
Chapter 323 From beginning to end

The game time has reached more than three minutes.

The three lanes of the blue and purple armies on the field are still facing each other smoothly, and at this time, the jungle heroes on both sides have basically finished the red and blue buffs, reaching level 3 respectively.

"It's time to start the first wave of roaming ganks."

Lao Hei on the commentary desk spoke.

He Tu on the side nodded slightly:

"Well, Prince or Spider are both junglers with strong gank and tower jumping abilities in the early stage."

If it is placed in a professional game, basically any team that uses Prince or Spider as their jungle hero will start targeting the top lane or the middle lane when their jungler reaches level 3 or even level 2. A wave surrounded Yue Tower.

Directly help his teammates in the middle to gain an advantage, and then the snowball begins.

Although the current competition is not of professional standard.

But it is already infinitely close to the level of professional competition.

Moreover, at present, the three-lane matchups between the two sides are quite stalemate. To break this stalemate, it is indeed necessary for the jungle heroes on both sides to take action first.

“However, it seems that both junglers are not too anxious for the time being——”

Su Xue's eyes fell on the OB mini-map screen on the big screen.


After the junglers on both sides got their double buffs, they still just wandered around the jungle, with no intention of rushing to gank, especially the jungle spider on the blue side——

Logically speaking, Spider Queen can cooperate with online teammates to force gank at level 2.

It's already level 3 now, and I haven't chosen to take action yet.

He seemed a little calm and cautious.

"They should all be guarding against their opponents in the jungle."

Hetu pondered slightly and gave his judgment.

Su Xue and Lao Hei, who were next to them, also nodded and showed approval.


Sometimes the jungler has to consider not only the gank timing that suits him, nor can he just focus on the lane, but also the possible whereabouts and intentions of the opponent's jungler.

Although your spider has a powerful tower jumping ability at level 2 and 3, if the opponent jungler guesses your gank target and counter-crouches in advance, you may be the one who explodes in turn.

The battle between junglers is inherently a psychological game.

The game has entered the top 16 stage, so naturally there can be no relaxation or underestimation of the enemy.

"Now both sides are hiding their positions."

"As long as which side shows up first and is discovered, it will probably be the time for the other side to take action."

Taipei, Assassins Club base.

Watching the OB live broadcast of the game on the TV screen, the Assassin players were talking about each other while holding skewers for midnight snacks. Nian Shisan, who was sitting on the sofa in the middle, had his eyes fixed on the blue square jungle spider. His eyelids were twitching all over his body.

It’s not easy for others to evaluate.

He has enough say.

Back then, he had suffered countless losses at the hands of Li Shiyi when he fought against that decisive battle team.

Originally, the world's professional e-sports circles now recognize him as the two jungle kings of Shisan and SSK's Mafa. His style is a very aggressive three-way gank attack, while Mafa is delicate and good at various counter-jungle and counter-crouching. .

The two have their own strengths and restrain each other.

But compared to Mafa...

Li Shiyi, who was in the decisive victory-Battle period, was the most unrivaled in Nian Shisan's mind for his ability in this kind of anti-field and anti-crouching.

That anti-squat ability and awareness of almost everything——

Even now, as the captain of the assassin team, Nian Shisan still has a strong psychological shadow.

So at this moment, Nian Shisan’s eyes quickly turned to the purple jungle prince on the field, with a face full of malice:

"This prince is finished..."

Whether it's over or not, we can't tell yet.

But before the junglers of both sides started their first wave of moves, the laning situation on the three routes was becoming more and more intense little by little.

On the road, Rambo versus Knife Girl.

Chen Ting's offensive style of play remains the same as always. Even if he is playing a semi-melee mage top laner, Rambo's flame baking and temperature control skills are still fully demonstrated.

In the early stage, the sword girl couldn't beat Rambo head-on.

As long as the latter can control the temperature properly, maintain a good distance, and supplement the steady consumption of the E skill harpoon in both hands from time to time, the situation of the sword girl Irelia will be quite uncomfortable.

But on the other hand, the sword girl Sun Zheng took out was also his own hero.

In countless high-end games as a passerby, he has encountered numerous top lane opponents.

He also has his own set of rich experiences when facing Rambo.

He is also increasing the distance, occasionally using minions as a springboard for Q skill displacement, rushing forward to use up a few basic attacks and skill combos, and then immediately Qing minions to pull them back to their original positions.

Waiting for the skill CD, doing small changes like this again and again.

He also stabilized his rhythm online, at least he was not suppressed to the point where he was completely unable to fight back.

Even the three LPL professional players sitting in the back row of the audience nodded slightly:


"Sword Girl is also pretty good."

Compared with the top lane, which seems to be evenly divided for the time being, the middle lane is a completely different situation.

At this moment, the purple side's mid laner, the mechanical pioneer, was completely trapped under the tower and did not dare to come out.

Under the control of Tang Bingyao, the top laner Jace on the blue side moved directly forward to block the opponent's Victor's position, not even allowing the opponent to take a last hit. As long as Victor dared to move forward, Jace would smash him with a set of skills. Go up.

The future guardian in the early stage is indeed the best in the lane.

In the hands of girls, this strong characteristic is brought into full play.

Not even talking about the objective factors of the hero's early strength and weakness, in terms of personal operation ability alone, the girl is much better than her opponent.

He Tu and Lao Hei on the commentary table couldn't help but gasp:

"This... is too fierce."

"Is Victor going home to teleport?"

"If we don't turn back, we'll wait for the next wave of troops to gather enough troops to press forward. Jace can jump over the tower and kill them."

Su Xue saw it and smiled happily:

"Oh, I didn't expect that one of our female players could play so well. Women should not be inferior to men, that's why!"

The fans of the support group in the audience were even more excited, waving support lights and fluorescent sticks and shouting slogans at the top of their lungs:

"Tangtang will win!"

"Tangtang we love you!!"

The most exciting thing is still the situation on the bottom lane.

It seems to be the most tepid line among the three lines, but in the eyes of a very few discerning people, it is also the line with the highest level and the most thrilling feeling.

The bottom lane combinations on both sides have also been upgraded to level 3.

This should be the time when you can find an opportunity to forcefully play a set.

However, the auxiliary heroes on both sides seemed to have suddenly changed their playing styles. Instead of actively pressing forward to force the opponent to move and look for opportunities to take the initiative, they just hid beside or even behind their ADC teammates.

Seems a little timid.

The ADCs on both sides, on the other hand, looked completely calm as if they ignored the threat of the opponent's support.

Each should have a last-ditch hit.

It's time to move.


From beginning to end.

The eyes of both ADCs were fixed on each other.

Never moved even half an inch.

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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