Riverside police

Chapter 236 Hometown Cadres

At nine o'clock in the morning, the dormitory building of the People's Hospital.

Today is Sunday. Zhang Jiangkun doesn't have to go to work. He brought tools and the wires, switches and sockets, water pipes and faucets he bought a few days ago to help his brother-in-law rewire the circuits and pipes of the house.

Han Shuqun used the shovel he borrowed from the handyman at the unit yesterday to busy cleaning the small yard full of weeds.

Xiaodongdong used a small screwdriver as a small shovel, digging here and there in the yard.

Han Ning, together with Xiang Fan and Han Xiangning, used a tape measure to measure the dimensions of the living room, bedroom and kitchen, taking notes while measuring, so that they could go to the furniture store to buy furniture.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law contributed the money, and the sister and brother-in-law contributed. Han Xiangning felt embarrassed, put down the measuring tape and said with a smile: "Sister, I will buy it after a while, why are you in a hurry."

The younger brother is twenty-two this year, and the sister-in-law is twenty-four. According to the regulations of late marriage and late childbearing, the young couple can get married next year.

We have a wedding room, but we have to decorate it.

His parents were running boats on the river and had entrusted all these matters to themselves. Han Ning wanted to decorate the wedding room as soon as possible. He raised his head and said with a smile: "This is an old house. Ready-made furniture may not be suitable. You may have to order it." Do."

Xiang Fan was also a little embarrassed and quickly changed the subject: "Han Ning, how is your unit now?"

"It's not so good to change the system so that the father doesn't love her and the mother doesn't love her."

"Why doesn't my father love me anymore?"

"We are now called the Changhang Public Security Bureau, but the Changhang Public Security Bureau is far away in Hanwu, and its funding depends entirely on the Port Authority as before, but the Port Authority is under the jurisdiction of the city. The city does not regard us as one of its own, and the Changhang Public Security Bureau It’s the same with the bureau, tell me, it’s not about the fact that the father doesn’t love her and the mother doesn’t love her.”

"Can funding be guaranteed?"

"Only a basic salary is guaranteed."

In the past, the Port Authority was under the control of the Ministry of Transport, and the port police officers were under the control of the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transport.

Now that the Port Authority is under the city, they were not transferred due to various reasons. Instead of being directly affiliated with the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation, it became affiliated with the Changhang Public Security Bureau. The Changhang Public Security Bureau is still affiliated with the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation as before. .

In the past, not only were we affiliated with the Port Authority, but we were also able to "reach heaven and hear it."

Now that they have become "outsiders" and have a superior above them, their situation is quite embarrassing.

Xiang Fan opened the thermos cup, took a sip of water, and asked, "What about personnel matters?"

Han Ning smiled bitterly and said: "It's almost the same as before. We are obviously separated from the Port Authority, but we still need to receive the Port Authority's salary. Therefore, the Changhang Shipping Public Security Bureau must respect the opinions of the Port Authority in the appointment and dismissal of the bureau's leadership team."

"Personnel is under the management of the Port Authority, and funding also comes from the Port Authority. Why not merge it into the Municipal Public Security Bureau?"

"We are different from San'er. We are a public service establishment, not an administrative police force. Moreover, there are more people than before. The city bureau may have to consider establishing a police force, so they don't want us."

Regarding this matter, Han Xiangning saw it more clearly than her elder sister. She turned around and said with a smile: "It's not just because of the staff, and it's not just because of the funding."

"What's the reason?" Han Ning asked puzzledly.

"Sister, your situation is similar to that of our Hong Kong Supervisor. The main concern of your superiors is the management of the Yangtze River. If you are integrated into the local public security system, how will the public security areas on the river be divided?"

"But now it doesn't matter what we want. We can only manage the ten kilometers of coastline in the city."

"Being in charge of ten kilometers now does not mean that you will only be in charge of ten kilometers in the future. When the relationship is straightened out, the funds are guaranteed, and the personnel are fully deployed, the superiors will definitely hand over the security of the entire Yangtze Riverside section to you."

Afraid that her elder sister would not believe it, Han Xiangning laughed again and said: "The management of the Yangtze River is in chaos because it crosses provinces and regions. Only by handing over the 2,500 kilometers of trunk line to one family can we manage it well."

"Just like how the municipal bureau left the Binqi River and Tongtonggang River to San'er, so that the Chonggang Branch, the Development Zone Bureau and the Changzhou Public Security Bureau would not have to blame each other?"


"It would be great if it could be reformed like that, but then there would be no need for the Water Branch to exist."

"Binjiang not only has the Yangtze River, but also has inland rivers. If you think about the division of jurisdiction between us and the local port supervisor, you will understand."

Hong Kong supervisors are ahead of the police in this regard.

Traffic on the river is under the supervision of the Yangtze River Binjiang Port Supervision Bureau, and traffic on inland rivers is under the supervision of the Port Supervision Division of the Transportation Bureau and the Port Supervision Stations of various districts and counties. Although the approval authority and law enforcement standards are contradictory, there are still a lot of problems, but The respective jurisdictions are clearly divided.

This is a "new house" and there isn't even a stool in it.

Xiang Fan brought a large stack of newspapers. She opened one and prepared to sit on the floor for a while. Suddenly she discovered that there was a report by Reporter Wang in the newspaper.

"Old Han, your fellow countryman has offended someone again."

"Which fellow?"

"Reporter Wang."

Xiang Fan looked at the newspaper and said: "This typhoon caused waterlogging. Several towns in Siggang were flooded. The cadres and the masses were busy draining water for disaster relief. The main commercial store in Sihe Town actually took advantage of the water to loot. Not only did they not guarantee disaster relief supplies and The supply of daily necessities is also forced to sell moldy and rotten red dates and other non-staple foods when selling the in short supply of kerosene and salt."

Comrade Lao Han subconsciously looked into the room, frowned and asked, "This is a hard way to make money for the country, and those people have gone too far."

"They also publicly threatened that the national salt field was flooded and that they would not be able to buy salt for several months, causing people in Sihe and several surrounding towns and villages to panic and rush to buy it."

"Have your superiors investigated and dealt with it?"

"It was investigated and punished. A joint investigation by the Sigang County Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Consumers Association and Health and Epidemic Prevention found that they sold a total of more than 800 kilograms of moldy non-staple food during the flood. They were ordered to conduct a public review and the products were sold within a time limit for recycling. of moldy non-staple food and compensate the masses for their losses.”

"Just a public review?"

"That's what the newspapers said."

Dinghu and Liangzhuang are the two towns in the northwest corner of Sigang, while Sihe is the northernmost town in Sigang. The economic development is not as good as that of Dinghu. The poorer the place, the easier it is for such things to happen.

The cadres in his hometown were not up to par, and Lao Han was very embarrassed. He was silent for a moment and asked: "Ning Ning, did San'er help with the matters Secretary Lu told me?"

"It's done."

"How did it go?"

Han Xiangning wanted to laugh when she mentioned this. She walked to the door and said with a smile: "San'er helped Liangzhuang Oil Press Factory introduce a big customer. I thought I could do business, but Secretary Lu asked the deputy sales director of the Building Materials Machinery Factory to Went to Linghai."

Lao Lu is not only highly respected in Liangzhuang, but also has prestige in Dinghu.

The people in Dinghu admire Lao Lu very much. Although the cadres in Dinghu always scold Lao Lu in public, they admire him in their hearts, especially when it comes to paying wages.

Lao Han felt that Secretary Lu could ask his son-in-law for help to give himself and his son-in-law face, so he asked, "What happened next."

"Didn't San'er and Uncle Zhang have a meal with Secretary Lu when they went to Liangzhuang to handle the case? They heard that the leader of the building materials machinery factory was coming, and the two of them worried about how to receive them for several days. After all, they had to play their role as landlords when they came. Friendship, but there is no money in the place.”

“How much does it cost to treat someone to a meal?”

"I'm here for business. I can't go back in one day. I have to take care of several meals and arrange accommodation. It's not like you don't know how stingy San'er is. He discussed it with Uncle Zhang for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said that he would go out alone. One hundred dollars.”

"You can spend it if you need to, and I'll reimburse him!"

"Dad, I don't want you to reimburse me."

"They will reimburse the bureau?"

"They don't need to reimburse the bureau."

Han Xiangning looked back at her mother and Han Ning, and explained with excitement: "They were all prepared to bleed a lot, but they came in an Audi car, and they went to the hotel by themselves, so they didn't have to spend money."

Old Han was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Actually, he should have thought of who Secretary Lu is and how he would let the leader of the building materials machinery factory spend his money."

"Yes, not only did I not spend any money, but I also ate several meals along with it."

"How many times have you eaten?"

"I want to run a business, but I'm not familiar with the construction stations in Linghai. I can't find the person who has the final say without a personal introduction. San'er doesn't know many people, and Ding Zuo has been the police station chief for so many years, so he knows a lot of people. . Coupled with Chairman Li’s help in introducing it, we basically visited the construction stations in more than 30 towns and villages.”

"Has the business been concluded?"

"Three business deals have been negotiated and contracts have been signed. San'er said that there are still several companies that are interested and plan to visit Liangzhuang for inspection in the future."

"As long as they didn't run away in vain."

Han Xiangning could understand her father's mood and couldn't help but murmured: "Dad, you have gained face, but San'er has a big head."

Old Han asked in confusion: "Why is his head so big?"

"The kind of tower crane used on the construction site is very expensive, and they won't give me the full payment. San'er helped introduce this business. If they don't pay me in the future, San'er will help to recover the money."

Han Xiangning paused and emphasized: "There are triangular debts everywhere now, and construction projects are risky. If the money cannot be paid by then, Secretary Lu will definitely find San'er."

Comrade Lao Han did not expect that his son-in-law would not only help introduce customers, but also help collect the final payment. He scratched his neck and said: "Those construction stations who were introduced by the police should not dare to refuse to pay."

Han Xiangning smiled bitterly and said, "Secretary Lu told San'er the same thing on the phone."

Han Ning realized the seriousness of the problem and chuckled: "Secretary Lu is relying on San'er. Director Xiang, aren't you and his daughter-in-law colleagues? Ask his daughter-in-law later, how could her father-in-law do such a thing? !”

Xiang Fan was made to laugh and cry. Just when he didn't know what to say, Lao Han sighed: "Secretary Lu is not doing it for himself, he is doing this for the village. If the enterprises in the village cannot do well, how can there be money to help them?" Cadres and teachers are paid.”

"For the countryside?"

"The Building Materials Machinery Factory is an enterprise run by the township. It makes money not only to pay salaries to cadres and teachers, but also to reduce the burden on the masses. Building roads, bridges, and schools are rarely shared with the masses. I heard that the airport was even built. He helped the masses pay back all the donations. If our cadres in Dinghu had half the public spirit of Secretary Lu and half the courage of Secretary Lu, Dinghu would not be like this."

When building an airport in Binjiang, city leaders took the lead, and the entire city, from government officials to ordinary people, asked for donations.

Zhang Jiangkun donated, Han Ning donated, Lao Han donated, Xiang Fan donated, Han Xiangning donated, and Han Yu also donated. They said it was a donation, but in fact it was deducted from their salary.

Rural areas are directly apportioned, and the whole city contributes money.

Zhang Jiangkun couldn't believe that there was actually a village that didn't donate, and he was stunned.

Old Han lit up his cigarette and said meaningfully: "Everyone says that San'er's master Lu Zi is wild, but compared with Secretary Lu, his master's Lu Zi is really not wild."

Zhang Jiangkun asked curiously: "Does Secretary Lu have a background?"

"Secretary Lu has no background. He hasn't even gone to school for a few days. He is just a cadre with poor legs. But Liangzhuang has a background, and there are many leading cadres in Liangzhuang. With so many leading cadres supporting him, Secretary Lu of course Don’t be afraid.”

"How old are the leading cadres?"

"There is a high-ranking official at the local level, and the army leaders have two military levels. There are more at the department and bureau level, as well as divisions, divisions, regiments and deputy regiments."

"That town is so awesome!"

"Liangzhuang attaches great importance to education. As long as you study well, no matter how difficult your family is, the village will find ways to help them go to school. Those who don't get into college are sent to the army to serve as soldiers and then take the military academy. In Liangzhuang, you can't become a soldier by passing the military examination. You have to Regarding academic qualifications, it depends on whether the fellow villagers agree or not.”

“Isn’t this unfair to those young people with low academic qualifications?”

"This is the rule Secretary Lu set when he was the deputy township head. The people are very convinced of him and no one thinks it is unfair."

Comrade Lao Han knocked the ashes from his cigarette and added: "I have a comrade who was sent to serve as a soldier by Secretary Lu. Later he was admitted to the military academy. I am extremely grateful to Secretary Lu for mentioning him."

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