Riverside police

Chapter 246 No money stumps the heroic man (1)

The handover between the two passenger transport companies is more complicated, but the handover at the station police room is very simple.

There was only one office in total, two old desks and a few chairs, not even a filing cabinet. After taking the key from Lao Gu, a policeman from the public transportation branch who was about to retire, the handover was completed.

Since the squadron has few civilian police assisting police officers, it has a lot of work to do, and labor must be divided.

Lao Ding has been on duty at the station since yesterday. One person is enough. If something happens, you can ask Lao Liu and Jiang Ke in the waiting room opposite for help.

Lao Zhang and police officer Lao Yan are in charge of the water security checkpoint located at the lock, while Xiaoyu and Zhu Baogen are in charge of the barge and 001.

You guys can't just work without taking a break.

Precisely because there are few people, rest times must be staggered. Han Yu, the squadron leader, has become a "mobile team member". Wherever there is someone taking a rest, he will go to that side.

Although very busy, it feels so good to be home.

In Han Yu's subconscious mind, the barge is his real home.

What's more, the senior sister rode her little Qingqi over to reunite with him after work yesterday. Listening to the news playing on the loudspeaker and looking at the surging river outside the window, it seemed like she was back to the time when she really regarded her as her senior student.

The only difference is that I can no longer see Master or hear Master's singing.

Thinking of one morning when Sister Zhu couldn't help humming a folk song, the master actually sang duet with her. Han Yu couldn't help but open the window and shouted at the top of his lungs: "The spring river water passes in front of the door, and the little brother lives on the other side!"

Han Xiangning, who had just finished washing and was about to go upstairs, was stunned. He raised his head with the washbasin in hand and sang: "Penny is o'clock, the sun is setting, and my sister's heart is full of love!"

"The spring river flows through my dream. The river is beautiful and the scenery is beautiful. My sister has no intention of looking at the beautiful scenery. She sings love songs over the mountains and ridges. The love songs are better than the spring river water. My sister sings about my brother and..."

The young couple sang together.

As he was singing in full swing, Jin Da came out with a teacup in his hand: "You sang well, let's play another part."

"I was singing for fun, I won't sing anymore."

Han Xiangning smiled and quickly sent the towel, washbasin, toothpaste and toothbrush to the dormitory.

The water rescue center, like the traffic control center, had to work night shifts. She had worked a twenty-four-hour shift before and could rest for twenty-four hours until she took over her shift this afternoon.

Xiaoyu has a day off today and seems to be helping his family go to the small commodity wholesale market in Binjiang to purchase goods. Han Yu must stay on the barge, otherwise no one will call 001 if something happens on the river.

Jin Weiguo held the tea cup and said with a smile: "Xianyu, I'm keeping an eye on you. You can accompany Ning Ning ashore for a walk."

"Going out to play during working hours, Uncle Jin, you are making me make a mistake."

"What are the working hours? You eat, drink, and sleep on the barge, and you stay on the job longer than anyone else. Doing work is important, but you must also balance work and rest. Besides, who has nothing to do?"

"Xiaoyu has a day off today. Uncle Zhu is the only one on the barge. How can I get away?"

"Isn't this me?"

Jin Weiguo leaned over and looked down, and said with a smile: "If anything happens, I will call you through the walkie-talkie. Even if the walkie-talkie cannot call, I can still call the paging station to call you."

In the past two or three months, I have been either fighting fires or preventing typhoons and floods. I also went to Jiangcheng to perform security duties. After returning, I had to give lectures everywhere. I finally had some time to study on my own for the public security management course at the OUHK, but I didn't even have time to go shopping with my senior sister.

Then thinking about where Zhang was in the ship lock and where Ding was in the station police room, which were not far from the barge, Han Yu grinned and said, "Then Ning Ning and I will go to Factory No. 4."

Han Xiangning asked happily: "Okay, okay, when will we go?"

Before Han Yu could speak, Jin Weiguo urged: "Go now, go early, we are on the boat."

Han Yu put on his casual clothes and rode on a small Qingqi to take his sister to school. He did not go directly to Sichang Town. Instead, he first went to the station police office and the waiting room of Bailonggang Passenger Terminal for a walk, and then went to the ship lock to have a look before heading there. Factory Four.

Han Xiangning looked at the familiar scenery on the roadside and asked curiously: "Who is using the house of the Fourth Squadron now?"

"That's not the Fourth Squadron house."

"I know, it turned out to be from the No. 4 Water Conservancy Station."

"Isn't there a cement prefabricated yard by the river in the south? The owner of the prefabricated yard is getting bigger and bigger. I didn't want an office building before, but now I have money and want one, so the Sichang Town Government sold the house to them."

"Then where did Second Senior Brother and the others move?"

"Moved to Sichang Town."

"We can go look for him later, just in time to find the door."

"can not go."

"Why?" Han Xiangning asked puzzledly.

Han Yu looked at the bridge in the distance and said lightly: "Second Senior Brother is working in the same yard as the Fourth Factory Police Station. Shisuo and Li Jiao borrowed money from me a few days ago and I didn't borrow it. I must be unhappy. If I see It would be embarrassing."

Juniors are notorious for being stingy.

In the past, I was just frugal, but now I am stingy with the use of public funds.

Han Xiangning was not worried that he would offend his boss. After all, he had a place to stay. He had a drawer of certificates. Where could he go without food?

It is no exaggeration to say that no matter where you go, you will not be worse than in the public security system.

But thinking that the reason why my junior became so stingy was not just because of work needs, but also because he didn’t want to live up to his master’s trust during his lifetime, he asked in a low voice: “Is it worth offending so many leaders to repair the ship?”


"But then no one will like you, not only the boss, but also the colleagues in the office."

"I know, I don't care."

"You really don't care?"

"I walk a different path than they do. It's normal for them not to understand."

Han Xiangning muttered: "Being a marine policeman in the local public security bureau is a difficult road. You are different from your master. Besides, times have changed. Even if your master is still alive, I don't think he can go very far."

Han Yu had thought about this issue countless times and had already figured it out.

He looked back at his senior sister and said with emotion: "I have thought about this, and Master also analyzed it for me when he was still alive. If he had not suffered from bone cancer, as you said, times have changed, he might not be able to go far. But I can go far.”

"What's the meaning?"

"I can drive and repair ships. I have many certificates. And in the past few years, I have said that I am a police officer of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, but in fact, I work as a shipping police officer."

From the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau to the Changhang Donghai Branch, and then to the Donghai Maritime Public Security Bureau, now that I have returned, I continue to help each other with the Bailonggang Police Station of the Changhang Public Security Binjiang Branch, and continue to deal with the police teams of Baishen and Bailiu...

If you think about it carefully, the junior fellow student is not so much the local police, but the police of the port and shipping system.

Just when Han Xiangning thought it was funny, Han Yu sighed: "In the eyes of others, I am as marginalized as Master was back then. In fact, every loss must be a gain. I have gained more than I have lost."

"What did you get?"

"The Linghai Public Security Bureau is different from the Shuangshui Branch, and Luo Wenjiang and I are even more different. Do you know how difficult it is to be a squadron leader in the Linghai Public Security Bureau? Although the senior brother was very young when he became the squadron leader, he was I did it when Master still had some power."

Han Yu smiled and continued: "He became the squadron leader at the age of twenty-seven, the second senior brother became the squadron leader at the age of thirty-two, and I became the squadron leader at the age of twenty-two. If I were not a marine policeman, I would be The security police on the shore and this squadron leader can’t take my turn.”

"I'm making you the squadron leader, but I'm not giving you a minor subject. Are you so happy?"

"The grassroots level is different from large units like your Port Supervision Bureau, and the county-level public security bureau is different from other units. Although Linghai has become a city, the Linghai Public Security Bureau is only a department-level unit, and the deputy department is the deputy director! Ninety percent of police officers will not be able to advance to deputy positions even after retirement, so being able to become a squadron leader is already pretty good."

I have to admit that what my junior said makes sense.

Ding Zuo has been the police station chief for so many years and is retiring soon. He is only a stockholder.

Zhang has worked in the public security system for decades, and also served as the chief of a police station. He is about to retire, and he is still a stockholder.

There are many police officers in the local public security bureau, but there are only a few positions in the main and deputy departments. It is too difficult to promote. If political commissar Wang had not been transferred to the Shuangshui Branch, he would probably still be a deputy department now.

Han Xiangning was not sure how to evaluate it when the bell tower of Dasheng Fourth Textile Factory, founded by the number one scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, came into view.

Hearing the sound of conch shells, I crouched in the room and said something to my mind!

This is a jingle that was circulated many years ago, which means that when the "wave conch" of Factory No. 4 rings, you have to rush to work and can no longer stay at home.

"Boluo" is actually a conch, which is what the Linghai people call the larger conch.

When people blow the conch vigorously, it makes a "woo-woo" sound, and the sound waves can travel far in the open riverside. The shape, sounding method and sound of the No. 4 whistle are similar to conch, so Linghai people call it conch.

The former Fourth Factory was once known as Nanjing Road on the riverside.

The town prospered due to the prosperity of Dasheng No. 4 Textile Factory that lasted for a hundred years. As the saying goes, the town prospered when the factory prospered. Most families in the town had people working in Bin Cotton No. 4 Textile Factory. For a long time, the wages in the factory were higher than Wages in other units are much higher.

Therefore, the economic conditions of the families of workers in the Fourth Factory are obviously better than those of workers in collective units in the town, and much better than those of nearby villagers' families.

It is said that one year, the factory even recruited hundreds of girls from the provincial capital.

Every Sunday, Jiangcheng girls wearing pigtails and floral skirts can be seen everywhere in shopping malls, shops, streets and alleys in the town, bringing a new trend to this century-old town.

When the Fourth Factory was most prosperous, it was a well-known large enterprise in the national textile system, and textile factory tour groups from all over the country often came to learn from it.

Now it is not as popular as before. Several sections of the river protecting the factory have been filled in, but the unfilled river is still very wide. Only large and small cement ships transporting cotton can be seen, docking at the small wharf of the factory area, and a square cotton bale passes by. The dock conveyor belt brings it ashore.

The majestic bell tower is the symbol of Sichang and the landmark building of Sichang Town.

It is said that in that era of burning passion, two factions in the factory wanted to seize the bell tower.

Under the bell tower is the solemn factory gate. The large stone bridge in front of the factory gate, which the locals are accustomed to call the Main Gate Bridge, is strong and wide.

At night, the area near the Main Gate Bridge is the brightest place in Factory No. 4.

Children like to run to the bridge to play and chase and fight. When they run across the bridge, the guards will come to chase them away, for fear that the children will cause trouble and enter the factory gate.

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