
Chapter 321 Yearning

In the top lane, it was Rambo versus Irelia.

Strictly speaking, although Chen Ting's top lane hero pool was not shallow at all, he did have his best hero types. In fact, Jayce and Irelia were also his most proficient heroes.

It was just that in this game, he took into account the tactical layout of ban selection, and replaced ban with grabbing. In order to prevent the opponent from getting Rambo, he took the initiative to choose it first.

In terms of operational proficiency, it was not as free and easy as his Jayce or Irelia.

In addition, as the top laner who won the game in Xiacheng, Sun Zheng got his own Irelia, and his personal operational ability was second only to Mu Qiu in the team, so at this moment, the top lane was evenly matched.

To put it bluntly, it was just a cautious test for the time being, and it was not the time to really fight.

Mid lane -

Jayce versus Viktor.

There is no doubt that Jayce is destined to take the initiative in the early stage. Although Tang Bingyao does not play mid lane very often, the hero Jayce is not unfamiliar to the girl. When she was doing power training, if she did not grab the ADC position, she would also play a few games in the middle lane. In addition, Jayce is also considered a half-long-handed AD, and the strong characteristics in the early stage are quite in line with Tang Bingyao's playing style and habits. At present, there is no sense of awkwardness in the operation, and she actively suppresses the opponent's Viktor. As for the junglers of both sides, it is not the time for the first wave of roaming ganks yet, and they are just brushing the jungle in the jungle. The camera angle of the live director is brought down from the top lane to the jungle and the middle lane. Finally, the focus is fixed on the bottom lane. Of course. Originally, this is the line that everyone cares about the most. ... Basic attack, last hit. Move, cancel the back swing, then move forward, and then attack. Try to consume with the Q skill, and move and pull to ensure your own safe position. The laning situation in the bottom lane,

did not start with a face-to-face fight as most ordinary viewers expected.

The ADCs of both sides seemed very restrained.

In fact, they were calmly focusing on their own last-hitting rhythm.

At most, they tried to use the Q skill on the opponent from time to time. If it hit, it was a win, and if it missed, it didn't matter.

So far, neither ADC has been able to successfully consume the opponent's health.

On the contrary, the support heroes of both sides, either to help their AD partner last-hit, or to try to force the opponent's ADC to move forward, made themselves stand too far forward and consumed some health.

But overall, the current laning rhythm in the bottom lane is just tepid.

Many ordinary audience members in the audience began to feel disappointed:

"That's it?"

"Where's the ace AD ​​of Xiamen City? Isn't he hot-tempered? Why didn't he start fighting right away--"

"The mid laner of Shanghai City switched to the ADC position, but there was no effect... It seems that he is not as good as their previous female ADC, who played fiercely and vigorously!"


If we say at this moment that the bottom lane match of this game will be the top ADC competition in the world professional e-sports circle, then others will probably laugh their heads off--

The peak ADC duel?

That's it?

However, very few people do not think so.

Sitting in the back row of the audience, Shi Hang could also hear the comments and complaints of other spectators in the front row. He rolled his eyes immediately:

"A bunch of silver and bronze noobs, dare to talk nonsense in this real king duel——"

"Do you really think that the laning of top ADCs is to fight for first blood directly?"

"This kind of understanding deserves to stay in the bronze segment for life."

The eyes of other players were always fixed on the bottom lane focused on by the big screen OB picture.

Fuxiao Chenxing slowly said:

"It's not that simple."

It was not referring to Shi Hang's evaluation, but the view of other ordinary spectators that it was "not exciting enough".

At their level, even if their own job is not the bottom lane position, they can see more details from such laning.

Although the laning of the bottom lane combination of both sides on the field seems to be tepid at the moment, and both sides do not have too much close contact and direct consumption, but from the control of positioning and distance, it can be faintly felt that it is a bit thrilling.

Tian Tian nodded:

"It's not just a test."

"Now... we're fighting!"

As a former teammate, Tian Tian is too familiar with the two ADCs on the field. They are definitely not the cautious, restrained, calm and careful type.

They are both aggressive styles that will start attacking and suppressing as soon as they have a chance.

At the moment, it seems that the two sides are not fighting to consume blood, just because the distance control and pulling on both sides are too good and perfect.

Look at the forward movement of EZ just now.

It is calculated that the opponent's Holy Lance Ranger may go forward to attack a ranged soldier.

Look at Lucian's subsequent sideways movement and adjustment of the angle of his position, which is to use the soldier as a springboard to extend the distance of the Q skill and wait for the opportunity to prepare to Q EZ behind the soldier.

They are all offensive operation intentions.

But they were both seen through by the ADCs of both sides, and they moved ahead of time to pull away.

That is to say, because the ADCs on both sides are of the highest level and have the highest awareness, they do not let their opponents succeed easily. Otherwise, if someone else were in the position of EZ or Lucian, they would probably be disabled by now. HP status.

Huangxue Yege's eyes were fixed on the bottom lane, and then Leng Buding suddenly spoke:

"The support on both sides is a little bit worse."


The ADC heroes on both sides have not succeeded in consuming each other's health status for the time being, but they have each taken advantage of the opponent's auxiliary heroes.

The Bull Chief on the blue side was hit once by Obama's passive flat A two-hit combo, and hit once by "Penetrating Holy Light".

The Dawn Goddess on the purple side also took one "Secret Shot" energy bullet from EZ and two flat A.

Compared with their respective AD partners, the auxiliary players on both sides obviously lack sufficient awareness and ability in these detailed positioning operations in the lane.

No more problems can be seen at the moment.

But as time goes by, the support of both sides becomes more and more likely to become a breakthrough point for the other side's AD.

"Normal supports can't handle this level of AD laning—"

Shi Hang sighed:

“It’s already very difficult to keep up with the rhythm.”

As he spoke, he glanced at the shadow puppet beside him:

"If you're old-fashioned, you might still have some qualifications if you go up there."

The shadow puppet subconsciously licked his lips, unable to conceal the burning yearning in his eyes:


"If possible... I really want to try it."

I'll send you the update. Try to get up early tomorrow morning and finish another chapter at 6 or 7 o'clock.

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