Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter III.3 [Prebedtime Conversation]

If the air conditioning cold wind lowers its hips on the bed it blows down, the option of returning to the now hotter standing living room can disappear out of your head.

By bedtime, Yoshijiro and the Queen and wife of Aura, still in between, had flowered in the evening conversation as they sat side by side on the edge of the bed.

"So it's pretty much been spent on installing this' air conditioning 'during the day, huh?

"Yeah. It wasn't an exaggeration or anything, and that's really all I could do. I had a lot to do with soap making, distillery liquor making."

In response to Aura's question, Yoshijiro answered and shook his head vertically.

Recently, as Aura's understudy, Sanjiro is not as free as he used to be, having become somewhat of a face in the events of the Royal Palace. For this reason, a day when the sun was full of nothing to do was quite precious, but there was no time left to do anything else today on the boulder, no energy, no strength left.

The installation of air conditioning in temperatures exceeding forty degrees was all that heavy labor for Yoshijiro.

Most of all, in the streets of salt, there are soldiers who have been marching under that flame for days, but if Yoshijiro can say what he thinks frankly, it just seems like 'all soldiers are outsiders'.

(I knew I needed to get my body used to the climate in this country just now... the day I installed the air conditioner, I don't know what to say about this)

I accidentally thought about that inside, but this would be more of a mind-boggling story because of the successful installation of the air conditioning.

Humans, the only thing that comes to mind in the middle of nowhere is getting away from it. The only reason I come up with something special is because I escaped its spiciness.

Either way, I don't think that's what I'm going to say right now, Sanjiro tells his wife, who sits next to him, that he wants to do what he's going to do so she can switch stories.

"Well, soap and distilled liquor can go ahead in your spare time. Lately, I've had more work at the Royal Palace, so I can't do whatever I want."

Aura answers her husband's words with a slight frown.

"If you want to do something, you can do less work, okay? I'm feeling better, too."

That was beyond doubt, a word that came out of the feeling of thinking of Aura's good jiro, but her husband would not do anything to sweeten her to his wife's favor.

"And some years later, when Aura gives birth, she repeats the same doozy as last year? No, I can't do that. I'm not proud of you, but I'm a normal person. If I didn't do it for six months, even if I did it once, I'd be confident I'd forget."

"I'm certainly not proud of that."

Aura smiled bitterly and shrugged her shoulders at the words of her husband, who answered with a clear chest. Aura then squeezes her expression a little tighter and tells Sanjiro.

"Okay. Frankly, I do have a verse last year where I also looked sweetly at something called restrictions on behavior during childbirth. If you would do your job as well as you did now, I'm sure you'd appreciate it.

I just don't want you to get me wrong, but I'm not saying, "If you want to do something, you can do less work" in the sense of spoiling it, okay? It is also because we hope that what we have done so far will have a positive impact on this country. "

To Aura's words like that, Yoshijiro puts his head on like a troubled face.

"No, I don't, I don't have much to expect. Everything I do is amateur biology. Just to be clear, I'm not going to do it right in the 10th and 89th.

Oh, but, you know, saying that kind of thing, did it make any difference?

He noticed something as he was talking, and to Sanjiro, who would say so, Aura laughed niggardly and shook her neck vertically.

"Oh. I took a leg this afternoon to the craftsmen who had previously given instructions, but they did more than I expected.

First, glass. For Experiment Base One, we've got something decent. I'll bring it to you tomorrow and show it to you. Well, all I could do this time was shiny green black stone, but it proved that what I was doing wasn't in the wrong direction. "

"Oh, wow, that's..."

Makes Yoshijiro honestly impress.

We relied on such minimal material information and explanations of how to make coarse materials, which we also call manufacturing methods, to make them look bent and shaped. Words of praise are by no means unworthy.

"Well, naturally, there are still a lot of problems. As it stands, calling it glass is a gruesome black substitute, and the technology to form it into the form it desires is yet to be established.

Above all, in the earthly rice noodles commonly used in this country, the burden is too great for the high temperatures at which the glass melts together. The craftsmen said if we keep using it at this rate, we will exceed the endurance limit in less than ten times. "

At first glance, with a sinister look, Aura concurs with the current problem.

Yoshijiro, who tightened his expression so that he could get stuck, puts his right hand on his chin and thinks.

"Hmm. Then you're going to need 'refractory bricks'."

"Oh, that's abominable."

Aura snorted abominably when she agreed.

He didn't like the DVD's How to Make Fire Resistant Bricks, which he saw so long ago.

Indeed, the explanation that says, 'Cook the clay mixed with crushed powder from the old refractory brick carefully with the brick assembled with the refractory brick' doesn't give any clue, so there's no way.

Sanjiro, who cannot be more upset by his pre-bedtime wife, continues his words as quickly as he panicked a little.

"Uh, later issues are how to remove the glass color and how to make a shape, right?

Don't think shaping is the most realistic way to tangle it up in a long cylinder and blow it up and inflate it, as it was on that TV show. I hear they make windowsills these days the way they say 'float' or something. "

Yoshijiro squeezes the unreliable knowledge out of his brain by staring at the ceiling of his bedroom, which is illuminated by an orange LED stand light.

"Hmm? I saw with you that's the way to blow and spread it, but don't ask me that 'float' way for the first time"

You're interested, Yoshijiro answers discipline as he is blinded by his wife's night outfit, who rides himself out here a little bit.

"I don't know any details either, so I can only explain it really sloppy, but at last it should have been the way to plate the glass by floating dissolved glass on the liquid surface of the metal that liquefies at lower temperatures than the melting temperature of the glass.

That way, you don't have to polish it later to get flat sheet glass on both sides.

Look, is it easy to imagine if you think of the state in which you floated the dissolved animal oil (lard) by warming it to water? If you let it go for a while in those conditions, the animal oil will solidify plate-like, right? Like that. "

"I see. It's a lot of a big deal, but I can understand the principles."

It was an aura that snorted and showed understanding, but its expression doesn't look as impressive as it was.

This would be the difference in the direction of expectations directed towards something called "glass" between Yoshijiro and Aura.

Speaking of glass, whatever aside from the spherical glass - it is Aura who has the utmost interest in Beeball - in the first thing window glass can come up with.

It can also be taken for granted that Aura does not show much interest in the purification method called float formula.

In fact, carrying out float-type glass purification involves far more difficulties than blowing glass. This means that the temperature of the metal pool for floating glass needs to be kept somewhat constant, and working on the side of the liquefied metal pool risks the worker sucking in the evaporating metal.

It's an efficient story because the majority of the lines are computer-controlled and automated in modern times, and at the technical level of this world, it might be more efficient to polish and flatten glass made of blown glass or its application, crown formula, with the hands of artisans.

I didn't think that far into it, Yoshijiro, but I could understand that I couldn't buy the pleasure of my first wife right now.

"Then I guess the problem is another glass color, This one, as I was doing on that TV show, you just have to work hard to get rid of the iron in the sand anyway.

I wonder if the way to do this is to draw sand in stone mortar more carefully, let it stir in the water, and sort the supernatant as much as possible of the precipitate "

Shinjiro, who moved the story to the next agenda, said so and tilted his neck again.

Even the glass-making TV show briefly explained that the main cause of the color on the glass is the metal particles mixed with the sand.

For this reason, the easiest and surest measure is limited to removing metal particles from the sand whenever possible.

By carefully pulling in a stone mold and crushing the sand as finely as possible, it creates a situation where metal particles are easy to remove, on which the sand is pounded into a barrel with plenty of water, stirring thoroughly, then slowly wait until all the sand has precipitated.

By doing so, heavy metal particles of specific gravity accumulate at the bottom of the precipitate and light sand accumulates on top.

All you have to do is shrug the upper part of the sediment.

To Sanjiro's answer, the queen hands on and answers to her chin, which is recently regaining sharpness with the fruits of her workout.

"Hmm. For once, I was explained the procedure because I was there when I saw the footage, so I made him do it. Whether it was pulled in a stone mold or sweet, or not well stirred in the water, the result is just as I said."

"Hmm, maybe it's a matter of sand itself? In fact, it seems the difference between sand poised for glass and sand that isn't is pretty intense. If you can't do it, there may be limits to how hard you try."

Extreme stories, no matter how carefully you draw black sand like sand and iron in stone molars, there will be no dramatic improvement.

Regardless, there is no guarantee that Yoshijiro's opinion is correct, as Aura is right and there is a good chance that the pull was sweet or that the stirring and sorting did not go well.

But Aura's ears also seemed to hear Yoshijiro's opinion sound credible enough.

"I see, the aptitude of the sand itself? Once you've gathered all kinds of sand from all over the place."

"Yeah, I think that's good. Later, I was doing this on that TV show too, but I wonder if it's about carefully removing iron with magnets.

For once, there are a few magnets attached to the refrigerator, but it would be weak to stick a piece of iron to it and make it magnetic.

There are a lot of rechargeable batteries, so if you use them for DC power, if you have copper wire later, I think you can do something like emulate an electromagnet. "

Aura tilts her neck and throws an inquiry at Sanjiro, who twists her knowledge of middle school science out of her head.

"Copper wire? What, what's that? You mean linear copper?

"Yeah, copper wire. If you glue the elongated copper like a yarn and put electricity through it, the wrapped core bars will be magnetic. That's how I remember doing an experiment at school on turning iron into magnets when I was a kid, like copper wire over here? In some cases, substitution is possible with iron wire, but efficiency drops a bit. Copper is the next best metal for electricity in silver."

In response to Sanjiro's inquiry, Aura arms and thinks under her big breasts.

"Uhm. At least I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist in this country at the moment. The question is, can you order the technicians in the Royal Palace to make it... it seems difficult to make it that thin? Besides, you wind up with glue and use it, right? That also requires sufficient flexibility.

Maybe a little tense, but silver is more promising than copper. Such fine constructions are close to the silver craftsman's portion "

In Aura's answer, Sanjiro, with a slightly punctuated look, immediately shakes his head vertically with a satisfied look.

"Oh well. If you're going to produce large quantities like wires, for a few experiments, wouldn't silver be that expensive?

Yeah, okay. If it seems promising, let's ask for it. I'll get my workbench out in the shade of the courtyard and get ready. "

In the amateur Yoshijiro, when the magnetic field occurs, there is no precise anticipation of what the negative effects will be on the surroundings.

With about an electromagnet powered by a dry battery, it's hard to imagine what appliances are available, starting with computers, but amateur judgment is dangerous. Just in case, I've never been over it.

When you think about working outside in this hot weather, it gets a little unwieldy, but if you pick a shade or near a fountain, it won't be unbearable.

"Okay. Arrange for a silver mechanic here. Let the sand also be collected experimentally from as many areas as possible. It is only now that we can devote our time to these things. Only to get my hands on it early.

After a while, the Prince and Princess will arrive from the two kingdoms of Shalowa-Jilbaer.

Free time is less than it is now "

If it moves, it's time now. To Aura, Yoshijiro accidentally leaks his sigh.

"Oh, that's all we're talking about already?

"Mm-hmm. I can't tell you exactly what time it is because the trip in the big dragon car will be heavily off schedule due to weather and other personnel, but if I go there in due course, I'm supposed to be here in about half a month or twenty days. In that case, both I and I will be pursued by the response.

For a while now, be prepared for the days you can't afford. "

Aura also exhaled heavily, as the sighs of Yoshijiro contaminated.

The royal family of the two kingdoms is coming.

Before one of the major events, other conveniences and the mood of the parties will be second only.

Aura is right, for a while, there will be days when she will be forced to respond under a smile concealing tension and vigilance.

"Copy that. Good luck."

Once he dropped his shoulder heavily, Sanjiro returned that answer as if he had regained his mind when he exhaled gloomy air with a big deep breath.

For some time afterwards, the queen and his wife continued their clerical conversation with their hips resting on the bed, but that conversation is blocked by the electronic sound of the cell phone placed beside the bed.

"Ever. The timer rang."

"What, is it bedtime already? Again, when room temperature is comfortable, time passes quickly no matter what you're doing"

Make sure you roll over the king-size bed, grab your phone, and tell Sanjiro, who stopped the alarm, that Aura will remnantly tell him so.

I set up a cell phone alarm just in case I forgot the time and didn't compress my sleep, but it quickly helped.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be able to tell you any more, let's go to bed"

Aura leaks her words a little dissapointed to Sanjiro, who takes the air conditioning remote and pushes the pip button.

"Mm, you're turning it off?

Sanjiro smiles back bitterly at his wife, who has been completely fascinated by the charm of the cold wind.

"No, I won't turn it off. I switched to Sleep Mode when I was asleep. It's bad for you to get cold air from the most powerful air conditioners while you're sleeping on a boulder."


Looking at his wife's face, who unfortunately tilts her neck, he is Sanjiro, who wants to withdraw his opinion and turn on the air conditioning completely again.

In fact, in a land that does not go down thirty degrees even at night, it is better to keep the air conditioning fully open, even if the room temperature is close to the 'right temperature'. But since the first day, there will be no adventure.

"Then I'll turn off the lights, too. Are you okay?"

"Oh, no problem"

Then, once out of bed, Sanjiro pulls out the string of orange floor stand lights that were illuminating his bedroom and turns off the lights.

The bright bedroom is enclosed in a completely indispensable dark that does not even enter the starlight because it closes the wooden door.

But for Yoshijiro, we've already spent more than a year in our own home.

In the dark, Makiro returns to bed without hesitation, and climbs straight up to the bed by hand, where his beloved wife will be waiting, sneaking up to the central part of the bed.

Even in this darkness, Aura seems to see the extent of this contour, and Aura extends her hand precisely to Yoshijiro, who crawled on all fours and approached her, leading her next to herself.


"Mmm, thanks."

As a matter of course, hand in hand, mouth in mouth as a matter of course, adjacent to each other and on the floor as a matter of course, man and woman.

Good night, then.

"Oh, good night"

And his wife and husband fell asleep quietly, listening to each other's sleep, keeping each other's body temperature as far away as they could feel on their skin.

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