
Chapter 344 Behave yourself

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After all, miracles cannot happen all the time.

So when the game time came to just over 30 minutes, and the purple side's base crystal finally exploded in a distorted light, the spectators in the competition venue were not too surprised.


A little regretful.

This is a pity for the purple Fangxia City decisive team that lost the first game.

"But actually, it's expected."

Lao Hei on the commentary desk sighed with emotion:

"After all... there is obviously a certain gap between the two sides in terms of strength, strength and rationality of the mid- to late-game lineup."


Although the previous wave of dragon team battles forced the purple side's Xiacheng decisive team to launch a wave of miracles, almost forcibly stopping the opponent blue side's momentum of winning the game with one wave, but after all... …Other objective disadvantages are still too great.

Even if the dragon type buffed by the big dragon is the only one left in the blue side, the ADC explorer.

However, the blue army still launched an offensive to push down the tower as a group.

Steadily destroyed the opponent's purple side's high ground in the middle.

Then take down another dragon.

Finally, around 30 minutes into the game, there was a wave of advancement on the high ground. EZ and Jess’ long-range pokes took the lead in crippling the health of several of the opponent’s heroes during the offensive and defensive pull of the high ground. Rambo directly unleashed a big move——

The auxiliary Niutou WQ second company started the group first.

Double-click the prince and sword girl in the front row on the purple side to fly into the air.

Then a set of damage from the other members of the blue side was poured in instantly, killing the prince and the sword girl directly, and losing the two heroes in the front row of their own lineup, as well as the other three remaining members of the purple side. subsequent combat capabilities.

Victor in the mid lane fell.

In order to cover the retreat of her ADC Obama, the auxiliary Japanese girl fought tooth and nail and was finally taken away by EZ's Q skill "Secret Shot" energy bomb.

So only ADC Obama from the purple side is left.

Facing the overwhelming pressure from the other five people on the blue side who were almost unscathed, Lucian could only retreat.

Back again and again.

Then, in front of his two incisor towers, when five members of his opponent's Blue Army began to forcibly demolish his home, Obama launched his final lone counterattack under the control of the controller.

He used his last bit of strength to deal the last bit of damage that belonged to him in this game.

Before death.

Still forcibly swapping the heads of mid laner Jayce on the blue side.


The final performance data of the purple side ADC Holy Lance Ranger is locked at this moment.

If you see the KDA of the other four heroes on the purple side, top, middle and jungle, and put them together with Lucian's record data, you can't help but feel a mixture of sadness and emotion.

And my sincere admiration and respect for this purple side ADC player.

Even when his teammates are so "unusable" and when his own lineup does not even give half of the preferential treatment to his ADC, a Holy Lance Ranger can still achieve such a record and deliver such a performance. A perfect answer sheet.

Even if defeated.

But still, although defeated, it is still glorious.

"You want to say that the purple side lost this round, and I admit it."

He Tu on the commentary desk shook his head:

"But to say that the ADC player lost in the Xiacheng decisive game is absolutely unreasonable."

"The Holy Lance Ranger did not lose this time."


What does it mean to turn the tide before it falls?

Even this game should have ended earlier during the previous wave of Baron team battles.

And it was Purple Fang, the ADC Holy Spear Ranger, who once again used his personal ability to create miracles at the last moment when almost everyone thought the situation was decided. Even if he failed to make a comeback, he forcibly delayed his opponent's victory by at least a few seconds. Five minutes.

"It's already amazing."

The audience in the audience were also talking a lot, and they did not hesitate to marvel and praise the performance of the purple side ADC Obama in this game.

This kind of competition is what they want to see.

It's not a one-sided crushing.

The passive and weak side may not have a good chance of winning, but they can still perform so wonderfully and even amazingly that they can even give powerful opponents a head-on blow.

In particular, this kind of scene where the ADC almost turned the tide and made a comeback can fully satisfy the kind of personal heroism that all audiences crave.

This is the ADC!

This is what an ADC should be like!

When the performance of the ADC Obama on the purple side in this game was praised by everyone, then correspondingly, the opposing ADC on the blue side would naturally be compared.

Ezreal, the ADC on the blue side.

If you look at the record list after the game, EZ's final KDA data is not bad either.


Moreover, the total damage in the entire game ranked second on his side, second only to mid laner Jayce.

Considering the difficult situation of the blue square bottom lane in the early stage of this game, it is also commendable that EZ can hand in such an answer in the end.

But if compared with the opponent’s purple ADC Holy Lance Ranger——

It seems inevitable that it will be overshadowed.

More importantly, for those who know someone's true strength, the performance they saw of EZ on the court fell far short of their initial expectations and expectations.

To put it mildly.

In this game, even with the final data, EZ looked more like it was invisible in the whole game, without much sense of presence.

The damage you deal is all done under the protection of your teammates, by consuming pokes from a distance, or even by slicing several people with one big move.

There is no such amazing operation show.

There is also no kill streak harvesting in team battles.

From start to finish.

They all seemed to behave well.

He didn’t make more mistakes, but he didn’t do more either.

It does seem to fit the image of explorer Ezreal in people's minds, that is, a badass hero who is easy to fool.

"It really shouldn't be——"

In the front row of the audience, the overlord of the King's Landing team shook his head repeatedly, looking disappointed:

"How could that guy Lin Feng just fight like this?"

It sounds like a very unreasonable complaint.

But no problem.

Because it is.

Others may be able to use EZ and become a bastard.

But as someone -

Even if he was playing a hero like Ezreal, even if he faced an incredibly powerful opponent, he should have performed better, even far better.

The fans of the Magic City finals support group in the audience are also making a fuss and making comments:

"Fengfeng's one...is in average condition."

“I won, but I didn’t feel that it was very exciting——”

"The momentum seems to be suppressed by the ADC on the opposite side. It shouldn't be!"

"Could it be that you didn't sleep well last night?"

"Oh, it's only the first game. Give Fengfeng some time to find her form, and she'll be fine for the next move!"

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