Riverside police

Chapter 245 No borrowing!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the conference room on the second floor of the barge of the Yanjiang Police Station.

Sun Jiawen, deputy political commissar and director of the Political Office of the Linghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, came on behalf of the party committee of the bureau to announce the decision to abolish the Yanjiang Police Station and remove Zhang Mingyuan from his position as director, and appoint Han Yu as the captain of the Water Police Squadron of the No. 4 Police Station.

Shi Shengyong, the director of the No. 4 Police Station, and Li Xiancheng, the instructor, arrived.

Liu Xinmin, director of the Bailonggang Police Station of the Changhang Branch, and Jiang Xiaojun, the instructor, were invited to attend the meeting.

If you want to improve public security in Bailonggang, you cannot rely solely on the local police. For such a big thing as the abolition of the Yanjiang Police Station and the establishment of the Marine Police Squadron of the No. 4 Police Station, you must communicate with the Bailonggang Police Station.

Deputy Political Commissar Sun announced the decision of the bureau party committee, fully affirming the achievements of the Yanjiang Police Station, especially Zhang Mingyuan, in the past few years, and then changed the topic: "You must be surprised that for such a major matter of unit organization and personnel adjustment, it stands to reason that Bailonggang Long-distance should be invited The police from the bus station police station were present, but we were not invited.”

Not only Yanjiang Police Station and Bailonggang Police Station were on duty in Bailonggang to help each other, but there was also a station police office.

Lao Liu always wanted to ask why he wasn't invited. When Sun Jiawen brought it up, he asked curiously: "Why not invite him?"

People are serious people and must be treated with courtesy.

Sun Jiawen opened the folder, took out a document and handed it to Old Liu. He explained with a smile: "After research and decision by superiors, Binjiang Passenger Transport Corporation will hand over the Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station to our Linghai Passenger Transport Company within this week. .

The Public Transport Branch of Binjiang City Public Security Bureau must also transfer the police office of Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station to our Linghai Public Security Bureau in accordance with the requirements of its superiors. The party committee of our bureau studied and decided to establish the Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station Police Office of the No. 4 Police Station.

Considering that the Marine Police Squadron is closer to the bus station, the security of Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station is entrusted to the Marine Police Squadron. Comrade Han Yu, you have been working in Bailonggang for a long time, and you should be very familiar with the police in the station police room. When the time comes, you will be responsible for handing over to them on behalf of the bureau. "

The superior units are sometimes really utilitarian.

For example, the route from Bailong Port to Taoming Island was suspended when there were no passengers. When Linghai Shipping Company resumed the route and the passenger volume increased, the Municipal Steamship Company took back the route and resumed operation.

Another example is the Bailonggang Ship Lock, which used to have many ships passing through the lock every day and received a lot of lock fees every day. It has always been affiliated with the Provincial Department of Transportation.

Nowadays, due to serious sedimentation in the North Branch Channel and the fact that the lock is too small to accommodate large ships, fewer and fewer ships are passing through the lock. The Department of Transportation handed over the Bailonggang Ship Lock to the Binjiang Municipal Transportation Bureau.

Unexpectedly, the passenger volume of Bailong Port was not as large as before, and the Municipal Passenger Transport Corporation actually wanted to hand over the Bailong Port Long-distance Bus Station to Linghai Passenger Transport Company.

They rush to get it when it is booming, and throw away the burden when it is not profitable. How could they do this?

Han Yu secretly cursed, raised his head and said, "Yes!"

Sun Jiawen nodded slightly, looked at the photos and banners hanging on the wall, and said in a measured tone: "Comrade Han Yu, you are the youngest squadron leader of our Linghai Public Security Bureau. This is not only the trust in you from the organization, but also the trust in you." Recognition and affirmation of your work over the past few years. I hope you will take today as a new starting point and enter your role with a new attitude and a new working realm..."

Shi Shengyong had heard of Xianyu more than once. After all, Xianyu had been the youngest policeman in the Linghai Public Security Bureau for several consecutive years and was Xu Sanye's apprentice, but today was the first time he met him.

In the past, people mentioned salted fish as "little salted fish", but when I saw it, I found that it was not small at all.

He was really depressed about being demoted to the Fourth Factory Police Station, but he knew very well that Xianyu could not be blamed for all this, because if any other police officers encountered such a thing, they would have resolutely and decisively controlled those four lawless little bastards and sent them to prison. Bureau.

He was very clear in his heart, but when he saw Xianyu, he would think of how unlucky he was, and he even couldn't help but think of the time when he was being disciplined by Xu Sanye, and he couldn't like Xianyu, his subordinate.

"Comrade Han Yu, as for the next work of the squadron, your Shi Institute and Li Jiao will discuss it with you."

Sun Jiawen encouraged him, and while packing up the documents, he turned sideways and smiled: "Liu Suo, Jiang Jiao, the crackdown is about to begin. There are a lot of things in the bureau. I guess you are just as busy. How about we go downstairs together and get some water?" Put up the police squadron sign?”


"Shengyong, where is the brand?"

"Bring it and put it down below."

"Comrade Han Yu, this is also a historic moment. It will be written into the annals of our Linghai Public Security Bureau in the future. Don't you have cameras? Bring them over and let Xiaoyu take a picture for us later."

"Okay, I'll get it."

It's better to say it's to hang up the sign than to pick it off, and it's still worth a few bucks once you pick it up.

Linghai County has become Linghai City, and the previous signs of "Linghai County Public Security Bureau Coastal Police Station" and "Linghai County Public Security Bureau Water Security Police Brigade" have not been replaced.

No need to change it now, just take it off.

The signs that Yu Xiucai had previously hung on the pontoon were "Linghai Police Station, Water Branch of Binjiang City Public Security Bureau" and "Linghai Brigade, Water Security Police Detachment of Binjiang City Public Security Bureau" must also be taken down.

Compared with the listing ceremony when the barge was put into use, it is much more convenient to take photos today.

Xiaoyu stood on the "old antique" and took a dozen photos in a row with mixed feelings, taking pictures of the whole process of hanging the sign "Linghai City Public Security Bureau No. 4 Police Station Water Security Police Squadron".

Han Yu felt equally uncomfortable because these brands were all related to Master.

Once the brand is gone, even fewer people will remember Master.

Sun Jiawen didn't know what the two fishes were thinking. He clapped his hands, looked back at the newly hung sign and said with a smile: "Liu Suo, Jiang Jiao, my task is completed. The bureau is too busy. During this period, there are only a few meetings a day. Sorry, I'll take the first step."

"It's okay, we'll see you off."

"Don't send me off, stay. The Marine Police Squadron will ask for more help from you in the future. You are also welcome to visit our station when you have time."

Leave as soon as the bureau leader says.

Han Yu followed his two immediate superiors to see off the bureau leaders, and then "sent off" Liu Suo and Jiang Jiao. Then when he came back, he accompanied his two immediate superiors to visit the barge and 001, while reporting on the work of the abolished Yanjiang Police Station in the past few years.

Although Lao Zhang and Lao Ding were both subordinates of Shi Suo and Li Jiao, they were both old comrades who had retired to the second line, and both had served as directors.

Given his qualifications, it was impossible for him to be as respectful as Han Yu was to the director and instructor. The two sat in the duty room smoking and drinking tea.

This is Shi Shengyong’s first time on a barge, and also his first time on 001.

In the past, I only knew that the barge and 001 were the most valuable fixed assets in the bureau. After walking around, it was really eye-opening. I returned to the command and control room on the second floor and looked at the large radio station sponsored by the Port Authority and the VHF radio station sponsored by the Port Supervision Bureau. and the satellite phone sponsored by the customs, and asked calmly: "Xiao Han, can you compile a list of equipment when you have time?"

"No need to sort it out anymore, I sorted it out last night."

Han Yu opened his desk drawer and took out a stack of lists.

You wouldn't know it if you didn't read it, but after flipping through it, you will be surprised to find that there are quite a lot of items, including large and small items, which add up to a full eighteen pages.

Shi Shengyong put down the list and asked: "There is a jeep on the shore. Why is it not on the list?"

What does a leader do? A leader is to manage people and money.

And this money is not just cash, but also assets.

Han Yu had already been mentally prepared and raised his head and said: "The situation of that car is quite special. Back then, we cooperated with the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau to crack down on scalpers who resold ferry tickets. The leaders of the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau considered that we did not have decent transportation, so they The car was lent to us.

Later, the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau was integrated into the Changhang Public Security Bureau. Maybe they considered that it would not be appropriate to return the cars after they had been loaned out for a few years. Moreover, the cars were almost scrapped and the procedures were not complete, so they did not include them in the list of fixed assets of their bureau. . "

Shi Shengyong smiled and asked: "So the jeep on the shore doesn't rely on both ends?"

"Absolutely. Now it neither belongs to our bureau nor the Changhang Branch. It can be said to be an 'ownerless car'."

"Xiao Han, Li Jiao and I discussed it yesterday. Considering that you have to be in charge of the water security inspection station on the other side of the lock, you will soon take over the Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station Police Office, and you also have to maintain public security on the river. Although The police force in the station is very tight, but we have decided not to deploy you to participate in the crackdown on shore."

"Thank you Shi Suo, thank you Li Jiao."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I haven't finished yet."

Shi Shengyong and Li Jiao looked at each other and sighed softly: "Others don't know the conditions in the institute, but you should know it very well. There is only one tricycle, and it is always broken. We will crack down hard soon. We can't even have a car." , can you lend the jeep on the shore to the institute for a few days?"

What's the point of borrowing? It's obvious.

Although he knew very well that if he lent it out, he would never come back, Han Yu happily agreed: "No problem, I just refueled before driving back from Yingchuan Port."

"thank you."

"Shi Suo, I'm also a police officer in the station. Isn't it too intrusive to say thank you?"

"Okay, I'm not polite to you anymore."

Shi Shengyong smiled slightly and continued: "Then there is finance. The bureau asked for a handover. When Li Jiao came here in the morning, he asked Zhang Suo, and Zhang Suo handed over the accounts to you last night."

The Yanjiang Police Station has become the Marine Police Squadron. The squadron is now under the control of the Fourth Factory Police Station. Of course, the previous accounts must be handed over to the Fourth Factory Police Station.

Han Yu didn't think this was a challenge, so he immediately opened the filing cabinet and took out a pile of account books.

While flipping through the pages, Li Jiao asked half-jokingly: "Xiao Han, everyone knows that you are rich, why do you only have accounts but no cash? Doesn't the landlord's family have any food left?"

"Reporting to Li Jiao, the institute has not generated much income in the past few years, and has not attracted any sponsorship. Even the reserve fund has been spent. Zhang said that the finance department has no money and cannot reimburse it for the time being. We really have no money now. But we can save oil. A little bit, but those fuel stamps were all brought back from the Water Branch and were not included in the account."

"How much fuel did you save?"

"Saved up thirty-eight thousand six hundred dollars in gas."

"What are you saving so much for?"

When you are in the Fourth Marine Police Squadron, you enjoy preferential policies. As long as the confiscated funds are returned to the branch, the branch will return the amount to the Fourth Marine Police Squadron.

Considering that it is not easy to handle the returned money, if it is not clear in the personal name, it will definitely be regarded as misappropriation of public funds. It is unrealistic to open a public account, and it is simply replaced with gas stamps.

Gas stamps can be converted into cash at any time, and once you have saved enough money, you can use it to repair your boat.

When I accompanied them on the tour just now, I reported that both the barge and 001 needed to be overhauled, and 001 even needed to replace its main and auxiliary engines, but the two immediate superiors seemed not interested in spending money.

Han Yu simply stopped mentioning it, as mentioning it would only cause trouble for others. He turned around and looked at 001 who was moored next to the "Old Antique" and explained: "Li Jiao, 001 will burn more than a thousand yuan of oil a day when deployed. , and we have to be dispatched at any time, so we must save more fuel."

"You are assisting the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority in enforcing the law. Doesn't the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority come out with the oil money?"

"The key is that we not only need to assist the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority in enforcing the law, we can't just do side jobs and forget about the main job. We usually go to the river to carry out security patrols. If there is a fire on a ship on the river, fire rescue is required."

Han Yu paused and added: "If you encounter a typhoon or heavy rain, you will even have to participate in the prevention of typhoons and floods. This summer, the prevention of typhoons and floods burned more than 17,000 yuan of oil, and the city's defense department promised to reimburse it. Maybe the funds for finger prevention are tight, but every time I called them, they told me to wait.”

Shi Shengyong knew something about these situations, and he felt from the bottom of his heart that Xu Sanye had made a bad start and had taken on too much work that was not the responsibility of the Public Security Bureau.

But I have been doing it for so many years, and now I can’t even think about quitting it.

For example, if someone is drowning on the river, you obviously have a law enforcement rescue boat, so it is impossible not to rescue him.

Another example is if a fire breaks out on a ship on the river. Your law enforcement rescue ship has high-pressure water cannons and it is impossible not to put out the fire.

An organization that only invests but has no return is not a good organization, and the funds in the institute are not only very tight, but have none at all, and even owe more than 70,000 yuan in foreign debt.

No matter how hard I try to make some money, the salary of the police assistant will not be paid.

Shi Shengyong didn't want to go back just like that. He looked at Han Yu with a smile and asked, "Xiao Han, even if you save gas, you don't need to save that much. Can you lend me 20,000 gas stamps to help the office work?"

Other things are easy to discuss, and money matters are out of the question. If I really "lend" the money to you, what will I use to repair the ship...

Han Yu said without hesitation: "No."

"Xiao Han, you can't trust me, are you worried that I won't pay you back?"

"Shi Suo, I'm sorry, I really can't borrow gas tickets, and these gas tickets don't belong to our bureau."

"What's the meaning."

"I just reported that these fuel stamps were brought back from the Water Branch. Although they are not money, they are similar to money. They must be earmarked for their own use."

"I know you want to repair the ship, but can't these ships still be used for three or four years? Things have to be prioritized and they will be severely punished soon. This is when the institute is most short of funds. Besides, we are borrowing it, just for turnover. , I will return it to you when I have the money.”

"Shisuo, Li Jiao, I'm sorry, I can't borrow the gas coupons. The institute's funds are tight. You should think of other ways."

"Ten thousand won't do."

"Not even a cent!"

"Xiao Han, are you a police officer from our Linghai Public Security Bureau?"

"It has nothing to do with whether I am a policeman from the Linghai Public Security Bureau. Even if Director Yang and Political Commissar Ding come to lend me a hand, I will still tell them this."

Han Yu didn't want to bargain with his two immediate superiors, so he took a deep breath and said very seriously: "Not only can't you borrow it, but if our squadron seizes something and doesn't return it, the bureau will also have to pay whatever amount the city finance returns to the bureau. Return every cent to our squadron."

Shi Shengyong thought he had heard wrongly, so he stared at him and asked, "Why didn't I know about this?"

"I want to save money to repair the ship. The bureau's funds are tight and cannot squeeze out funds, so we have given preferential policies. Shi Suo and Li Jiao, if you don't believe me, you can call Bureau Yang and Political Commissar Ding."

"Saving oil is equivalent to saving money, and you plan to keep it for repairing the boat?"


"Putting gas stamps worth tens of thousands that can be cashed at any time with an individual is no different from setting up a small treasury. This does not comply with financial management regulations!"

"I don't have the gas stamps with me. They were given to Ding Suo for safekeeping last night, and a separate account was made."

Han Yu also stared at his immediate boss, and said without being arrogant: "And the money for buying oil is not only the refund of fines, but also the labor fees for helping the Port Supervision Bureau to divert water and going to the Changhang Shipping Branch, the Port Supervision Bureau, the Port Authority, and the Agriculture Bureau. Lecture fees at the Fishery Administration Station.”

Shi Shengyong asked in surprise: "What class are you teaching?"

"Water Firefighting."

"What about diverting water?"

"Piloting water is piloting. I am a third-level pilot. I have to take the pilot boat of the Port Supervision Bureau to pilot navigation at the estuary at least three times a month."

"You are a police officer, not a Hong Kong supervisor."

"I reported to Shi Institute that my participation in piloting was requested by the leaders of the municipal bureau. We have very few pilots in Binjiang, and whether there are pilots on board for piloting is not only related to the economic construction of the city, but also to the sovereignty of the country."

It seems that they really don't know these situations.

Han Yu thought for a while and added: "I used to go to TV University to give lectures to seamen, which was requested by Secretary Chen of the Municipal Party Committee and Director Yang. Later I went to give lectures at the Changhang Shipping Branch, the Port Authority, the Port Supervision Bureau and the Fishery Administration Station of the Agriculture Bureau. It was approved by Director Peng and Political Commissar Wang.”

The gas stamps were not bought with money from the Linghai Public Security Bureau. One of them even paid for them. Even if the political commissar of the bureau came, he could not force them to borrow them.

Shi Shengyong finally understood that the former Yanjiang Police Station and the current Marine Police Squadron were completely different units from the grassroots police stations on the shore.

When Xu Sanye was there, he had equal dialogues with the leaders of the Port Supervision Bureau, Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau and Customs.

Now that Xu Sanye is gone, his young apprentice has inherited the mantle and is better than his old master. He not only cooperates with several large units, but also goes out to give lectures. He was even assigned to perform security duties by the Provincial Security Office.

Not to mention that he, the director, couldn't control him, even Director Yang and Political Commissar Ding couldn't control him.

Since I can't control you, then don't care.

Don't you like to stay on the boat? I will let you stay on the riverside forever like your master did before he was alive. It has entered the second half of the year. At the end of the year, merit and awards will be judged, excellence and advanced will be judged, and you will not have any share!

Shi Shengyong made up his mind to let the fish fend for itself. He didn't mention borrowing gas coupons again. He talked for a while about the water security checkpoint and taking over the work of the station police office, then took the keys and drove the jeep. Return home.

Lao Liu and Jiang Xiaojun returned, and together with Lao Zhang and Lao Ding, they asked about the situation in the command and control room. The four old comrades couldn't help laughing.

"I offended the director and instructors, but you can actually laugh."

"This doesn't mean offending, this means adhering to principles. If it really meant offending, you would have offended me long ago, otherwise I wouldn't have been sent to the Fourth Factory."

Old Liu laughed and took out a car key from his pocket: "Give them that old jeep if they want it. If the old one doesn't go away and the new one doesn't come, we can open Changhe in the future."

Han Yu grinned and said, "How embarrassing is this."

The young man really has Xu Sanye's style, and he actually pushed back his two immediate bosses.

As one of Xu Sanye's few friends, Jiang Xiaojun was very pleased and patted his arm: "We don't know how to drive. Even if we can drive, we don't have the money to refuel. Instead of leaving it idle, I might as well lend it to you to drive."

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "It seems that Shi Shengyong doesn't want to care about you anymore. That's fine. You don't care about what others care about anyway."

Lao Ding took the cigarette from Lao Liu and said with emotion: "It seems that it's not just Shi Shengyong who doesn't want to take care of you, maybe even Director Yang and the boss don't want to take care of you anymore, otherwise they wouldn't all come today, but let Sun Jiawen is here."

In the Linghai Public Security Bureau, they ignore you and treat you as if you don't exist, leaving you to fend for yourself. It can be said that this is a heavier punishment than putting shoes on.

Han Yu didn't expect it to happen like this. He took away the car keys and said with a bitter smile: "Director Peng doesn't want to care about me. It seems that no one likes me just like my master."

"Who said no one is in charge? There are still us, right?"

Lao Zhang was afraid that the young man would not be able to think clearly, so he advised: "It is good to stay by the river. Although it is lively on the shore, there are many people and things to do."

Just as he was talking, Xiaoyu ran over and asked: "Dried salted fish, what should I do with the sign I took off?"

Before Han Yu could speak, Lao Ding smiled meaningfully and said: "Put it in the warehouse first. If you change the brand in the future, polish it with sandpaper, then brush it with paint. It can still be used if you write on it."

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