
Chapter 322 Assistance is not easy

The discussions and comments of the professional players in the back row of the auditorium were correct.

For example, in the matchup in the bottom lane, when the level of the ADC reaches the level of these two players on the field at this moment, the requirements for the support of both sides will naturally increase indefinitely.

Assistant sounds like a pretty easy position.

But if you want to be the auxiliary partner of a top ADC, it will definitely not be an easy task.

Most of the ordinary spectators in the audience could not see the reason, but on the field, the support players of both sides at this moment knew their own suffering.

It's really difficult.

On the blue side, Zeng Rui's forehead was already slightly sweaty just a minute or two after the laning started, just controlling his Tauren Chieftain and Lin Feng's ADC Explorer.

He felt an unspeakable pressure.

It’s not like he has no experience partnering with someone in the bottom lane before, and he has had more re-run-ins recently, both in games and training.

But everything was completely different from now.


The opponents are different.

As an auxiliary, what you need to do in the early stages of the laning is to help your ADC partner with last-minute hits to catch up on the level difference. On the other hand, you need to protect your teammates and look for opportunities to force the opponent's positioning and last-hit operations.

Zeng Rui believes that his basic skills in this area are extremely solid.

But in this game, he found that the things he was already very familiar with and adapted to were almost easy to use, but when facing the ADC Holy Lance Ranger on the purple side, it seemed to have become less easy to use.

After the Tauren Chief reaches level 2, a set of WQ skills and two consecutive hard controls are enough to pose a huge threat to the opponent's ADC.

As long as the Bull Head presses forward slightly, it can allow the opponent's ADC or crispy auxiliary hero to throw a rat weapon.


After just reaching level 2, Zeng Rui controlled his auxiliary Niutou several times to try to find an opportunity, or at least to put a little pressure on the opponent's Paladin Ranger, but found that it had no effect at all. .

The opponent's Paladin Ranger,

It seems that he is completely indifferent to the existence and threat of his auxiliary bull head.

That last hit last hit.

When it's time to backhand someone, backhand someone.

His operation and positioning were not affected at all, and it was as if he, a bull-headed chief, was ignored.

If he were a generally irritable and hot-tempered Niutou, he would probably just want to go up and do something to him with the second gun.

But Zeng Rui didn't do that.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's even that he keeps an eye on the opponent's position and distance all the time. Whenever there is an opportunity, he will not hesitate to take the initiative as soon as possible.

But the problem is...

He couldn't find any chance.

The Paladin Ranger on the opposite side seems to be calm and even bold in every step and movement, but whenever he wants to try to take action, he will find that the opponent has quietly opened some distance at some point.

Either his own bull head would not be able to be controlled by Erlian in the first place.

Otherwise, you can judge that if this wave goes up, there will be no good results at all, and it will be immediately avoided by the opponent, or even a more fierce counterattack from the opponent.

"Can't open", and "Can't open".

Two judgments kept turning alternately in Zeng Rui's mind.

This was a feeling of anxiety that he had never experienced before. It seemed that the other party was doing nothing, but it made him feel powerless and helpless.

It is no exaggeration to say that even when he was training against the three LPL teams and God-Hand of God's bottom lane, he had never experienced such an uncomfortable and helpless experience.

"Not urgent."

Suddenly, Lin Feng's voice sounded in Zeng Rui's ears.

Zeng Rui almost subconsciously looked at his ADC partner next to him from the corner of his eye. He vaguely saw that someone did not turn his head. His eyes were always focused on the operation of his own ADC Explorer, but the calm voice was Keep coming:

"Be steady and don't lose too much blood."

"I'll open it again when I find a chance."

Zeng Rui took a deep breath and forced himself to stabilize his mentality again:


Even Zeng Rui felt a little powerless in this level of bot lane, let alone Xia Ziyou, who is the purple side's auxiliary Japanese girl.

She is more stressed.

In itself, as a girl, it is extremely rare to be able to have such an assistant rank and strength.

Coupled with the fact that she has been training hard and receiving Mu Qiuer's teachings and guidance during this period, her progress has been rapid, and she may even be able to play the role of a support in an ordinary passerby master game. .


Master level support, in this level of bot lane laning, is still not on the table.

It is just like what the LPL professional players in the back row of the auditorium are discussing at this moment. If you really want to make your own presence in this kind of bot lane game with a support position, perhaps only top professionals like Shadow Puppet can do it. Only assistance can do it.

Two minutes into the game.

As the purple side's auxiliary Japanese girl, Xia Ziyou's experience is actually similar to Zeng Rui's.

Leona, the goddess of dawn, is a hero with high proficiency.

Because she is a girl, she was more accustomed to using soft assistants like Nami, Feng Nu, or Lulu and Karma in the past. That is, after partnering with Mu Qiu, in order to better keep up with the former's offensive style. Therefore, she worked hard to learn more offensive hard support.

The hard work pays off.

Xia Ziyou did feel that as her hard support proficiency continued to improve, her bottom lane partnership with Mu Qiu became more able to quickly exert suppressive power and snowball quickly in various pub rounds and even games. Roll to the point where your opponent is unstoppable.

But this round——

But it seemed that this was the first time she encountered an unprecedented iron wall when she was partnering with Mu Qiu in the bottom lane.


She couldn't find any chance at all.

In the past, as long as the bot lane was upgraded to level 2, her Dawn Goddess could take the initiative to press forward and force the opponent to move. Then when she got the opportunity, EQ would go up and force the attack with two consecutive attacks, and then wait for Mu Qiu's ADC to take the kill to complete the harvest.

She is already very skilled at this kind of cooperation.

But in the past two minutes, her assistant Dawn Goddess has gone from level 1 to level 2 and now to level 3. As long as she can cooperate with her Lucian to play a set, she can easily gain an advantage, but she just can't catch the slightest bit. The opportunity to force the first move.

That Ezreal opposite...

The positioning can only be described as cheating!

The distance also almost made her assistant feel dizzy.

When her Japanese girl wants to seize the opportunity, either the opponent has already retreated in advance to open up a position, or else he keeps making small moves to the left and right, making it impossible for her to make accurate predictions.

Xia Ziyou just tried to make an E without giving up.

However, the sunlight thrown by the "Zenith Blade" of the Dawn Goddess under the control was easily avoided by the opponent with almost no suspense, and then he directly responded with a set of AQA's small combos with his backhand.

In fact, because his E skill failed and he lost the ability to move his face, the opponent had no threatening pressure in the next eight or nine seconds, and instead played more aggressively, while the Japanese girl and Obama on his side had to wait a little longer. Then retreat and give way.

Xia Ziyou felt regretful in his heart. It was because of his mistake that Mu Qiu's ADC was also affected to a certain extent:


Mu Qiu's voice came, still calm:


"Don't rush to give me skills. Stand next to me."

"Wait for my signal."

The update is here, but I didn’t catch it this morning. There will be another chapter at around 11 o’clock.

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