Riverside police

Chapter 240 Coming at the wrong time

The urban area of ​​Linghai is not large. The relatively prosperous commercial street has only one east-west Renmin Road. The municipal government and the Public Security Bureau are located on both sides of the relatively prosperous Donghai Road.

Today's roads are not only cleaner than usual, but there are also police or auxiliary police on duty at every intersection.

People who usually cross the road or go against traffic must abide by traffic rules today, and merchants along the street have also closed their stalls at the door.

There are no traffic lights in the city like in big cities. The busiest intersections are roundabouts. I usually follow the roundabouts when I get to the intersection, but now I was stopped by the traffic police and the police.

Several old ladies who were in a hurry to pick up their children from school were about to argue with the traffic police when two Santana police cars with flashing lights came over from the east.

Behind the police car was a convoy of several high-end passenger cars, heading west along the carousel.

Chen Da from the traffic police brigade personally cleared the way for the convoy. As soon as they passed the roundabout, they suddenly discovered that several despondent teenagers not only had their hands tied, but were also strung up with ropes and were approaching from the south side of the road as if they were being paraded through the streets.

Wang Xiaomeng, deputy squadron leader of the urban squadron, also saw it. He held the steering wheel tightly and asked eagerly: "Chen Da, what should I do?"

"Drive faster, let's pull over and see if we can block it and let car No. 2 continue to drive."


Wang Xiaomeng quickly turned on the turn signal. However, there was a guardrail separating the east-west lanes in the middle of the road. It was impossible to knock over the guardrail and he could only speed up and go around in front.

The convoy was moving very fast. When they turned around, they saw the leaders sitting in the minibus looking towards the road south through the car window.

I hurried and hurried slowly, but I still couldn't catch up.

Chen Da realized that he was in serious trouble. He waited for several passenger cars to pass by and pointed ahead.

Wang Xiaomeng did not dare to waste a moment and hurriedly drove the car to the side of the road and stopped in front of the embarrassing "queue".

"What's going on?" Chen Da opened the door and got out of the car, pointing at the young man walking in the front and asked.

There were many people watching along the way, and now the police came. The "big brother" who was walking at the front was so frightened that he hung his head and did not dare to say a word.

Han Yu hurriedly pushed the bicycle forward and explained: "They were young and did not learn well. They blocked the road and tried to extort money. They actually robbed them with knives. I caught them and they were about to send them to the police."

"Which unit are you from and what's your name?"

"My name is Han Yu, and I'm from the Yanjiang Police Station."

Yanjiang Police Station...

After Xu Sanye died, if no one mentioned it, they would not even remember the Yanjiang Police Station.

Chen Da was stunned and asked with a gloomy face: "Don't you know that your superiors are coming to inspect you today?"

I asked why the road was so clean today. It turned out that a superior wanted to check it. Han Yu realized it and smiled awkwardly: "I don't know, what are you checking today?"

"It has been more than a year since we established the Sanitary City. I don't know whether you are a police officer in the bureau or not."

"I really don't know."

The Yanjiang Police Station claims to be a police station, but in fact there are only three boats, and they are all on the river. Things on the shore have almost nothing to do with them. The bureau sometimes does not notify them of middle-level cadre meetings.

Chen Da realized that the boy in front of him was probably Xu Sanye's apprentice. He probably really didn't know that the city was building a defense. He pointed to the southeast and asked: "Even if you don't know, you can't walk through the city like this. Why don't you send the person to the Chengnan Police Station?"

"I have never been to the Chengnan Police Station. I don't know where the Chengnan Police Station is."

"Your name is Xianyu, right?"


"Do you know Xu Mingyuan?"

"We know him, Captain Xu is my senior brother."

"Since Xu Mingyuan is your senior brother, you should know where the Criminal Investigation Brigade is."


"Why not send the person directly to the Criminal Investigation Brigade?"

Han Yu scratched his head and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I only know that the Criminal Investigation Brigade is next to the Chengnan Police Station, but I have never been there. Besides, there is the Municipal Bureau in front..."

It's really a water policeman who knows nothing about what's going on on the shore.

Chen Dazheng didn't know what to say, but Bureau Li's call came over the intercom.

"Chen Youshan, what happened to those people just now? The leaders of the inspection team saw it, and Mayor Wu also saw it. How did you do your job!"

"Bureau Li, I just found out that it was Xu Sanye's apprentice Xianyu who caught a few cashiers. He didn't know that his superiors were inspecting Chuangwei, so he escorted a few lawless brats to the bureau."

"Xu Sanye's apprentice?"

"My little apprentice is that salted fish."

"He...he didn't just stay in Bailong Port and go to the city to do what he wanted to do, or catch the current situation, he was just messing around!"

"Bureau Li, what should we do now?"

"First help him escort the person back to the bureau, and then settle the score with him later."


Han Yu heard it clearly and thought to himself, could I have ruined the leaders' affairs?

Chen Da put down the walkie-talkie, sighed secretly, turned around with a wry smile and pointed at the police car: "Put the people in the car first. If you have anything to say, go to the police station."

Han Xiangning roughly understood the ins and outs, and secretly wondered whether it was more important to welcome the leader's inspection or to maintain social security.

Han Yu asked cautiously: "Excuse me, are you..."

Wang Xiaomeng calmed down and hurriedly introduced: "This is Chen Da from our traffic police team."

"Hello Chen."

"Okay, okay, get people in the car quickly!"


After putting the four lawless brats into the police car and putting the "big brother's" bicycle into the trunk of Santana, Han Yu put on a helmet and rode a small Qingqi with his senior sister to follow the police car to the police station.

The superiors inspected and found that there were not enough traffic police, and all the government police who could be on the road were on duty.

Han Yu handed the four brats to the police on duty and talked about how they arrested them.

Zhang Lan happened to be in the unit, and when she saw such a big commotion downstairs, she ran downstairs. She was surprised to find that it was the Xianyu couple, who was helping to write notes while suppressing laughter.

"That's what happened, but I'm sure they weren't first offenders."

"Okay, let's wait until the people from the Criminal Investigation Brigade arrive and let them interrogate you carefully."

As soon as the policeman on duty finished speaking, Han Xiangning said angrily: "Sister Zhang Lan, go back and ask senior brother to help me take care of that little fat guy."

Zhang Lan put down the pen and said with a smile: "Isn't he just trying to steal your bag? We will investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law."

"Not only did he want to steal my bag, he also called me auntie!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"You can actually laugh."

"Don't laugh. That little fat guy is really too much. Not too much, but extremely bad. Don't worry, we won't give him good things to eat."

Han Yu didn't expect that her senior sister would be angry because someone called her aunt. When she saw the policeman on duty, she couldn't help but laugh and said hurriedly: "Sister Zhang Lan, go back and talk to senior brother about how the city's security has become like this. Even a few stinky fifteen or sixteen-year-olds have become like this." This kid dares to rob with a knife, he is the captain of the serious crime squadron, we can’t just ignore him!”

There are a total of five investigators in the Crime Squadron, and there are a lot of cases to be investigated.

It’s just that I’m too busy, and I don’t have the funds yet.

The situation of the brothers' team is similar. They have no money and no one, and even owe a lot of debts to outsiders. It is not easy to maintain public security.

Zhang Lan really didn't know how to explain, so she stood up and urged: "I know, aren't you going to invite people to dinner? Go to the restaurant early and don't make people wait."

"Then let's go."

"I'll see you off."

"Don't give it away."


When the three of them walked to the carport, Han Yu couldn't help but turn around and said, "Sister Zhang Lan, when I escorted those brats to the bureau just now, the leader who inspected the health work saw me, and Mr. Chen was criticized by the bureau leader."

Zhang Lan looked at the gate and said with a wry smile: "You came at the wrong time. It's normal for Chen Da to be criticized."

Han Yu asked in confusion: "This is to create a sanitary city. What the leaders inspect is environmental sanitation, not anything else. Why do the city leaders criticize Bureau Li, and why does Bureau Li criticize Chen Da?"

"No matter what kind of work is inspected, the leaders come. And we have been busy for more than a year in order to create a sanitary city. Secretary Chen even learned from Zhangjiagang on the other side of the river, leading everyone to go to the streets to swat flies, sweep the roads, To demolish open latrines, hundreds of thousands of brooms alone were purchased.”

"Why buy hundreds of thousands of brooms?"

"Sweeping the floor, haven't you seen how clean it is outside? It's all done by us. We sweep in the morning, at night, and on the streets during holidays. Every unit has a contract area, and whoever has a problem in the contract area will be held accountable. "

"Sister Zhang Lan, do you also want to go to the streets to sweep the floor?"

“It’s not just me, everyone who eats from the government has swept the streets and picked up cigarette butts.”

At the same time, Jiang Hai, deputy brigade of the Public Security Brigade, was undergoing training.

Director Li figured out the situation and asked bluntly: "What was the arrangement at the meeting yesterday? There are people at every intersection. There are not enough police to arrange for police assistance. Where are the people? Where have they gone?"

"Everyone is on duty, I just checked an hour ago."

"If everyone was really here, how could Xu Sanye's young apprentice escort four criminals, as if they were parading through the streets, all the way to the intersection of Donghai Road and Jianghai Road?"

"He was guarding four criminals by himself?"

"He was arrested right now. He is in the bureau right now. Xiao Xu in the office has just checked. It is indeed a robbery on the road, and it was a robbery with a knife. It's just that the security is not good. You can't even see the intersection well. Your security brigade What are you doing all day long, and how did you become the deputy captain!"

All government agencies and units in the city have been busy for a year and a half, and today we have the grand entrance examination for creating health.

The inspection went smoothly for a whole day. The inspection team and the leaders of the province and Binjiang City spoke highly of Linghai's sanitation work. However, such a big mistake came out at the end of the inspection. You can imagine how the city leaders felt. .

Jiang Hai really didn't know how to explain, his face turned red and he didn't dare to look up.

Director Li got angry and felt depressed.

Because he is responsible for creating health in the bureau. Now he is criticizing Jiang Hai, and the city leaders will criticize him later.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain it to the city leaders later, Political Commissar Ding arrived in a hurry.

Director Li briefly explained what happened, then thought about it and murmured: "That salted fish is really true. He doesn't imitate the good and the bad. He always leads criminals to parade through the streets. Who does he think he is? What does he think the city has to offer?" It’s Bailong Port!”

The city leaders will definitely want to understand the situation later. After understanding the situation, they will definitely ask the Public Security Bureau how the security in Linghai has become like this...

Political Commissar Ding also had a headache and said helplessly: "You can't blame Xianyu. He will definitely be caught if he accidentally encounters a robber. After he is captured, he will definitely be sent to the bureau."

"Political Commissar, what should we do now?"

"Take it one step at a time, and listen to whatever the city leaders say later."

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