Riverside police

Chapter 321 Dare to fight and dare to fight

I have never encountered any difficulties before, and even if I did, my elders and leaders would help me and worry about it. I don’t know how difficult life is, especially how difficult it is for ordinary people to solve problems when they encounter them.

After two days of running around, Han Yu finally realized what it meant to be difficult to enter, ugly to look at, difficult to listen to, and difficult to do!

After finally getting in, finding someone, talking to someone, and having a profound understanding of what it means to play ball, and how to push the blame between departments.

People from the Education Bureau said that those schools were not under the management of the Education Bureau and asked them to go to the Labor Bureau.

When I found the Labor Bureau, no one greeted me at first. I knocked on the office door one by one, but someone finally came forward. After asking about the situation, I was asked to go to the Education Bureau.

I rushed to the Education Bureau again to report the problem. The people from the Education Bureau repeatedly emphasized that it was not under their control. They asked me to go back to the Labor Bureau and suggested that they go to the Adult Education Committee and the Vocational Education Association.

The Adult Education Council is at least the executive branch of the government. What does the Vocational Education Association do?

After asking around for a long time, I found out that it is a non-profit social group composed of departments or individuals from various enterprises, institutions and administrative units engaged in employee education, vocational training, and vocational skill appraisal. Huayuan is actually a member of this association. .

Originally, the relevant departments were asked to report Huayuan's problems, but they were actually asked to find out if an association that a group of vocational training schools participated in was useful. Han Yu was made to laugh and cry.

As expected, the person in charge of the reception confidently spoke for Huayuan, and even brought out the Constitution and a bunch of laws and regulations, claiming that private education was advocated by the state, and the collection of tuition and miscellaneous fees was reasonable and legal, because the documents were clearly written in black and white. Chu, school-running units or individuals can obtain "reasonable returns."

As for not refunding tuition fees if you drop out of school, that's the school's rules and regulations.

Although he never expected them to solve the problem, Han Yu still took out the newspaper with the recruitment advertisement from his bag: "Secretary-General, they are making false propaganda. What the recruitment advertisement says is completely different from the reality. This is deception. Even fraud!”

The old secretary-general in his fifties took the newspaper and read it, then put it down and said with a smile: "It's an advertisement. It's a bit exaggerated. If it's not an exaggeration, it wouldn't be called an advertisement."

"Is this just an exaggeration?"

"Comrade Han Yu, none of the advertisements on TV are exaggerated. Are you homesick after drinking wine at the Kong family? If you think there is a problem with the advertisement, you can report it to the industrial and commercial department. We are a vocational education association, mainly to cooperate with the municipal government in vocational work. Teach development.”

"So you don't care?"

"It's not under our control, and the problem you reported is not a problem. Principal Lin of Huayuan has agreed to refund half of your tuition fees, what else do you want."

Xiao Gong did not disappoint. The matter of finding students who were about to go to work in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was going very smoothly. He was leaving early tomorrow morning. Han Yu no longer needed to stay here. He put away the newspaper, stood up and said: "Secretary-General, please Please send a message to Principal Lin for me."

"If you have any questions, you should ask him yourself. If you have any questions, tell him in person."

"I couldn't find him. I went to school four times and he avoided me."

Han Yu smiled and said meaningfully: "Please tell him, refunding half of the tuition fees is definitely not possible. Our current requirement is to refund the tuition and miscellaneous fees in full and compensate the financial losses of the three children and three parents, that is, Travel expenses to Gaozhou and lost work expenses, and at the same time, they must explain clearly how they know the names of the students in my jurisdiction."

At first it was just a request for a refund of tuition and accommodation fees, but later it became a request for a refund of tuition and accommodation fees and a clear explanation of how to recruit students. Now the conditions have changed again, and there is an additional compensation for losses!

The secretary-general of the association really couldn't figure out how the fire-fighting policeman in front of him had the confidence, so he said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I have no obligation to tell you."

"okay, bye."

All that needs to be said has been said. Since they are shameless, we can only show them some color.

Han Yu walked out of the Vocational Education Association, stopped a motorcycle on the roadside and went straight to the Gaozhou City Public Security Bureau. He identified himself with a policeman on duty and showed his letter of introduction, work permit and official document requesting cooperation, explaining the purpose of his visit.

As expected, the other party understood the situation and was helpless, saying that this was an educational dispute, similar to an economic dispute, and was beyond their control.

Just when Han Yu returned to the hotel to pack his things, Principal Lin of Huayuan Vocational and Technical School was having dinner with some friends in a restaurant.

The secretary-general of the association who had met Han Yu before was also there. After two glasses of wine, he naturally mentioned that the young deputy captain of the fire brigade of the Binjiang Branch of the Changhang Public Security Bureau wanted to explain that he wanted Huayuan to refund his tuition and miscellaneous fees, and even planned to ask Huayuan to refund his tuition and miscellaneous fees. Far from compensating for losses.

"I know that he has gone to the Education Bureau, the Labor Bureau, the Adult Education Office, and just now he went to the Public Security Bureau."

"Principal Lin, there's no end to that kid."

"Ask him to find him. I have inquired. He is not a regular police officer. He is a bit like a railway policeman. He is not even a national cadre. So what if he is a formal police officer? We run a school legally. Will I be afraid of him?"

I have been getting phone calls every now and then in the past two days, all about that firefighter.

The more Principal Lin thought about it, the more depressed he became. He raised his glass and said, "At that time, I was giving face to Huang Wenhua of the Chengnan Police Station and promised to refund half of their tuition fees. He was so shameless and reported my problems everywhere. Don't even think about it now." retreat!"

A short and plump colleague raised his head and said, "But it won't be a problem if this continues. He will go to that unit to report, and then he will complain to another department. The impact will be bad. If the city leaders find out, they will definitely not be happy."

"He can't even see the director, but he can see the city leaders?"

Principal Lin asked back, thought about it and smiled: "Besides, what do we do? We are engaged in vocational education. If you are afraid of even this and refund the money if he asks, how will we run a school in the future and how will vocational education develop? ?”

The city must be helping the local schools. If they really knew it, they would just give me a few warnings. Thinking about it, there is really nothing to worry about. Everyone laughed and drank happily.

At the same time, Shi Shengyong was reporting the situation to Bureau Zhou.

"Excluding the three children who are about to arrive home, there are a total of twelve people in Linghai who have been deceived. Six of them are junior high school graduates, three are high school graduates, and three are young people in their twenties. We have contacted Of the eight who went to school, only three young people went there by reading advertisements in newspapers, and the other nine junior high school and high school graduates went there after receiving admission notices..."

Of the twelve people, one attended the "junior college class" and the rest participated in three months of vocational training.

The tuition fee is not much, only 2,000 for short-term training, but the miscellaneous expenses are quite a lot, more than 2,000.

Arrangement for employment requires a physical examination and a deposit of 500 yuan. It was not until the factory arranged by the school that I realized that it was completely different from what was advertised before. The major was not relevant at all. I went directly to the assembly line to work as an operator. The monthly salary was only 400 to 500 yuan, and every day Have to work overtime.

The total economic losses amounted to more than 70,000 yuan, and people's time was also wasted.

Zhou Huixin figured out the situation, frowned and said, "Of the twelve people, only seven went to Huayuan, which is too few."

"Jue Zhou, plus the three that Xianyu found, there are ten!"

"Ten is not enough. We need to be well-known. If we want to establish a case with confidence, there must be many people involved and the amount of money involved must be large."

"What should we do?"

"I'll call the police in our district and county and ask them to help find out. There must be some in their jurisdiction. As long as we can find the victims who were deceived, we can investigate the case together."

The director is the director, and he will never fight an uncertain battle.

Shi Shengyong was secretly sighing, and Zhou Huixin continued: "How did the list of junior high school and high school graduates leak? How did those scammer schools know about it? It must be found out as soon as possible. As long as the person who leaked the list of graduates is found, they can follow the clues and find the responsible helper. With those few people admitted to the scam school, we will be more confident by then."


"Also, I will call the Longyong Police Station later and ask Lao Chen to find the leader of the Mingming Branch and ask if any children in several towns in Mingming County have been deceived. If so, we can contact them. Joint investigation by Taoming County Public Security Bureau."

Although Taoming is only a county and it is on an island, it is a county under the East China Sea!

If students in Taoming are also fooled, a joint investigation with the Taoming Public Security Bureau will mean a joint investigation between the public security agencies of the two provinces and cities and the Changhang Public Security Bureau.

Shi Shengyong grinned and said: "This is the best, but if there are results in the future..."

"This case must be special. We can't be petty and want to crack this hard nut. We can only do it in a way that is conducive to the investigation."

Zhou Huixin smiled and continued: "As for the other two scam schools involved, collect evidence first, but don't make it the focus of investigation. Judging from the feedback from Xianyu, the situation there is very complicated. We can neither To expand your ability, you can only focus on one hit."


"Xianyu has a mobile phone, doesn't he? You have to arrange for someone to go to the post and telecommunications office to arrange roaming for him, otherwise it will be inconvenient to contact him, and it is easy to leak the secret by always calling a public phone."


"Hurry up and implement it, we must move quickly."

After sending Shi Shengyong away, Zhou Huixin started calling the directors of several district and county public security bureaus. While he was busy asking for help, political commissar Sun Jiawen knocked on the door and walked in.

"Bureau Zhou, the Education Bureau has made a statement to cooperate with us in investigating how the list of graduates was leaked, and arranged for two cadres to join our investigation team."

"The old director went there in person?"

"Well, they were not very active at first and thought it was not a big deal. Chairman Li got angry and banged the table with them, saying that they were misleading children. The old director of the Education Bureau was shocked and quickly expressed his position."

Zhou Huixin put down the phone, raised her head and smiled: "They are probably worried that someone in the bureau is involved."

Sun Jiawen sat down and said: "There must be an insider, otherwise how could those scammer schools have the list of graduates? And they don't have the list of one or two middle school and high school graduates, but the entire county."

Zhou Huixin analyzed: "The problem should lie with the admissions office."

“Not many people have the list of junior high and high school graduates in the county, so it shouldn’t be difficult to check.”

"Speaking of scammers, I remembered something. The hotel near the bus station has a lot of scammers who are engaged in economic and technical cooperation consulting, and there are also many people who run around. Tonight we organize the security brigade and the Chengnan Police Station to carry out an operation. Check carefully."

"There are still a lot of fake military doctors who post small advertisements everywhere. We should investigate them carefully. Last year, when the city launched a health campaign, we also had a health responsibility area. It took three days to remove the advertisements they posted for treating difficult and complicated diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. .”

Speaking of Linghai Chuangwei, Zhou Huixin thought of a rumor and couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Is it that it was almost successful, but it was ruined by salted fish?"

You couldn't talk nonsense about this before, but now that Secretary Chen has been transferred, you can talk about it.

Sun Jiawen handed over a cigarette and said with a wry smile: "What we built last year was a sanitary city, which has little to do with public security. We invested so much manpower and financial resources, but failed to build it. The city must have an explanation to the top and bottom, so salted fish is Such accusations will cause our Public Security Bureau to take the blame for the failure of its establishment."

"How did he hit the muzzle of the gun?"

"He happened to be in the city that day and met several juvenile delinquents who were blocking the road and robbing him. He caught them and paraded them through the streets. The leader of the evaluation team from above saw them."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Bureau Zhou, you can actually laugh. We were all criticized for this matter, and Shi Shengyong was even more unlucky. He originally had the opportunity to be promoted to deputy department and join the bureau's party committee, but he was transferred to the No. 4 Police Station."

"Shi Shengyong is still capable. He missed an opportunity and will have another opportunity in the future. He is not too old."

Zhou Huixin thought for a while and then smiled and said: "And it is not a bad thing to break the convention that as long as you are the chief of the Shangchengnan Police Station, you can join the party committee team. Otherwise, the comrades who are the chief of the Shangchengnan Police Station will easily slack off and feel that as long as they manage their own people, You should be optimistic that you can become the deputy director sooner or later."

"That's true."

"You can talk to Shi Shengyong later and tell him that I, Zhou Huixin, am not that petty, and I have no friendship with those in the Public Security Section of the Fourth Factory. When something happened to the Public Security Section of the Fourth Factory, I was indeed criticized by Director Chen, but that was because I was in charge of internal security. The fact that the detachment leader was criticized had nothing to do with him.”

"Zhou Bureau..."

"Old Sun, I have been in Linghai for more than half a year. You should know what kind of person I am. You can talk to him later and ask him to put down his burdens and move forward lightly. The government will naturally help him consider what he needs to consider."

I have to admit that the person in front of me has a cheerful personality and always treats things rather than people. He really has a bit of Xu Sanye's style.

Sun Jiawen couldn't help but wonder if Xu Sanye had not died young, whether they would have had a huge fight because they both had strong personalities, or whether they would have cherished each other and worked together tacitly.

Zhou Huixin didn't know what his partner was thinking, so he smiled again: "Old Sun, I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I suddenly regretted letting Xianyu go. There are many policemen in the bureau who dare to fight, but people like Xianyu who dare to fight and fight But there are not many. To do our business, one must be bold. No matter how bold a person is, how productive the land is, there is a certain truth to this saying."

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