and comforting scene.


Everything has its good and bad sides. As long as there are fans who truly support and understand you, there will be no shortage of players with extremely violent personalities to face them.

Some people...can't reason properly.

They believe in only one concept. E-sports does not look at the process but only the results. If you lose, you lose. It means losing the face of our national server LPL. It means that we, the fans and players, are disappointed and deserve to be scolded and sprayed.

This is an irrefutable fact. If you make a mistake, you will be beaten. Every LPL professional player has this awareness.

So we can’t say that these radical fans who “love deeply and bear deep responsibility” are wrong.

But the problem is...

Except for these players who are just aggressive and violent in their expression methods,

There is also a group of people who are really hiding behind the scenes to control public opinion and fuel the flames.

Commonly known as "trolls" or "spotters", or "trolls".

These people neither understand the hard work and dedication of professional players, nor do they reprimand them out of "deep love and deep responsibility".

But out of sheer malice.

They don't even care about winning or losing, and they don't care whether as fans of the LPL division they should support the team in their own division. In other words, they are not fans of any team at all.

They've just been waiting for an opportunity to make trouble.

Like an ugly hyena, with fishy saliva hanging from the corner of its mouth, it patiently and greedily waits and looks for the target of attack.

As soon as the target reveals a weakness, they will swarm up at the first opportunity to bite and carve up the prey until no bones are left.

The more disgusting and disgusting the remarks are, the easier it is to create them in chapters and chapters under their keyboards; the more painful they are, the more excited and joyful they feel.

They have nothing to contribute to eSports.

Even the most hated destroyer of them all, the borer.

What is even uglier is that behind such a group, there may be some unknown and dirty interests involved. The creation of public opinion and the guidance of the trend are all carefully organized and planned by professionals.

"That's what happened last year."

Li Shiyi frowned and spoke in a low voice:

"This year... it's gotten worse."

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

Naturally, he has not forgotten the scene in last year's finals. At that time, the three participating teams of the Chinese LPL were defeated and eliminated one after another. There were also countless curses on the Internet, but if it is compared with what he sees on his mobile phone now, , the level of public opinion this year is even worse than last year.

There is no other reason.

Just because... this year the national server has greater hopes and expectations for this group of LPL teams going out than in previous years.

And the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

God-Hand of God suffered a heavy defeat in the finals. When the huge expectations fell heavily from the sky and the hopes were shattered, this moment happened to create the most ideal and perfect soil for those dirty hyenas to act.

Malice is growing and taking shape in this soil more brazenly than in previous years.

Even wreaked havoc.

Li Shiyi sighed: "When Hayami and KG were eliminated, I didn't see any bad signs in online public opinion. Suddenly... the momentum picked up too fast."

Lin Feng smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, and he calmly analyzed:

"Because at that time, the final decision hadn't really been made."

"At that time, God had not lost yet, and the LPL still had the last hope."

"These people... are very smart. They will not come forward rashly and wait to be slapped in the face. They will definitely wait until the final situation is decided before they feel free to come out to make trouble and make nonsense."

Li Shiyi woke up and immediately became speechless.

Because as Lin Feng said, it is an unchangeable reality that the current LPL army has been wiped out and missed the championship again. Under this situation, no matter how rampant and rampant those trolls and trolls are, it will be difficult to fight back.

In e-sports, food is the original sin.

Even 10,000 excuses cannot compare to the iron-clad facts before our eyes, which is enough to make any explanation pale and feeble.

Of course, perhaps until now, most ordinary players in the LPL region still do not spread all kinds of malicious remarks on the Internet so much, but to pollute a glass of clean water, often only a few drops of ink are enough.

"A Xing and the others...don't know if they can survive it."

Li Shiyi looked at the backs of the God team members in the front row seats, feeling a little worried.

Perhaps veteran players like Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege can have tough enough mental qualities, but other members of the God Club may not.

The same may not be true for the players from Hayami and KG.

Lin Feng shook his head and returned the phone to his companion:

"There's nothing we can do."

"Let's rest first and wait until we get back... then we'll see what happens."

Twelve hours later.

London is entering late night, and the Pudong International Airport where the plane landed has already welcomed the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

Sitting in economy class on the plane, it is always uncomfortable to rest. The God Club team members, Lin Feng and others who had not been able to adjust to the jet lag were in a shaky state of mind when they walked down the bridge and passed the customs and border inspection.

Waiting in line to pass the border inspection, Li Shiyi took out his mobile phone and looked down at it again in the queue.

Lin Feng looked over with questioning eyes.

Li Shiyi shook his head heavily:

"More. "

Zeng Rui, who had not been assigned to the same row as Lin Feng on the plane before, also approached at this time, holding a mobile phone with the same solemn expression on his face:

"Look at this-"

Lin Feng took the phone and glanced at the screen.

This is a media article that has been clicked on. The first line of the title is shocking:

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment - the top seed in LPL?" Or the number one sinner in LPL? 》

The update is here. Three updates are done. Tomorrow it will be two updates as usual. Good night, friends.

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