Risou no Himo Seikatsu
Chapter III.2 [Loving Smile, Loving Wife Smile]
After that evening.
Sanjiro and Aura were bowling together in the room of their beloved son, Carlos Sanji-Karpua, commonly known as Prince Carlo-Zen, set in the corner of the rear palace.
It is quite unusual for Aura, who has completed her work at the Royal Palace, to head straight to my son's place, but there is Yoshijiro there.
When I say this, compared to Aura, my mother, it sounds like my father, Yoshijiro, has less love for my son, but that's not true.
Good Jiro, who cannot speak his native language in the Kingdom of Karpua, 'Western Southern Continent', is forbidden to utter words in front of the Prince because he does not bring confusion to the language of initial acquisition.
No matter how careful you've been, if you've been dealing with it for a long time, it's the love thing that makes you want to talk to my kid about it. For this reason, Yoshijiro shy away from staying in his son's room for long periods of time.
Remaining silent, Yoshijiro looks over to the room of affection.
Is it about the size of an octami at best? As for the one room in the rear palace, it is particularly small.
Because it deliberately narrows the room, which is supposed to be bigger, with a wooden collision. Whatever, it's because of that.
Why bother narrowing down the room, which is supposed to be large, with your hands?
The reason for this is that if you take a step into this room, you will understand.
Cool. No matter how much sun has fallen, there should still be thirty degrees loose, but only this room obviously feels lower than five degrees.
The reason for this lies in the large 'ice cubes' installed in the corners of the room and the young samurai, who are working hard in front of them to move a large group fan.
The manpower wind licks the ice cubes and drifts its cold air throughout the room. Of course, we do not wind directly to the infant, Prince Carlo-Zen, because, conversely, he may be ill.
By fanning the ice with a large dough fan, the room temperature itself is lowered. It's a room collision to make that a little more efficient. If the room were larger, that would reduce the effect of the temperature drop caused by the ice.
"Oh, excuse me for staying like this, Master Zenzilow"
Yoshijiro works her labor only by nodding silently and small to the samurai who greets her so without stopping the hand that moves the group fan.
Though a constant shift of time, continuing to fan with a group fan without rest would be quite a heavy labor.
(If the extension cord stretches this far, I can bring you a fan too)
I thought of the labor of the samurai, and I thought about it, but the truth is, if I did that, the samurai would mourn and mourn.
As a matter of fact, this ice fanning clerk is one of the most competitive popular positions among the Back Palace samurai at present.
Keeping the ice fanned with a fan is certainly quite a heavy labor, but none of this, either way, such as the work of a samurai, makes any difference that this is all somewhat heavy labor.
Then it can also be said that this clerk, who can enjoy cold air on the ice side, is more popular than other jobs. At least it's no exaggeration to say 'heaven' when compared to mowing lawns in a blazing garden or a clerk who keeps an eye on whether the firepower is constant in front of a kitchen kiln.
While Yoshijiro thinks about it, Aura glances softly into it as she approaches my child's sleeping quarters.
"... Phare?
Prince Carlo-Zen opened his patchy and his big eyes in time for Aura, his mother, to glance in.
"Mm? What, you were awake, Carlos"
Failing to glance at my adorable child's sleeping face, Aura points her mouth slightly dissatisfied.
"Yeah. I just woke up with my eyes. Looks like you're in the mood now."
The neighborhood seeps thinly into the eyes of a nanny who laughs furiously when she says so.
Perhaps this infant prince cried a grand night last night and drastically shredded my nanny's sleep.
Whenever I see these hardships of a nanny, I am reminded that it is impossible for me, the queen, to fully discharge my responsibilities as a mother.
That is why we must value our time in contact with my child in this way.
"Can I hold you up, okay?
It's a little pity that you have to get permission from the nanny to hold my child in this hand, but as things stand, I can't help being more familiar with the nanny, who is the mother of parenting, than I am with the mother of birth.
"Yes, of course, Your Majesty. Please give your Highness your mother's warmth."
In the words of the nanny, Aura puts her soggy hands beneath Prince Carlo-Zen's head and body and, with careful gestures, hugs a creature as warm and soft as it could be.
The cuddled baby extends its puckered hands toward Aura's face as she laughs joyfully in her mother's arms.
"Hehe, what's up, Carlos? What, those hands?
Where does the strength of her daily mind go, with a face so melted that she wants to describe it as' sloppy, 'the queen knocks her neck down and hugs the body of the child she is holding closer to her face, as she stuck her face in my child's hand.
"Daa, daa, aaa"
Still smaller than Aura's two fingers, the prince's palm strokes Aura's face with pettiness.
"Heh, heh, what, huh? Come on, it tickles."
"A, A, Daaaa"
Smiling mother and child flirting so much that I accidentally spill a grin just watching.
Until then, a father who watched silently walks over to his mother and son and opens his mouth, as if the limit of patience had come.
Yoshiyoshi, it's my dad.
The word that came out of the mouth of Yoshijiro is' Western Southern Continent '.
One year after coming to this world, Yoshijiro, who has learned quite a bit about the letters of this world, is somewhat able to manipulate the 'Western language of the Southern Continent'.
It can be manipulated, at best, to the extent of "average Japanese junior high school English proficiency," but still, several hundred words fit into Yoshijiro's head.
Among other things, the word "it's my dad" that I've just spoken is the only word that Aura or my tutor Octavia has tavia taught me, "no problems, including pronunciation".
Other words, so far, are that "meaning makes sense but tight", in front of Prince Carlo-Zen, no permission to speak has been given.
For this reason, Yoshijiro can put all his thoughts on my child into that short word.
Yoshiyoshi, it's my dad.
With that said, Yoshijiro flinches his hands next to his face and glances at my child's face with a loose expression.
"Fa? fa, fa!
Whether that weird face was funny or interested in the fingers of a flirty moving hand, the son's gaze shifts from mother to father.
It's not funny, Aura. Though my beloved husband, he is only a rival, who takes away the gaze and smile of that little angel when he puts my child in front of him.
"Look, Carlos. Turn around. Hmm, Carlos is my mom's favorite, huh?
"Daa, daa"
Slurp, talk, and half-strong your attention back to yourself my child who is holding Yurayura.
The queen, who has drawn back my child's interest, throws a provocative glance at Sanjiro and laughs proudly at him.
On the boulder, Yoshijiro seems a little musty. Like taking Aura's challenge, Yoshijiro also approaches and speaks to my child once now.
Yoshiyoshi, it's my dad.
But sadly, that's the only word Sanjiro is allowed to utter.
"Carlos loves his mom. My dad's second. That's okay with my dad, right?
Daddy shakes his neck sideways and says to Mommy, who says something unsolicited.
Yoshiyoshi, it's my dad.
Good Jiro shaking his neck beside him in desperate shape, while Aura grinned badly at Niyaniya and people.
"What's wrong? I don't know until you make it clear that if you're not, you're not. Okay, hey, Carlos, Sue?
"Yoshiyoshi, it's my dad!
"Wow, that's loud, Carlos startles me. I'm scared. Dad, I'm scared."
To Shinjiro, who is to be swept away, Aura turns to Kurli and her back to keep the prince in her chest away from Shinjiro's gaze, desperately grinning to death.
If you look closely, you notice that both the nanny sitting in the chair on the side and the samurai who keeps moving the regiment fan in the corner of the room are cutting off their laughter and sifting their pulls and shoulders, but not if they care about such an external gaze now.
You know Aura is making fun of you, but the totally mucky Sanjiro, Dotadota and turning to Aura's front,
"Yoshiyoshi, it's my dad!!"
Raise your loudest voice today.
Quick turnaround, desperate shapes, and the loudest of the day.
The result of the combination of the three elements is….
"Hu... hu... hu yee yee!
It was the cry of my beloved son.
"Aura...... too laughing......"
On the sofa in the living room, to Aura, who keeps laughing, Yoshijiro, sitting face to face, embarrasses herself with a flashing look.
"Shh, I'm sorry. But... no. If I remember that pitiful face Carlos made me cry...... but patience, fuhahahaha!
From his wife, who is grinning with tears in her eyes, Yoshijiro looks grumpy off her gaze with Pui.
Apparently, this is for nothing to say.
Yoshijiro, who left that place to Aura and the nanny, who had made her beloved son cry, to run away and come back to the living room, had been depressed by himself for a while, but Aura, who came back a little late, came into the room. No, no, this is the state.
The look of his wife, who keeps laughing, stuck on the couch, banging her hands, is, quite frankly, not very pleasant.
While looking down at his rare, somewhat bad-eyed, laughing wife, Yoshijiro makes a final announcement in a low voice.
"Aura, hey, it's time to put it in its heap?
"Huhahaha, wow, ok. Stop now...... Mm, I can't, ahahahahahahaha!
Apparently, Yoshijiro's final notice was virtually ignored.
I have no choice. More than the final notice has been ignored, only the 'exercise of strength' remains.
Silently, the risen Sanjiro slowly approached the couch where Aura laughed and
"Yes! If you want to laugh so much, I'll make you laugh more!
I tried to fall in and covered it with Aura.
"Hey Zenzilow!?"
"This, this, this!
Seeing the gap, Yoshijiro, who succeeded in covering himself over Aura, choked on Aura's waist and armpits with his hands as they were.
"Hih!? Hey, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, no...!
"Uri, Uri, Uri"
Physically, Aura should be winning, but she's in too bad shape, and Aura keeps being pushed down by the couch to make sure Sanjiro even hits her good.
"Ahahahahahaha, ma, wait, stop, fahiahahaha!
"Look, look, look"
Have you been enjoying yourself, too? He grins slightly ill-spirited, as if he had reversed his position with the prince's private room, whilst still vehemently hovering his beloved wife's body everywhere with both hands.
Waist, armpit, inner thigh, neck, back of foot. Additionally, you can enjoy a glance at points shifted from your armpit to the front of your body or around the back of your body slightly below your waist.
"Hih, ya, meh...!
"Fuhihihihihi, the Ugh one. Is it not good or not?"
"Hey! Wouldn't that change the beginning and the spirit?
In the end, the couple's twitching continued hot and amicable until the bathroom maid brought the bath ready reward.
I've been soaking dirt and sweat from my day in the bathroom, Yoshijiro and Aura, as usual, come back to the living room in ruffled night clothes.
"Totally, I'm the one who did make too much fun of that in front of Carlos, and then I laughed a lot worse. But that's not it. Whatever you do, now that you have a duty as king, I told you it's tough to stay with your next child..."
"No, it was a little joke,"
"... did you jokingly untie a woman's shoulder strap?
"For daughter-in-law only, once in a while"
In a soothing way, the two returning rarely settle back on the sofa in the living room, and keep their feet straight to the bedroom.
"Totally...... well, good. Then why don't you let me see it? Would you have succeeded? That's what I've been saying for a long time," Air conditioning "and installation."
"Yeah, well, for once. So far, it's working fine, I think."
In response to Aura's words, with an unconfidential expression, Yoshijiro puts his hand on the bedroom door.
Air conditioning that cost almost a day and managed to finish the installation work. When it was running to try it, it was giving me cold air without any problems, so I left it on and on.
And since then, I haven't opened the bedroom door once.
"Because I left it on all the time. If it had worked just as you'd hoped, by now."
With his hands on the bedroom door, he is Yoshijiro, who meditated on his eyes, but when he takes one deep breath, with a prayerful look, he pulls the door open with momentum. Then,
"... Ok!
Beyond the door, as Shinjiro hoped, there was no way in the Karpua kingdom during the summer months, there was a gleaming air.
"This is a big deal. I was surprised when I started lighting and refrigerators, but this shock is better than that."
With her hips down on the couple's shared king-size bed, Aura puts her hands together and leaks words of admiration into the cold wind blowing down from the air conditioner just installed.
The air-conditioning cold air is pleasant for a hot, lit body.
It was Aura narrowing her eyes like a cat stroked her chin, but she realizes that the expression of her husband sitting next to her now is not even the best.
"What's up, Zenzilow? You look unfloated, and you're dissatisfied with something?
To his beloved wife glancing at this face from next door, Yoshijiro looked a little evil on his head.
"Oh, yeah. Well, to be honest, you're still incomplete, aren't you, this? The room is a little too big compared to the power of the air conditioning, and closing the wood doors comes from over there because of the lack of confidentiality, and the heat comes in.
It's nighttime, so it's getting pretty cool, but daylight that comes in through the gap doesn't get as cool as I expected. "
That's what I said, I sighed.
On my first challenge, I was nothing but fortunate to have been able to take the air conditioning to its operational state, but I still have to say that the benefits of the air conditioning are low when compared to modern Japanese housing conditions.
Although the air conditioning brought in by Yoshijiro is for the maximum size of twenty-three tatami for general household use, this bedroom has at least thirty tatami.
Moreover, as I said earlier, the architecture of the Kingdom of Karpua is less airtight.
Now, I feel like I can't fathom a night like now, on a hot day like over forty degrees during the day.
"Isn't that too much luxury for a boulder?
To Aura, who rounds her eyes a little surprised, Yoshijiro returns a bitter laugh.
"Yeah, well, if you say so, maybe so, but I figured the room where the air conditioning is installed has as cool an image as' a different world '.
Besides, we still have the biggest problem. "
"The biggest problem?
When Yoshijiro nods to his wife, he glances up from the bottom at the active air conditioning overhead.
"Yeah. Fulfilling it, this air conditioning installation is like," Did you really succeed? That's the problem. Sure, so far, there's no weird noise or fluid leakage, and it looks like it's running normally.
According to what I've heard, there are quite a lot of patterns in which it is impossible to install it and the burden gradually builds up and stops after a few days. "
In that case, in order to make repairs, those few days will have to be traced back by the magic of 'Time Retrospective'.
That is beyond the realm of being able to 'please' Aura on a boulder. In that case, the air conditioner will have to give up completely.
(I guess the faint hope is that in the future I will remember "Time Retrospective" and "Future Cost" and then possibly fix it myself)
"Future price" is one of the secrets of space-time magic.
Simply put, it is an absurd move to succeed in activating magic beyond the maximum amount of magic by also collectively paying for future magic powers such as tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Naturally, if you use it, you won't be able to use any magic at all during the period you paid for it, so even if Aura is wrong, if it's not magic that you can use, but it's basically out of combat, then you have a chance to use it.
Regardless, in the wake of Yoshijiro's ability to use magic, Yoshijiro's magic will likely also be incorporated to carry it in the national interest, so it will likely not be so easy to use.
Anyway, it's next year's story that Makiro will be able to use that magic, even with the most optimistic estimates. At that point, if you want to restore the air conditioning to its pre-installation state, you have to rewind the time 'for nearly a year'.
With all that prolonged rewinding, you'll need to pay for a few months' worth of magic in The Future Price. How my magic, given my position as royalty, I feel beyond the realm that I can use to the best of my self.
"Well, can't you think about it? So far, it's working fine, and I think I'll enjoy the benefit of air conditioning for a while."
To Sanjiro, who says so like he broke it off, Aura nods and agrees.
"Um, right. First, let's get the chairs and tables in this bedroom, even tomorrow. Breakfast and a lunch party, like right now, should sit on the edge of the bed because it would be bad behavior."
"Aura... you're willing to move your life stronghold from your living room to your bedroom."
Yoshijiro accidentally leaked a bitter smile to his beloved wife, who showed more devouring than expected.
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