Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Then about a month went by, and the rainy season plugged into the second half of the day.

When Yoshijiro opened his eyes, it was a dim basement there.

"... Huh?

Keeping the powered digital camera with both hands, Yoshijiro, who doesn't understand the situation, jokes suspiciously about his behavior.

It's what I did, but I can't keep up with my first success.

It was one of the soldiers defending the basement who reacted more calmly to the situation than the party.

"Congratulations, Master Zenzilow. You finally succeeded."

In response to those words, congratulations to the other soldiers, and celebrate the 'achievement' of Yoshijiro.


Moving into the sight of Yoshijiro is the dim basement. What I have in my hand is a digital camera with that basement reflected on the back display. In the consciousness of Yoshijiro, until earlier, he practiced "Momentary Travel" in the living room of the rear palace. That means......

Finally, the understanding of Yoshijiro catches up with reality.

"Success, success? To activate" Momentary Move "?


The soldier said so again, without breaking his smile, as he affirmed the words of Shinjiro, who shrugged.

Understanding catches up with reality, and even later feelings catch up with reality. And


Yoshijiro uttered an utterly unspoken and unintelligible voice with joyful emotions strong enough for everyone to understand.

That night. In the living room of the rear palace, the conversation the queen and his wife exchanged naturally related to the success of Yoshijiro's "instant move" activation.

A smiling queen in a red nightgown and in an upbeat mood herself, she opens her whiskey mouth and pours its amber liquid into a glass of red and blue, two cutlery.

Of the liquor brought in by Yoshijiro, the brandy he gave to sparkling liquor and Aura has been drunk up before that time. All that's left is this whiskey. That too, three bottles for the rest. Now only two bottles remained open.

In Japan, a bottle of whiskey of just over a thousand yen is also an unavailable item for less than thirty years. But it would be worth opening that lid today.

"So let's celebrate Zenzilow's 'Moment Travel' success, cheers"


A red, blue, and differently colored glass of satsuma cuts with amber liquid and ice bump into each other in small pieces.

After finishing his toast, Yoshijiro took a sip of his precious whiskey as he carried that blue sliced glass to his mouth.

"Hmm. It's been a long time, and I feel even better for the memories"

"Um, I find brandy more aromatic and more preferable, but this one is definitely delicious too"

Like Yoshijiro, the queen, who took a sip of whiskey, once said so, put that red incised glass back on the coaster on the table.

"I think I can distill the alcohol now, but whether I can put it to bed and look like whiskey or brandy is another story. Is it hard to make it over here?"

In the vague knowledge of Yoshijiro, I can only tell enough to save it in a barrel made of a tree called oak. At that time, do you add water, do you have anything else to add besides water, or should I just keep it there? There's so much I don't know.

"Mm-hmm. The distillation of alcohol took place in a mass production system to some extent. It doesn't taste like it is. However, the mixed liquor with the addition of fruit and sugar is sweet, so I can't ignore the layers that I don't like.

If you're going to be able to produce something like this whiskey in our country in the future, you might want to turn around some of the distilled liquor. "

The queen leaked that word as she laid her hands on her chin and thought. What cannot be answered immediately is that the quantity of distilled liquor is not so high, even though it has become mass-producible. Its distilled liquor and mixed liquor have sometimes become sufficiently popular, mainly in royal palace nobility.

Whiskey making, on the other hand, has no guarantee for the future, which is neither a sea thing nor a mountain thing. For the first few years, we just need to be prepared to waste distilled liquor. Rather, it would be your word if you looked into the eyes of the day while Aura or Sanjiro were alive.

It is only a little courageous to consume a new attempt to fail nine-ninths of a centimeter of things that are either intact or have a reputation at royal palace nightclubs and luncheons if they are mixed liquors and are certain to have a medium value if they are sold.

Based on that, I dare say why I challenge whiskey making, nothing.

"It's not like alcohol in this country isn't tasty either, but I still want to drink whiskey once in a while."

"Ideally, if I could reproduce that brandy, it would be great."

To the words of her husband, the queen answers and lips with a pelt.

Underlying it was a heart that wanted purely delicious liquor. As a royal luxury, I wouldn't be going too far. If the mass production system were to be put in place in the future, there would be no need to feel particularly guilty if there were to be prospects of moisturizing the royal finances.

"I remember, but the way brandy and whiskey were manufactured was basically the same? Just the difference between the ingredients being barley or wine. So if the wine is available, it seems likely. Well, either way, 'cause that's more of a story ahead of you," says Yoshijiro, posturing a little right on the couch. Because it doesn't make sense to say it, I won't tell the person, but I'm skeptical of Aura's opinion that she likes brandy more than whiskey. The only thing Aura has ever swallowed is a bottle of thousands of yen of whiskey and less than 10,000 yen of brandy. I can't wait for that to conclude that "brandy tastes better than whiskey". To draw that conclusion, it is the thought of Yoshijiro that he would like to have at least some expensive whiskey and cheap brandy.

Anyway, the whiskey was only open for a toast. Not at the heart of tonight's story.

"Well, you are. Shall we get down to business? Things move irresponsibly when they get to see" Moment Travel "better. Of course, not right now. First of all, we need to be able to use Momentary Travel."

At the moment, Yoshijiro succeeded in activating "Moment Move" once, only to say.

Flying Sanjiro in this state to a remote location and giving him instructions to come back with his' instant travel 'could not be activated this time. If the magic of this world fails, it doesn't activate and it doesn't drain magic, so you just have to try again and again until you succeed, but when ordinary people become aware of "failure," they have feelings of haste and shame.

'Right Awareness' is essential for magical success. With blood on your head in a hurry or shame, that's what keeps you doing magic all day, but it can be unsuccessful.

"To what extent exactly?

The Queen answers her husband's question with a little thought.

"Right. In the meantime, activate 'Moment Move' successfully with no more than five challenges. Shall I pass this if I succeed for five days in a row? Of course, you can only travel to the usual basement, and you can use that digital camera tool."

Kenjiro thinks when he hears the terms.

There are three magics that Sanjiro has successfully activated. "Space Blocking Connections," "Attraction," and this time "Moment Travel."

"Space-blocking junction" and "attraction" are basically Yoshijiro, who has mastered to the point of success in one shot. Remembering that past, Sanjiro answers.

"If that condition... yeah, can you clear it in half a month?

That sounds like Yoshijiro, a number that took up more safety margins. It's a salary-era habit, and I have a habit of taking more safety margins when communicating progress.

Fortunately, unlike her salesman boss, Aura doesn't imitate the deadline this one offered on her own.

"Okay. You don't have to, but let's make a plan."

This would be the difference in cynicism between modern Japan and Karpua Kingdom time rather than Aura being compassionate.

In a culture where there is no exact clock and the calendar also uses a calendar that has thirteen-month years every four years: the Sun Sun Calendar, a cynical time schedule like modern Japan is hard to exist.

"Yeah. In the meantime, if you pass, you fly to Marquis Lara territory, right?

The queen shakes her neck vertically to affirm the words of Sanjiro, who confirms.

"Oh. It will. First, let Ines and Margrethe, and later Natalio, the knights of the other, fly, so there will be no particular disabling over there. There's also a nanny husband and a nanny."

The words were an expression of the trust that Queen Aura placed in the Marquises of Lara, the parents of her upbringing.

"Well, I'm not planning on staying long. When you get over there, I'll fly Lord Chavier's right-wife candidate, the three and four women of the Marquis of Lara, to the king's capital on" Moment Travel "."

"That's right. Please."

Yoshijiro spits nervously. The magic of this world is fine just because it fails doesn't activate, but it still makes me nervous when it comes to hanging on a stranger, a young first-person girl too.

"Roger that. By the way, what are the three and four girls in the Marquis Lara family? Being Lord Chavier's real wife candidate means he's only a teenager, right?

When Aura shrugged her shoulders small to inquire about Yoshijiro,

"That's right. Surely the three women Ida is seventeen and the four women Lolita should be fifteen. I don't know that person very well. My age is too far away from mine. If it's my oldest daughter Augustina, I know her well, but she's already married and she's out of the Marquis de Lara."

Augustina, the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Lara, falls for Aura as a daughter-in-law. For this reason, I know better than my real brothers, but I also don't know Aura clearly about the three and four away women Ida and Lolita, who are over ten years old.

I've seen them before, but I remember when they were under ten. It doesn't make much sense to tell the impression in those days.

"Either way, the Nanny Hall or the Nanny Husband agreed to let the other family marry him. As a lord's wife, I think you have the right upbringing and personality."

The trust of the Marquis of Lala of Queen Aura is thick.

"More than that, the problem is the way you wield yourself. Of course, we need 'Moment Move' habitual training, but temporarily we'll be away from the wedding meeting."

Aura's point was that Yoshijiro had been expecting it for quite some time and working out his own plan.

"It's alright, because anything that can be brought forward around there will be brought forward and we will make a respite for time. Mr. Lucinda and I will keep in touch, and while I'm gone, the process of preparing in principle will stop, and as soon as I get back, I will get my autograph and take the form of a restart."

Needless to say, it is a primo gijen measure. At the wedding of Pujol Guijen and Nilda Ghazir, the head of the Guijen family side is Primo Guijen, and the head of the Ghazir peripheral uncle side is Lucinda Ghazir.

For this reason, Primo and Lucinda are in a quinquennial position, and in Lucinda, it is difficult to stop Primo's rampage by force. That's the role of Sanjiro, but when Sanjiro is going to do the king's capital, though for a few days, I'm really worried about Primo Gijen's rampage.

"Shall I give Mr. Lucinda a limited time power of attorney?

Aura glanced at Yoshijiro's words with joy for a moment, but soon regained her calm judgment and denied it.

"No, you better not do that. It would be nice if Primo, Lucinda, and the others were just individuals, but as things stand, they are representatives of the Gigens, the Ghazir Borderlands, and the Royal Family at this wedding.

If you look at it the way it was worn, 'the royal family gave the Ghazir Borderline House the ink to suppress the Gigens', it could also be taken. "

"Oh well"

Convinced by his beloved wife's explanation, Sanjiro exhales loudly and reflects on his shortcomings.

Next to the reflecting Good Giro, Queen Aura smiles secretly.

Yoshijiro is getting pretty comfortable against Lucinda Ghazir. This is a very favorable sign for Aura as queen.

However, Aura dares to proceed without worrying, thinking that telling a story she has penetrated from herself on this matter would not roll in a good direction.

"So while time is spared but they are better off going to Marquis Lara territory, the preparation for the wedding of Pujol Gijen and Nilda Ghazir is a pause. Sometimes I can be held back for a long time because I don't like wasting time."

"Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can. So I want to lower the priority of Mrs. Octavia's class because I want to prioritize 'Moment Move' practice until I get a pass, can't I?

After much thought, the Queen agrees conditionally to the proposal of Yoshijiro.

"It would be good. However, there are more things I would like you to learn as a matter of priority than having decided to fly to Marquis Lara territory. I'll talk to Mrs. Octavia, so just learn it first."

"Learning as a priority?

The queen narrows her eyes slightly to the neck-crushing Shinjiro.

"Oh, Marquis Lara territory is the northernmost part of our country. 'Kingdom of Alves' bordering the border and 'Kingdom of Tucar' further north of it. I want you to learn about these two countries."


A few days later. In the eighth challenge and in the thirteenth, the successful activation of two 'instant moves', Yoshijiro had since been lectured by Mrs. Octavia in a room in the rear palace.

"We have heard from His Majesty Aura. Dear Zenzilow, first of all congratulations on your mastery of 'Moment Travel'"

"Thank you, Octavia. This is also an achievement of his lecture. Thank you again."

In response to this incident, Queen Aura had informed the Count Marquez family that she would give her due thanks.

It is, of course, the story of the efforts and ingenuity of Yoshijiro himself who gained access to "Moment Travel", but it is also true that Mrs. Octavia, as a teacher who teaches the foundations of magic, has devoted herself.

Queen Aura proposed to the man of the Count Marquez family the right to do it using 'instant travel' a few times for free, but Count Marquez hoped 'to invite Sanjiro to the Count Marquez territory'.

It could be described as a proposal with no loopholes. For Count Marquez, one of the wealthiest aristocrats in the Kingdom of Karpua, the regular fee for 'instant travel' is not that much of a burden.

More than that, if we can invite Kojiro to the territory of Count Marquez, it will be possible in the future to have him fly from the King's Capital to the territory of Count Marquez with Kojiro's "Moment".

When a situation arises in which a nobleman living in the Wang capital wants to return urgently and locally, it is rare that it is only himself who wishes to do so. In that case, there are too many rivals if we want Queen Aura, who is capable of "instant travel" to more than a dozen places in the country alone, to put on "instant travel".

Meanwhile, Yoshijiro has never stepped out of the Wang capital until today. Next time, there is talk of flying to Marquis Lara territory, but still only the family is rivals. You should be able to get them to fly much faster than the nobles living in the king's capital would have lined up in queen Aura's line.

Either way, the negotiations around there will be between Queen Aura and Count Marquez. Even if it is a party, it is a story that has nothing to do with Good Jiro and Mrs. Octavia.

As usual, Mrs. Octavia opens her mouth with a smile like a lady's sample.

"It's all the fruit of Dear Zenzilow's efforts, but if I helped support that effort, I have no joy in beating this.

By the way, Master Zenzilow. A few days ago, His Majesty Aura contacted me and made a few changes to the content of the lecture, do you know about that?

"Oh, I hear more than His Majesty Aura, too. No problem."

To Sanjiro's answer, Mrs. Octavia once deepened her grin,

"Okay. Let me now reschedule today to explain the 'Kingdom of Alves' and the 'Kingdom of Tucar'. First and foremost, the lineage magic of the" Kingdom of Alves "is" Rebellion Magic ", and the lineage magic of the" Kingdom of Tucar "is" Solving Magic ". Each characteristic is…"

That said, as usual, he continued to explain in a polite, listenable tone.

As one goes, Mrs Octavia explains about the two countries, Makiro opens her mouth, organizing information in her head.

"I see, I get the big muscles." The Kingdom of Alves "is a northern country bordering our country, and it is the Marquis of Lara that borders it. Further north of its" Kingdom of Alves "is the" Kingdom of Tucar ". My country was hostile to both countries, as was the case in the war ahead."

"Yes, we have heard, however, that there were very few actual wars fought. Especially with the Kingdom of Tukare, which has just never been relative on the battlefield. The de facto battlefield was a negotiating place," he said.

It was the Marquis of Lara who stood in the front, both on those few actual battlefields and on the main battlefield named Negotiation, he said.

Besides, part of the Marquis de Lara's army was loaned to Princess Aura to defend the land, so I see it's to be hailed by General Pujols.

However, since there were more settlements on the battlefield of negotiations than on the actual battlefield, the general visibility is not as high as that of General Pujols.

Yoshijiro, who was briefed on these circumstances while looking at the simple map, tilts his neck a little.

"My country and the kingdom of Alve are bordering directly without a buffer zone."

The southern continent is home to powerful dragon species. Inside, even the army says there are dragon species at levels that give up crusading. Humanity's right to life is also combined with dragon species, often intersecting areas between countries and countries that are not the territory of either country.

But as far as this map is concerned, the kingdoms of Karpua and Alve, Alve and Tukare look adjacent, without pinching such natural buffer zones.

To Sanjiro's inquiry, Mrs. Octavia had her mouth shut as troubled, but eventually opened it a little hard to say.

"The international community has said that the Kingdom of Alves itself is a buffer zone. My country and the Kingdom of Tukare are the great powers fighting for one or two in the western part of the southern continent."

"Oh, you mean that. Naturally, the kingdom of Alves is a small country."

Mrs Octavia's explanation convinced him. Between the big countries, it's a lot harder to adjoin the national territory. Due to the fact that we have each other's ments, it is difficult to concede and inevitably the friction increases.

In that case, it would be in the national interest in the long run to keep the small countries alive.

It seems that the kingdom of Aleve, out of the thoughts of those two great powers, is a small country that survived the war ahead.


Sanjiro's sentiments end with "I'm glad it wasn't the Kingdom of Alves that was called". I don't care what you think, I don't see the vision of the royal family of the Alve kingdom having happy days.

To the imagination that proceeds automatically, with a temporary lid, Yoshijiro asks Mrs. Octavia.

"In the war ahead, the kingdom of Alve and my country must have crossed spears, albeit in small numbers. And the kingdom of Tukare was clearly an enemy country, although it did not exchange direct wars. Does that mean that the Kingdom of Alves, even in the 'buffer zone', is better than the Kingdom of Tucar?

Mrs. Octavia affirms the inquiry of Yoshijiro.

"Yes, Master Left. To be precise, should I say that this was the case during the war? After the war, I hear Marquis Lara's dedication has restored him to about neutrality over the Tucar kingdom."

The truth is that it should be said that Marquis Lara's efforts coincided with the thoughts of the upper management of the Kingdom of Tucar. Even as the Kingdom of Tukare, he wants to refrain from making the Kingdom of Alves entirely under his own umbrella. It would also be natural to decide that it would be more detrimental than profitable to be burdened with debt with compensation and to put countries with refugee majorities under the umbrella of war damage.

However, it will not come from the past if the Kingdom of Alves relies on some third country too poorly to hunt it down.

For the Kingdom of Karpua and for the Kingdom of Tukare, the Kingdom of Aleve, as an independent nation not stranded anywhere, is in itself a value of existence.

"I see, is there a history of that? If His Majesty Aura were to visit the Marquis of Lara, he would have learned about the kingdoms of Alves and Tukare beforehand, not just neighbouring countries."

"Yes, there are also a few merchants from the Alve kingdom in the Marquis de Lara, but they come and go."

The kingdom of Alvé, which exchanged direct wars, is the kingdom of Tukare, which allowed trade at civilian level but never once exchanged wars until the end of the Great War, said to be ostensibly completely cut off from national traffic.

From the kingdom of Karpua, you can see the difference in threat.

"Most of all, Master Zenzilow just comes and goes on 'Moment Travel' and stays for a few days. I don't know how many borders you're bordering, but I don't think there's any chance you'll come into contact with the people of the Kingdom of Alves, let alone the Kingdom of Tukare."

"So is that."

To Mrs. Octavia's words, Yoshijiro also lost a little shoulder strength and agreed.

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