Riverside police

Chapter 241 Give me a pillow if you feel sleepy

It was just a minor incident that caused trouble for the leader. Han Yu didn't take it to heart at all, but felt a little distressed.

For the sake of Chuangwei, he actually bought hundreds of thousands of brooms. Even if they cost one yuan, they cost hundreds of thousands. It would be great if these hundreds of thousands were used to repair ships.

When they rushed to the hotel, Lin Xiaohui and Liu Xiaomei had already arrived, and they had brought their fiancés with them. They were sitting in the box eating melon seeds and chatting.

We haven’t seen each other for several years, but Lin Xiaohui is still very beautiful.

Maybe it has something to do with being a white-collar worker in a Hong Kong-funded enterprise, or maybe she is dressed in a very fashionable style. It is no longer obvious that she was born on a ship and grew up on a ship. She exudes a temperament that is comparable to that of her senior sister.

Liu Xiaomei not only became the workshop supervisor of a Hong Kong-funded enterprise, but also found a partner with a very good family.

Her partner's name is Jiang Bin, the youngest son of Manager Jiang of the shipping company. Han Yu has known him for a long time, but he is only two years younger than him, and he is the son of a cadre, so he has not interacted with him much before.

Lin Xiaohui was very enthusiastic. After introducing her boyfriend, she took out a beautiful handbag.

"Sister Xiang Ning, this is a little bit of my thoughts."

"There are also gifts, how can this be so embarrassing?"

"It's not a valuable thing. Xiaomei and I were supposed to invite you to Linghai, but now it's the other way around. Of course I have to bring you some gifts."

A bag full of skin care products and cosmetics, all imported.

First, he said "Sister Xiang Ning", and now he gives me skin care products. Is it a mockery of my old age?

Han Xiangning cursed secretly, took the handbag generously, and asked with a smile: "Xiaohui, did you bring these back from abroad?"

Lin Xiaohui looked at Xianyu, who had changed so much that he was almost unrecognizable, and said with a smile: "I have never been abroad. I have only been to Hong Kong a few times. Guohua often goes abroad. He studies foreign trade and his English is good."

Han Xiangning put down her handbag, turned around and said with a smile: "San'er's English is also good. He can chat with foreigners for a long time, but I can't understand a word he says."

Liu Xiaomei knew that Lin Xiaohui and Xianyu were both embarrassed, so she pretended to be curious and asked, "Brother Xianyu, did you learn English while running a boat?"


"Xiaoyu said that you later boarded an ocean-going ship that specializes in transporting containers. Is it true?"

"Literally, nearly two years on the boat."

"So you've been to many countries?"

"I have been to many countries, but I can't compare with Manager Liu. I was a sailor at the time, and I only relied on ports, and sometimes I didn't even go ashore."

Han Yu's son inherited his father's legacy and learned to sail, and Jiang Bin did the same.

His father has been a manager of a shipping company for decades. Although he failed to get into Binjiang Shipping School, he went to Jiangcheng Traffic School through the commissioned training. After graduation, he joined the Transportation Bureau and worked at a township traffic control station for two years. Now he is transferred Arrived at the Transportation Management Section of the Transportation Bureau.

Linghai also has a port supervisory authority, but its business superior is the Port Supervision Office of the Binjiang Municipal Transportation Bureau, which has no affiliation with the Yangtze River Binjiang Port and Shipping Supervision Bureau.

Officials from the local transportation management department can easily find common topics when meeting port supervisors from the Ministry of Transport, not to mention that several fleets of shipping companies have to run on the river, and there are even more individual ships anchored by shipping companies.

He curiously asked about the situation of the Water Rescue Center and the Second Hong Kong Patrol Brigade, and Han Xiangning could only chat with his local colleagues.

Liu Xiaomei smiled and asked, "Brother Xianyu, why aren't Yuzhen and Xiaoyu here?"

Today can be said to be a gathering of the shipping company. Xiaoyu has now become the son-in-law of the shipping company and is fully qualified to participate.

But he can't hide anything with his mouth. God knows what he will say when he comes.

Han Yu said hurriedly: "Our law enforcement rescue boat must assist the Harbor Supervision and the Changhang Branch Bureau in fire rescue at any time. There are not many people who can sail the boat. Captain Wang is old, so he can't come if I come. I can't if he has something to do." Walk."

Lin Xiaohui said with a smile: "Xiaoyu has not changed much, but you have changed a lot."


"I used to be so short, but now I'm so tall. If I met him on the street, I probably wouldn't recognize him."

Han Yuzheng didn't know how to proceed. Han Xiangning turned around and said, "How many years have you not seen each other? I feel that he has changed a lot. I saw him every two days. The longest time we were apart was the year when he boarded the ocean liner. Month, so I don’t think he has changed much.”

How could Lin Xiaohui not hear the implication of Han Xiangning's words and said with a smile: "Sister Xiang Ning, I am so lucky to find a girlfriend as beautiful as you."

Han Xiangning didn't expect that she would say this, and suddenly felt that she was judging a gentleman with a villain's heart, and said quickly: "You are lucky. Manager Liu is not only highly educated and good at English, but he has also traveled to so many countries."

"I don't like traveling on business. It's really scary."

Lin Xiaohui's fiancé Liu Guohua looked at Han Yu curiously and said with a smile: "Team Han, Xiaohui and Xiaomei often mention you. They admire you very much and say that you are the most diligent and promising person in the shipping company."

"Manager Liu, don't say this nonsense, Brother Jiang is sitting here."

"Xianyu, you are better at studying than me."

"We are not in the same class, so it's not easy to compare. Besides, what's the use of studying well? Now you are more promising than me."

The Transportation Bureau is indeed better than the Public Security Bureau in terms of welfare benefits, and it is not as hard as the Public Security Bureau.

When Liu Xiaomei heard Xianyu praising her fiancé, she felt happy and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Xianyu, why haven't you called us or come to us all these years?"

This is a very embarrassing question.

However, Han Yu was well prepared and said with a wry smile: "Not only have I had to work over the years, I have also had to take various exams. The messy registration fees, book fees and exam fees alone have cost me thousands."

"What's the test?"

"Ship driving, engine technology, firefighting, and now there is another one, public security management. There are four majors, and each major requires more than a dozen exams. I almost collapsed in the exam."

"You have to study so much, so have you obtained many certificates?"

Before Han Yu could speak, Han Xiangning said with a smile: "I took a lot of exams for big and small certificates, but it turned out that they were of no use. The boss of the unit refused to recognize them, and they didn't even give me a one-point salary increase."

Liu Xiaomei asked in confusion: "Since it's useless to take the exam, why do you study so much?"

Just as Han Xiangning was about to speak, Lin Xiaohui's "Big Brother" rang.

She looked at the caller ID, raised it to her ear gracefully, and asked in Mandarin with a East China Sea flavor: "Secretary Ding, I, Lin Xiaohui, what's the matter... It's over, are there any comments, oh oh , No, okay, okay, leaders are welcome to come to our company for visit and guidance."

Liu Guohua is mainly responsible for product exports and doesn't know much about the situation at Linghai Branch.

Liu Xiaomei, who was Lin Xiaohui's best friend and Lin Xiaohui's assistant, asked curiously: "What does Secretary Ding want to do again?"

"I said that the work of creating health has come to an end, because the work that was delayed by creating health has to be put on the agenda. I said that Secretary Chen of the municipal party committee will go to our company for investigation the day after tomorrow. It is said to be a research, but actually it is to know how much output value we can do this year and how much foreign exchange we can create. .”

"Chuangwei is over and the inspection team has left?"


"How good is the creation? Can you comment on it?"

"Secretary Ding said that from the tone of the leader of the inspection team, I guess he can't comment this time. He said that there seems to be something wrong with the Public Security Bureau. The city leaders have just sent away the inspection team and are meeting with the heads of various units."

"What problems can go wrong with the Public Security Bureau?"

"I don't know that."

Could it be that I am...

Han Yuzheng thought it was ridiculous, and the waiter started to serve the food.

Han Xiangning poured drinks for them while thanking them for their hospitality when they went to Qibao Town five years ago.

Han Yu couldn't help but look at Liu Guohua again.

I have to admit that Lin Xiaohui has a good taste, and Liu Guohua is gentle, clean, energetic, and very polite.

It is worth mentioning that when he faced Lin Xiaohui, he was a bit like he faced his senior sister. He should also be a strict wife.

But then again, Lin Xiaohui grew up on a boat. She was inherently fierce and strong, so Liu Guohua was afraid that she was normal.

After a few mouthfuls of food and drinks, the conversation changed again.

Instead of talking roundaboutly about who knows her better, she now shows off her boyfriends.

One is a police officer, the other is the director of the foreign trade department of a Hong Kong-funded enterprise, and the other is a cadre of the Transportation Bureau. There is no comparison at all, but they are very happy.

The three men were embarrassed to show off, so they simply drank drinks instead of wine. You respect me, and I respect you.

"Xianyu, I asked Xiang Ning just now, and now I ask you again. There are so many ships from the shipping company running on the river. Please take care of them. If anything happens, please be merciful."

"Our police only check whether there are boat people certificates, and those who violate regulations are not under our control."

Han Yu put down his cup and smiled again: "Besides, I originally came from a shipping company, and my family's ship is still anchored by the company. If the company's fleet really encounters any trouble, how can I stand by and watch."

Jiang Bin quickly smiled and said: "I know that if you hadn't helped escort me back then, the company would have gone bankrupt long ago, and my dad's manager would have been unable to continue working."

“Does the company’s fleet still use the canal?”

"Still running, but not much."

"Have you ever encountered a water pirate ship tyrant?"

"In the two years after you helped to fight against them, the water bandits would circle around our Linghai fleet when they saw it, and then they wouldn't be able to do it anymore."

It was a severe blow and a deterrent for two years.

It seems that the crackdown must be continuous, and enforcement cannot be carried out on a campaign basis.

Han Yu was just thinking about whether he could wait any longer and walk through the canal again with the shipping company's fleet. Lin Xiaohui actually took Han Xiangning's arm, looked at him with a smile and said, "Sister Xiangning, I'm not complimenting you. Salted fish can find you." He is really lucky to have such a girlfriend, Xiaomei and I are happy for him from the bottom of our hearts."

"Yes, Sister Xiang Ning, you and Brother Xianyu are a perfect match. Xiaoyu said that when you get married next year, you must invite us."

"Definitely please. You should also invite me when you get married."

"I must ask you. Just as Jiang Bin asked you, I also want to ask you."

"Please what can I ask for?"

Lin Xiaohui touched the cup again and said with a smile: "Xianyu's father and mother are running boats. My father and mother are also running boats on the river. Please take care of me in the future."

Liu Xiaomei chuckled and said, "My father, mother, brother, and sister-in-law are also running boats. My family has two boats on the river, so I have to ask you, too."

Half an hour ago, Han Xiangning felt a little ashamed when facing Lin Xiaohui.

After all, Lin Xiaohui is so powerful. Now she is said to be the deputy manager of the Linghai branch of a Hong Kong-funded enterprise. In fact, she is almost the same as the general manager and can talk to the leaders of Linghai City.

He used "Big Brother" to buy imported skin care products and cosmetics worth thousands. He drove a Crown sedan with a black license plate. Not only did he buy a house in Donghai, he even had a blue-stamped household registration in Donghai.

Now seeing that she actually wanted to ask for her help, Han Xiangning finally found some confidence and said quickly: "It's not about asking for help. If you encounter anything in the future, just call me."

After eating and drinking, we chatted for a while, went to the front desk to pay, and went back to our respective homes.

Thinking that as a police officer of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, he couldn't even know where the Criminal Investigation Brigade was, Han Yu suggested stopping by to see his senior brother.

Han Xiangning also wanted to know if the blind brat who actually called her aunt had been dealt with, so she readily agreed.

After asking some passers-by, I finally found the Chengnan Police Station located in a small alley. Further on, I found the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Those four brats had already been escorted over by the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and several investigators were busy interrogating them.

When Xu Mingyuan heard that his junior brother was coming, he quickly handed over the interrogation work to his subordinates, ran out and asked, "Why haven't you gone back yet? What are you doing here?"

"Let's see how your trial goes."

"The interrogation went very smoothly, and basically everything that needed to be explained was explained."

Xu Mingyuan looked back behind him and continued: "They are indeed not the first offenders. They first blackmailed their classmates in school. After a few attempts, they became more and more courageous and their appetite grew. From blackmailing to lonely young women in society, , and it actually escalated into a robbery with a knife in broad daylight.”

Han Yu asked: "Did those lesbians who were extorted before report the crime?"

"I reported them to the Chengnan Police Station and dealt with them several times. Because they were young and had low case value, they could only fine them, criticize and educate them, order their parents to compensate for their financial losses, and take them back for strict discipline."

"What about this time? Do we have to let it go this time too?"

"It's impossible this time. They all robbed with knives. God knows what they will do if they are let go again. Moreover, the city leaders attach great importance to this case and require strict investigation and quick punishment. They will definitely be sent to a juvenile detention center. They will not do it again. Show mercy."

"Do all city leaders know?"

"You don't know what you did?"

"What did I do?"

Xu Mingyuan was really worried about his junior brother, so he simply pulled him aside and explained with a wry smile: "The possibility of Chuangwei being able to be created this time is not high. After all, the conditions in the city are here, and they can't be compared with Zhangjiagang." ? But the city leaders want political achievements, but they still have no confidence in establishing it."

Han Yu asked: "Then what."

"It seems that it has not been established, but it cannot be said that the work has not been done well, nor can it appear that the city leaders are not overestimating their own capabilities. They must find someone to take the blame. Otherwise, they have spent so much manpower and financial resources only to have nothing in the end. How can they keep up with the explanations."

"Who should take the blame?"

"You were paraded through the streets with those little bastards in the afternoon and were seen by the inspection team. It seriously affected the image of our Linghai and directly led to the failure of Chuangwei. If you don't take the blame, who will?"

Han Yu was amused and couldn't help but laugh: "Senior Brother, are you kidding me? I don't care which onions and which garlic. This pot is too big and heavy. I can't carry it even if I want to."

Xu Mingyuan patted him on the shoulder and said helplessly: "Of course the city leaders will not look for you. The city leaders will only look for Bureau Zhang, Political Commissar Ding and Bureau Li."

"So the bureau is taking the blame?"

"Absolutely. You are just giving me a pillow for sleepiness, giving the city a good excuse for the failure of the establishment. But I can't blame you. The bureau's work is indeed not done well. The security situation in the past few years has been one year. Not as good as one year.”

Han Yu realized the seriousness of the problem, and could even imagine Director Yang, Political Commissar Ding, and Director Li being criticized, and hurriedly said: "Senior Brother, let's go first. If you have any questions, call us."

Xu Mingyuan urged: "Hurry up and go as fast as possible. Stay at Yingchuang Port and don't come back again if nothing happens."

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