Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter iv 1 [parenting]

Approximately half a month after the successful activation of "Moment Move" by Yoshijiro.

Good Jiro, ready for remembrance, flew to the Marquis of Lara territorial capital in "Moment" by his wife, Queen Aura.

Strangely, the "instantaneous movement" that you do on your own and the "instantaneous movement" by others differ as a physical sensation. In "Moment Travel" you do it yourself, it's as if the surrounding landscape has been rewritten, so little discomfort, whereas in "Moment Travel" you can hang someone else, for a moment, you are attacked by discomfort that is difficult to compare. Can you comprehend a little, for example, when it comes to the feeling of multiplying the sense of flotation immediately after the start of the elevator down or just before the elevator stops up?

Either way, it was one knight who looked familiar, standing in a totally unrecognizable stone room, who cut off such discomfort and slowly jumped into the sight of Yoshijiro, who opened his eyes. And it was still the appearance of two familiar samurai, bowing their heads deeply in person.

Natalio is the only knight for Kojiro at the moment.

Samurai Ines and Samurai Marguerite. It is a talent sent in by Queen Aura on "Moment Travel" as a first step.

The Marquis of Lara, for Inés, a samurai, and Margrethe, a samurai, belong to their homeland.

Is it because of that? Knight Natalio is so nervous that he can see it in the eyes of Yoshijiro, while Samurai Ines and Samurai Margrete look somewhat relaxed.

"Dear Zenzilow, We congratulate you on your safe arrival."

"Natalio, Ines, Margrete. It is a first come and go cause."

The grand exchange is entirely formal. The royal journey to another city, albeit domestic, is so daunting that it is supposed to be celebrated as safe, but there is no danger or fatigue whatsoever for flying in 'Moment Travel'.

"I'm afraid I just arrived and I'm tired, but the Marquis of Lara is waiting for you. Can I help you?

So neither is the word that Ines, the samurai, went on to say, more than a formality.

"Oh, no problem"

"Now, I'll show you"

Led by Samurai Ines, Yoshijiro walks through strange mansions.

The territorial capital of the Marquis of Lara is the former king's capital, and the residence of the Marquis of Lara is the former royal castle. It is not bad to use it as it is on boulders, and it is too large and wasteful, which means that overall downsizing work was carried out, but still the building itself is no different to being the old royal castle.

A group of men and women waited in awe through a passage that made them feel like such history and tradition, in the one room they reached.

"I'll be the first to see you, Master Zenzilow. It is located in Fernando, head of the Marquis de Lara family. Thank you very much for this honor in welcoming Master Zenzilow to our territory. This is my wife, Elmira."

Fernando, Marquis of Lara, was an old man. The back would be bigger and around one hundred and eighty when viewed from Shinjiro. The colour of the skin is a common brown colour in the southern continent. Hair is gray, but it probably happened with age rather than birth. He strokes his gray hair onto a slight all-back. I'm not particularly fat or thin, but I have a terribly good posture.

An overwhelming presence, unlike General Pujol's intimidating pressures.

"It's Elmira. I am delighted to have the opportunity to worship the honorable face of Zenzilow."

Then standing next to me, the classy lady greets me as well. This one looks a little younger than Marquis Lara. You look old enough to wonder if I should call you old or not.

Marquises of Lara and Lara. Nanny husband and nanny of Queen Aura, the wife of Yoshijiro.

Relationship-wise, the person Queen Aura says is so much more 'parent' than her real parents.

His identity is better than that of Yoshijiro, but in every sense this one is the one he needs to be concerned about.

"His Majesty King Aura of the Kingdom of Karpua is his companion, Sanjiro. The Marquises of Lara welcome themselves, it is great."

I ran out of words without being nervous about my voice or expression. And Sanjiro thought, how was the truth?

"Yes, it's a bad word."

From the way Marquis Lara answered so without skill, it was impossible to know.

After the greeting, sit back on the couch in opposite form and a full-fledged conversation begins.

"Be the first to tell the words of His Majesty Aura." Sometimes Carlos's, come see his grandson's face, "he said."

In the message of Yoshijiro, it is time for the Marquis Lara to smile bitterly at his mouth. The couple sitting next to each other gazed at each other and nodded, gazing back at Yoshijiro sitting face to face.

"Then tell His Majesty Aura." I'd like to see my grandson's face, but it's against the national interest for us to head to the King's Capital, "he said.

As she agrees with the words of the Marquis Lara, the Marquise laughs cously. Sanjiro learned a mild envy for the couple's unique breathtaking exchange, which he shared for a long time.

"Okay. You're right, I'll tell him."

The Marquis of Lara doesn't seem to intend to come to the King's Capital as expected. But where I don't return a word of denial for comparing Prince Carlos Seijiro, the son of Queen Aura and Seijiro, to his grandson, he seems to see Queen Aura psychologically as his' daughter '.

Afterwards, Yoshijiro and Marquis Lara move on to the point when they let the conversation play lightly over the recent state of Queen Aura and the differences in sex between the King's capital and the Marquis Lara territory.

"I'm asking you to talk. As the wife of Sir Chabiel of the Borderline Uncle House of Ghazir, can't you be mistaken when we talk about wanting to welcome one of our three women Ida and four women Lolita?

"Oh. If I add, there are other candidates, so it's definitely not good or bad"

Due to the stage of pre-negotiation, both sides of the spectrum are not dressed in teeth directly.

For better or worse. Because it is still at the negotiating stage, if we decide that this marriage is detrimental to the Marquis de Lara, we can say no, and vice versa, it can flow to other candidates, even if we consider it beneficial.

"I understand. For one thing, Ida and Lolita want to take the form of sending them to Wang Capital as part of their education. So if you could prepare a meeting place with Sir Chabiel of the Borderline Uncle House of Ghazir"

It's too white, but pre-construction is important. From the acquaintances of multiple women, who are neither fiancées nor anything, it takes less waves for one to officially be fiancée than for one of the multiple fiancée candidates to be selected.

"If I can make a decision on insignificance, I don't mind one or the other of the Wang Du rows?

The answer to Sanjiro's question that

"Because there is something called compatibility"


At any rate, I'll make you marry someone who's better compatible. It is the answer that my intention as a lord and my love as a father are felt at the same time.

Although I don't take it personally as a modern Japanese sensory drag, the behavior of the Marquis Lara seems to be a category that takes into account her daughter considerably as a noble nobleman.

"Okay. Let's say I fly to the King's Capital under both names."

"Best regards"

"Sorry for the inconvenience"

The words of gratitude of the Marquises of Lara and the gestures are as breathtaking as ever to watch.

"What do you think about the schedule?

"Yes. Tonight, in a whisper, we are scheduled to host a welcoming party for Master Zenzilow. Three women Ida and four women Lolita are going to introduce you there to Master Zenzilow.

After that, depending on Master Zenjiro's plans, we hope to be able to 'fly' Ida tomorrow and Lolita to the King's Capital the day after tomorrow, if possible. "

It's nothing short of a face-to-face meeting tonight, but it's unexpected that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we'll send it to Wang Du on "Moment Travel".

"I don't mind, are you okay? It's not a rush to get there."

"No problem. We're already ready. Even if it wasn't a rush, you wouldn't have crossed it early. It's also painful to stop Master Zenjiro."

The return of Yoshijiro will always be the last, beyond the fact that the journey depends on Yoshijiro's "instantaneous journey". It is also certain that the longer you delay your appointment, the longer you will stay with Kojiro.

Preliminary information I'm hearing from Aura suggests that the Marquis of Lara seems to be a rationalist, so the response is also inevitable, if I may say so, but I also feel somewhat more hasty than necessary.

Until then, if you say you are over-conscious, but from the point of view of the leading local lords, or from the point of view of Queen Aura's nanny husband, isn't the person named Yoshijiro the one who wants to hold back and interact to an inexorable extent?

Sometimes Queen Aura tells me that Marquis Lara is close to her body, and Sanjiro asks frankly.

"Don't get the impression you're in a lot of a hurry. Is there anything inconvenient about my stay in the land?

To the words of Yoshijiro, Marquis Lara concurs lightly without breaking his soft and serious expression.

"Yes, I'm just assuming that the longer you stay, the higher the risk. This is a troublesome neighborhood."

"'Neighbourhood'? It's not about the kingdom of the Alves."


Marquis Lara affirms to Sanjiro, who confirms just in case. Although the ego of the great power itself, the Kingdom of Karpua recognizes the kingdom of Alve, which borders, more as a custodian of the buffer zone than a country. Neighbouring countries refer to the opposite country across the buffer zone, the Kingdom of Tukare.

"Kingdom of Tukare, or"

The name of the country heard beforehand leaks from the mouth of nature and Sanjiro.

Kingdom of Tukare. It is a great power in the western part of the southern continent alongside the Kingdom of Karpua and a victory in the war ahead.

"There are no reports that the country is moving, though?

"I don't have enough information to put in a report."

In response to Sanjiro's question, Marquis Lara replied so in a sober voice.

I was a little concerned about the words of a merchant from another country. Human beings from other countries had somewhat of an eye for concern. Until such a level of talk, if I had raised it to the King, the King would be flattened by the turbulence of information.

It seems that the trend in the Kingdom of Tucar, which the Marquis of Lara is grasping, is also about that extent. In fact, it's like, "Hey, is this some kind of conspiracy?" The trivial information that seems to be "enters well if the antenna is stretched high on the territory along the border. And the majority of that information just ends up caring too much.

So Marquis Lara's decision not to include a report in the centre was very common sense, and it should have been said that Marquis Lara's attitude in trying to shorten Sanjiro's stay was rather too cautious.

In conclusion, Marquis Lara's judgment had hit in the major muscles and at the same time was pointless.

The face to face with Yoshijiro continued. In addition, when Marquis Lara's men and figures came in, they struck something in the ear of Marquis Lara.

When Marquis Lara, who heard the words, told his men that he had "got it" small without breaking his soft expression, he turned to Sanjiro,

"Dear Zenzilow, a merchant of 'self-proclaimed' Alve Kingdom nationality who is in and out of our house says he wants to see us as soon as possible. I'd like to go and deal with you, but would you excuse me?

Yes, I beg your forgiveness.

Needless to say, it is not a common sense offer.

The royal family, while also welcoming a high-ranking royal family named Wang Lian, can't help but to ask about the merchant's business in and out, no matter how quickly.

However, even Sanjiro, who is not so smart enough to say that he is a merchant in the Alve kingdom with a strong accent on the "self-proclaimed" part, perceives that this story is connected to earlier stories.

Let's leave it to the Lord's discretion.

"Now if you'll excuse me. Elmira, please come back."

"Yes, sir."

When I entrusted this occasion to Elmira, the First Lady, the Marquis of Lara left the room.

The Marquise of Lara, Hermira, entrusted later, shows no slight upset and turns back to Good Jiro.

"We temporarily took our seats off, but the Marquis will be back soon. Earlier, that means we'll resume, okay?

"Oh, I don't mind"

The important story comes only from our Lord, the Marquis of Lara. The surrogate, the Marquise of Lara, seemed to intend to protect that stance, and the topics to be spoken of by the Lady were limited to those that were private or had no other love.

"Nevertheless, I honestly still haven't realized that His Majesty Aura is a temporary mother."

"Is that what this is all about? Excuse me, ma'am, but she will already have a real grandson. Wouldn't it be hard to imagine, if you could light it up against your own daughter?

Marquise Lara laughs elegantly at Yoshijiro, who puts her neck up,

"It is true that his eldest daughter Augustina and his second daughter, Gigelmina, have already married and have children. So you mean" that Sire Aura "more strongly than you mean the flow of the moon. In my memory, His Majesty Aura - then His Highness - was a woman who, frankly, had difficulty imagining a future in which she would become a covenant with her lord."


To the words of the Marquise of Lara, Sanjiro was convinced.

Queen Aura said she had been active as a battlefield general, borrowing soldiers from the Marquis of Lara, long before she inherited the throne. That's not something you can do all of a sudden because the war started. This would mean that Queen Aura had been trained as a warrior and a general since childhood.

Needless to say, that is very different from the growth of women in general in this southern continent. Naturally, it's not the way a woman accepts a man.

"Wasn't that a problem as a nanny? Suppose they were tasked with fostering royalty, right?

"I wonder if there is. How can I say that, it must have been a problematic way to raise it. But so much so that it was not seen as a problem, His Majesty Aura did a good job of educating as a regular royal woman, because at the time there were so many royalties that it was not a problem to raise one or so unusual people."

"There were many royalties, huh? I can't imagine, but things are different now."

"Before and after the war, the situation on the southern continent changed dramatically. Before the Great War, only the kingdoms of Tukare and Karpua were the victorious countries of the four western countries of the southern continent."

On the contrary, the kingdom of Karpua and the users of pedigree magic were caught up to Aura alone. If I made a mistake, it was likely that the western part of the southern continent had become one of the strongest in the Kingdom of Tucar.

"I hear a single stream in the form of lectures, but I guess I still don't understand the deep end of it when I wasn't in this country then"

"Knowledge of hearsay really does. On the contrary, the information I hear, His Majesty Aura, who welcomed her husband to become a temporary mother, does not really overlap with His Highness Aura, whom I know."

To the Marquise Lara, who narrows her eyes, Sanjiro can also whisper her mouth.

"The Marquise truly loves Her Majesty Aura like a daughter."

"We have each other's positions, so we can't behave like we're in the mood, but as an emotion, we're no different from our daughter"

When we're having such a conversation, we make noises with Gachari and the Marquis of Lara returns.

"It's late"

"No, I was rather surprised that it was quick. Are you done with your business?

To the enquiring Sanjiro, Marquis Lara answers, still with an unreadable soft smile on his face.

"Yes, I must, because I just received a gift I brought. I went right home without sticking to it at all."

If you look closely, a servant who refrains behind the Marquis of Lara has a small box of rectangles in his hand. I guess that's the 'gift'. I guess the fact that I brought it here on purpose involves Yoshijiro in some way, but everyone has no idea who Yoshijiro is.

Marquis Lara, who sat back on the couch opposite him with the permission of Yoshijiro, promptly gave instructions to the servant to put the box on the table, open it and show the contents.

Inside the rectangular box was divided into two parts by a partition, where two grains of gemstone were seated.

The color is yellow, the shape is round. Probably Amber. It seems to be polished quite carefully, with a glow that my amateur Yoshijiro finds beautiful even when he sees it.

"What's this?

The Marquis of Lara tells the message that he shrugs his shoulders in small pieces, to the Mutsukichiro, who cares a lot.

"The merchant who brought it said, 'We will present it to the noblest, who are staying in this Hall. It's a small item, but I hope you can give it to those who need it."

Give to those who need it. With that word, the information was connected within the Good Jiro.

Two grains of amber. who need it.

Preparation for the wedding of General Pujol and Nilda Ghazir, currently handled by Sanjiro. Primo Gijen, a relative representative on General Pujol's side, therefore ordered from Prince Francesco of the Double Kingdom a special decorative oil lamp decorating the wedding venue.

Four decorative oil lamps are scheduled to mimic the groundwater fire-style 'Spirit Maiden' transmitted to the middle of the southern continent. I plan to use a gem for each Spirit precious color for my eyes, and because the Spirit precious color of the earth is yellow, it is Yellow Topaz or Amber that is my candidate.

He said the spirit oil lamp would be made about two arms in size. It's an amateur vague feeling, but those two grains of amber seem big enough for the eyes.

The marriage between General Pujol and Nilda Ghazir is neither a special secret in itself. Nor does it specially hide that they make decorative oil lamps mimicking 'Spirit Maiden' there.

But even though we are not spreading it intentionally, it is unnatural for the merchants of our neighbouring country to know in this short period of time, and above all that at this time of day, we should never be able to find out by normal means that Yoshijiro is in Marquis Lara territory.

"... how far, known?

"It would be just a haunt at the moment. I was wondering if what they knew was equal to nothing."

Marquis Lara said so lightly to Sanjiro, who stifled his expression.


Marquis Lara begins to explain with an expression the unchanging softness to Sanjiro, who has a clapped face.

"As you've already guessed, the merchant who applied for this sudden visit is a merchant based in the kingdom of Alve."

The reality of this is that the breath of the great kingdom of Tukare is a blatant secret. In fact, on the contrary, in the border territory of the Kingdom of Tukare, he is your son about the area, because the Kingdom of Karpua puppets in and out of the merchants of the Kingdom of Alves.

Between vigilant powers, the one who chose to see each other, the implicit understanding, rather than the trend of the other becoming completely beyond the iron curtain.

"The 'magic of solve' in the Kingdom of Tucar is certainly a threat, but there are more constraints than this one thinks, and the information you get seems to be limited. Instead, the threat is the technology they've developed over a long history of masterfully using limited information."

"I see, so my stay should be as short as possible."

"As you can see."

To Marquis Lara's explanation, Sanjiro was convinced for the first time.

"Solving Magic" is the "bloodline magic" of the great kingdom of Tukare. The effect is to 'get the right answer to the question'. Because it is magic, naturally the question has to be done in magic language, and the answer is returned in magic language. Automatic translation by the Spirit works, but if there is no alternative language to the mother tongue, that part remains magical. Moreover, the answer is not necessarily exactly what you want. There are also rumours that the more distance and time the subject asks the operator opens, the more difficult the magic becomes. Questions about the future and people's minds are also raised in questioning because they allegedly do not get answers, but in this regard, during the earlier wars, they have a proven track record of taking military action that I can only assume made predictions about the future.

And most importantly, efficiency is tremendously inefficient because we need to develop separate magic for each question.

However, it is a very powerful force, no matter how inefficient, to gain knowledge that is otherwise impossible to know.

The Kingdom of Tukare is a country rich in mineral resources, starting with gold and silver, but it is rumored that this is due more to its ability to grasp pinpoint reserves with 'solve magic' than to its privileged location with mineral resources.

The Kingdom of Tukare has continued to refine its technique of scrutinizing information and exploring further information, based on the information obtained in "Solving Magic".

The King of the Kingdom of Karpua is in the territory of the Marquis of Lara. Primo Gijen craves two grains of amber. Even if only those two pieces of information were available at the moment, if Yoshijiro's stay were prolonged, he would increase his information by more classical means, not by 'solving magic', and only by more information, the system of reflection based on information would increase, and the internal affairs would be known at an accelerating rate.

"Okay. Accept the words of the Marquis. Let's just say the return in" Moment Travel "is as soon as possible."

"I'm afraid," said the old Marquis, showing a beautiful thank you.

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