
Chapter 343 Still the first victory

Since the start of the first game, and even from the beginning of the ban selection process, the selection of the Xiacheng decisive team on the purple side seems to have been beyond people's expectations, or to challenge everyone's common sense.

For example, in terms of lineup, they did not choose the four-guarantee-one strategy with the bottom lane ADC as the core of the strategy. Instead, the ADC's Holy Lance Ranger had to shoulder almost all the pressure alone.

Another example is the previous wave of gnak double-teaming by the blue side army in the bottom lane. In a certain death situation, Lucian did not retreat but advanced to forcefully cross the tower to kill EZ.

And in the middle, Lucian, who shocked the whole audience, faced off and single-handedly killed Jayce, the midfielder on the blue side.

There was also the team battle with the second fire dragon. The purple side forcibly chose to take over the team, and in the end they even managed to win the fire dragon.

Another example -

This wave of dragon team battles at this moment.

When the opponent's blue side army has clearly captured the dragon, it's time for the purple side to choose to give up and retreat to the high ground again.

The team that won the decisive victory in Xiacheng still chose to take the initiative to start a team once again with a brazen attitude that could be called bloody courage.

In every example mentioned above, there is a purple ADC named Lucian.

So it’s natural——

When this unexpected wave of dragon team battles broke out, the same thought subconsciously appeared in people's minds:

This time's decision to force a group start may still be made by Lucian, who is the core of the purple side's ace.

What followed immediately was a complex and surprising thought:

"This Obama..."

"How can you be so reckless?"

Indeed, if we look at it from the perspective of a professional game, then when the opponent has already obtained the Baron, as the purple side, the safest choice is to retreat to the high ground.

Even if you are destined to be pushed away by the opponent with one or two lines of summoning crystals relying on the big dragon buff, at least it will be stronger than fighting the opponent head-on in the wild river.

Because that way, you can at least try to slow down the rhythm a little longer.

But if this wave of dragon team battles starts rashly and leads to defeat, the game will be declared to end prematurely at this moment.

Most people don't dare to gamble.

Professional players are easily reluctant to gamble.


At this moment, the Xiacheng decisive team on the purple side is betting.


The bet was won!

The battle situation almost suddenly became chaotic and extremely intense.

Countless skills and the figure of each hero are chaotically intertwined in the battle circle.

Even the three commentators on the commentary desk tried their best to broadcast at the fastest speed, but they couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the battle between the two sides on the field, not to mention the vast majority of ordinary spectators in the audience, who almost felt dizzy. No specific picture is clear, only the killing announcement of the system's female voice is constantly echoing and spreading.

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."



When the dust settles after a wave of team battles.

In front of the Dalong Gorge in the river, in just ten seconds, six or seven corpses lay down in a shocking mess.

Seven bodies.

Three are from the purple side.

The remaining four are from the blue side.

The entire competition venue suddenly became quiet at this moment.

In the front row of the auditorium, the players of the top 16 teams were completely stunned. On the side of the King's team, the Overlord's eyes widened and he uttered a curse word that could be heard in the entire stadium at this moment:


On the commentary stage, Su Xue, Lao Hei and He Tu also had shocked and moved expressions on their faces.

Hetu took a deep breath:

"Three for four!"

"This wave... the purple side wins!!"

It really shocked the whole audience again.

Another wave of team battles that can be called a miracle team.

At the moment when the team battle broke out and Prince EQ entered the field with the second consecutive attack, the vast majority of the audience felt that this wave was probably the winner - especially the winner of the Blue Cube Magic City.

After taking the Baron buff, the blue side army, which had no worries anymore, turned around and faced the wave of team battles forced by the purple side head-on. No matter how you look at it, it should be 100% sure.

As for the purple side who rashly took the lead, in the eyes of most people, they must have paid a corresponding heavy price, and then retreated again and retreated to the high ground.

But who would have expected——

In the end, it will actually be a wave of 3 for 4.

The blue side almost suffered a team annihilation. Only a certain ADC explorer escaped, and the remaining four players, Ue Nakano Suke, were all killed!

Four of the fresh big dragon buffs I just got were gone!

The purple side's Xiacheng decisive victory certainly paid a heavy price, including the best-developed ADC Lucian, as well as the jungle prince and auxiliary Japanese girl, all died in battle.

What can be gained in exchange...

But extremely huge!

"This is almost directly taken by the big dragon on the blue side——"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk kept gasping:

"This team battle...can it still be fought like this!?"


The bounty for killing the big dragon is not the point, but the effect of the big dragon buff is. If the five members of the blue army can retreat calmly with the big dragon buff, the rhythm of the next wave of tower pushing can be relied on. The banding strategy is implemented.

Easily, at least one or two high ground can be broken.

But now...

There is only one EZ left on the blue side that still retains the last dragon species. It is no longer that easy to advance the zone as originally planned.

In this way, it is equivalent to the purple side legion relying on this wave of miracles to forcibly destroy most of the opponent's follow-up plans.

The core key of everything, or the root cause of this wave of miracles——

Still a Holy Lancer.

The continuous killing announcements made by the female voice of the system just now seemed to still be echoing in my ears.

Everyone clearly remembers that high-pitched reminder:


Even though he was eventually killed and won, in this wave of Baron team battles, Obama contributed perfect statistics of three kills and one assist.

"The strength of one person can be equal to that of a thousand armies!"

Hetu couldn't hide his admiration and appreciation, and gave the highest praise that an ADC can give.


In an environment where the teammates' lineup is not four-guaranteed and one can only rely on their own operations, they can achieve this level of unparalleled team battles by relying on operations.

It is almost the ultimate that an ADC player can achieve.

The back row of the auditorium.

Amid the sighs and exclamations from the three LPL players, Shi Hang's eyelids twitched:

"Depend on……"

"No one else can do this. In the entire LPL, apart from Lao Ye, I can't find anyone who can do this to this extent."

Huangxue Yege's eyes were fixed on the competition room in the direction of the Xiacheng decisive team. Looking at that figure, the hot and thirsty light in his eyes was almost uncontrollable.

The game still continues.

31 minutes and 15 seconds.

The purple square base crystal exploded.

On the blue side, the Magic City decisively defeated the team and won their first BO5 victory.

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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